What is a Closure Type? Understanding Boost uBLAS

In summary, a "closure type" is a nested typedef found in the uBLAS package from boost.org. It is used in the implementation of BLAS using expression templates. Some classes also have a "same_closure" member function that checks for identity. The purpose of these "closure types" is unclear.
  • #1
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What is a "closure type"?

I first encountered it by looking at the source of the uBLAS package from boost.org -- it's essentially an implementation of the BLAS using expression templates.

I noticed that a lot of the classes have a nested typedef called "closure_type" (and a "const_closure_type"), and I've never heard of such a thing.

Also, a couple of the classes define a "same_closure" member function which simply tests for identity. For example, from the "scalar_value" class:
        bool same_closure (const scalar_value &sv) const {
            return this == &sv;    // self closing on instances value

And I haven't yet managed to discover the purpose of such a thing by looking through the source code, nor by googling for "closure type". (I get hits on closure type, but not enough info to infer what such a thing is, and the point of it)

Does anyone here know?
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  • #2
Because it's a non-standard coding to establish parameters to terminate an argument.
  • #3
Could you say that again?

FAQ: What is a Closure Type? Understanding Boost uBLAS

What is a Closure Type?

A closure type is a type that is automatically generated by the compiler in order to support lambda expressions in C++. It is used to capture variables and store them for later use in the lambda expression.

What is the purpose of a Closure Type?

The purpose of a closure type is to allow lambda expressions to access and modify variables from the surrounding scope. This allows for more flexible and concise code.

How is a Closure Type created?

A closure type is created by the compiler when a lambda expression is defined. The compiler generates a unique type for each lambda expression that captures variables from the surrounding scope.

What is the difference between a Closure Type and a regular function?

One of the main differences between a closure type and a regular function is that a closure type can access and modify variables from the surrounding scope, while a regular function can only use variables passed in as parameters.

How can understanding Closure Types be useful in Boost uBLAS?

Understanding closure types can be useful in Boost uBLAS as it allows for more efficient and concise code when performing mathematical operations on matrices and vectors. By using lambda expressions and closure types, complex mathematical operations can be written in a more readable and efficient way.

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