What is a damping. Text books say damping is proportional to velocity.

In summary, damping refers to the force that limits the amplitude of a vibration, and is commonly seen in various practical applications such as vehicle suspension, bridge construction, and screen door dampers. It is proportional to velocity and can be described by a damping coefficient, which helps prevent oscillations from becoming too large. Damping can also be caused by resistive components in electric circuits and can be seen in various forms such as constant, proportional, or proportional to velocity squared.
  • #1
What is a damping. Text books say damping is proportional to velocity. Why not damping is proportional force? or why not damping proportional to some other parameter. What does damping actually do ? Is there any practical
application ?
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  • #2
Practical applications!

I race motorcycles - try doing that with no damping in the suspension! If the damping fails, the wheels bounce up and down like you wouldn't believe and the bike is unraceable.

The applications are really too numerous to list, but vehicle suspension is a good one. Even some bridges (London's Millenium bridge) use damping.
  • #3
In most cases, a dampener is a piston, chamber and a fluid. In the direction of movement, the fluid is forced through a small orifice. This produces a restraining force against the direction of motion. The resistance comes from the back pressure created by forcing the fluid through the orifice. That will be a function of not only the speed of the motion, but the density of the fluid and the size of the orifice.

A very common application is the dampener on your screen door. There is an adjustment on it to control the rate of dampening. With that adjustment you are changing the orifice effective area.

You can find more information if you look under the term "dashpot."
  • #4
Damping is just a form of friction. Friction converts an organized form of energy into heat. It can be a constant (as in a tire against a road), proportional to velocity (as in shock absorbers), or proportional to velocity squared (as in turbulent losses). Usually only the middle one is called damping.
  • #5
krab said:
...It can be a constant (as in a tire against a road), proportional to velocity (as in shock absorbers), or proportional to velocity squared (as in turbulent losses). Usually only the middle one is called damping.
I never knew that Krab - thanks.
  • #6
To add a little practical detail, most dampers exert forces which are functions mainly of velocity, although that function is usually nonlinear. Automotive dampers can often be modeled as piecewise functions which become linear for large velocities (although they have very different slopes for positive and negative velocity). The lower-velocity function is usually quadratic (again, it is completely different depending on the direction of motion). A simpler damper would leave the car either uncontrollable or so stiff as to be literally painful to drive. The precise forms of these curves have a huge effect on a car's overall feel and performance.
  • #7
More generally, damping is caused by any element that dissipate energy into heat. In an electrical circuit, damping is provided by the resistive components. In a mechanical system, damping is provided by friction.
  • #8
chandran said:
What is a damping. Text books say damping is proportional to velocity. Why not damping is proportional force? or why not damping proportional to some other parameter. What does damping actually do ? Is there any practical
application ?
Damping refers to the force that limits the amplitude of a vibration - a simple harmonic oscillation.

The solution to a second order differential equation without a first order term is constant amplitude simple harmonic motion. So if the 'damping' were to be proportional to force, or acceleration, the 'damping force' would simply modify the co-efficient of the second order term. The character of the motion would not change - it would still be constant amplitude sinusoidal motion.

Only by adding a first order term - ie. proportional to the first time derivative of position or velocity - does the amplitude of the vibration diminish with time.

  • #9
A damped, driven oscillator is described by the equation :

[tex]m \ddot{x} - c \dot{x} - kx = f_0 sin(\omega_0 t + \phi) [/tex]

Here, c is called the damping coefficient, and accounts for dissipation in a non-ideal spring.
  • #10
Gokul43201 said:
A damped, driven oscillator is described by the equation :

[tex]m \ddot{x} - c \dot{x} - kx = f_0 sin(\omega_0 t + \phi) [/tex]

Here, c is called the damping coefficient, and accounts for dissipation in a non-ideal spring.
The solution of which is a function of arbitrarily large amplitude as c approaches 0 (assuming the forcing frequency [itex]\omega_0[/itex] is the natural frequency of the oscillator [itex]\sqrt{k/m}[/itex]). Hence, c is the damping coefficient. It prevents the amplitude from becoming arbitrarily large.

  • #11
Gokul43201 said:
A damped, driven oscillator is described by the equation :

[tex]m \ddot{x} - c \dot{x} - kx = f_0 sin(\omega_0 t + \phi) [/tex]

Here, c is called the damping coefficient, and accounts for dissipation in a non-ideal spring.
The forcing function does not need to be sinusoidal. A step function or a dirac delta function can initiate oscillations that are damped only if c is not zero. The equation should read:
[tex]m \ddot{x} - c \dot{x} - kx = f(t) [/tex]
By the way, the damping acts only on the natural oscilations. The response to the forcing sinusoid is another sinusoid of the same frequency but different phase and amplitude, but that amplitude is maintained without damping.
Also the oscillation can originate from a RLC circuit, where the resistive component R is responsible for the damping. In an electric circuit
[tex]-c = \frac{1}{RC}[/tex] or [tex]-c = \frac{R}{L}[/tex] or a combination of those.
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Related to What is a damping. Text books say damping is proportional to velocity.

1. What is damping?

Damping is a term used to describe the gradual decrease of energy in a system over time. In physics, it is often used to refer to a system's resistance to oscillation or vibration.

2. How is damping related to velocity?

In general, damping is proportional to velocity. This means that as the velocity of a system increases, the amount of damping also increases. In other words, the higher the velocity, the faster the energy is dissipated.

3. What is the purpose of damping in a system?

The purpose of damping is to reduce or eliminate unwanted oscillations or vibrations in a system. This is important in many applications, such as engineering and structural design, where excessive vibrations can cause damage or instability.

4. How is damping measured?

Damping can be measured in different ways, depending on the specific system and its properties. In general, it is often measured by the amount of energy dissipated per cycle of oscillation. In some cases, it can also be measured by the decrease in amplitude of the oscillations over time.

5. Are there different types of damping?

Yes, there are different types of damping, including viscous damping, coulomb damping, and structural damping. Each type is characterized by different properties and mechanisms for dissipating energy in a system.

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