What is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

In summary, the speaker is seeking assistance with using spherical harmonics to fit a model to some data. They mention that everything can be described as a linear combination of spherical harmonics, but they are struggling to understand what that means. They provide an attempt at a solution and ask for clarification on whether they are doing the linear combination correctly. They also ask for any help in solving the problem.
  • #1
I didn't get any bites in the Calculus section a few days ago so I'm hoping since this is likely a pretty basic part of spherical harmonics that someone here can aid me. Also hoping reposting in a new section after a few days is allowed. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Homework Statement

I'm working on using spherical harmonics to fit a model to some data. The thing is, everything can apparently be described as a "linear combination of spherical harmonics" but nobody is explaining in plain English what that means, at least to me! :D

Homework Equations

See below

The Attempt at a Solution

I see lots of double sum equations and everybody seems to solve spherical harmonics in a different way. So what I'd like to know, is this right? Based on the table of spherical harmonics I think a linear combination to get a 1st order spherical harmonic of them would look something like:

E(θ, [itex]\varphi[/itex]) = A*Y[0,0] + B*Y[1,0] + C*Y[1,1]

Where Y values are the spherical harmonics in the form Y[order, rank].

So to fit my model I would need to determine coefficients A, B, and C. Am I doing the linear combination right?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is this the way one would normally solve a problem like this? If not, what is the correct way? Any help would be appreciated!

FAQ: What is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

What is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

A linear combination of spherical harmonics is a mathematical expression that combines multiple spherical harmonics functions together, with each function multiplied by a constant coefficient. It is used to represent complex functions on a sphere, such as the gravitational potential of a planet or the electron density in an atom.

How is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics calculated?

To calculate a linear combination of spherical harmonics, the coefficients of each function are multiplied by their corresponding harmonics and then added together. For example, if we have three spherical harmonics functions: Y1, Y2, and Y3, with coefficients a, b, and c respectively, the linear combination would be expressed as aY1 + bY2 + cY3.

What is the importance of Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics in science?

Linear combinations of spherical harmonics are important in various fields of science, including physics, chemistry, and geophysics. They are used to express complex functions on a sphere, which allows for more accurate and efficient calculations of physical phenomena, such as the electromagnetic fields of a planet or the molecular orbitals of a molecule.

What are some real-world applications of Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

Linear combinations of spherical harmonics have various real-world applications, such as in GPS navigation systems, where they are used to calculate the Earth's gravitational potential and improve the accuracy of positioning. They are also used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of electrons in atoms and molecules, and in geophysics to model the Earth's gravity field and study its interior structure.

Are there any limitations to using Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

While linear combinations of spherical harmonics are powerful tools in representing complex functions on a sphere, they do have some limitations. One limitation is that they are only useful for functions that are symmetric about the center of the sphere. Additionally, they can become computationally expensive when dealing with higher orders and large datasets.

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