What is a move? (with neutrinos in mind )

In summary, this summarization of the conversation is about how there might be a faster-than-light move possible for neutrinos, and how this could be the reason why Voyager is slower than expected.
  • #1
What is a move? (with these superfast neutrinos in mind...)

When you go to a big restaurant, there are at any given time probably a certain amount of waitresses. It might be, one of them brings a soup, another a coffe and the third the bill.
But they all represent the other reality, the other side of business: so they are all the same for a customer.
It's somewhat like quantum mech: a certain amont of particles might just be in a space, OK? We cannot say, the waitress moved from soup to coffee and to the bill. They just appeared in certain points of the "wisible part" of this restaurant.
Some particles might of course be distracted in a bigger area. Say, like a certain amount of policemen are in a city. In real life, they really move around, of course. But it is possible to imagine a place, where some profession (maybe the street-sweeper) just appears in a certain place, does something and goes back into the house; then opens a door of the next house, where appears another street-sweeper and so on, around a planet, together with a certain hour.
Quite similar is the situation in some sport events, when fans stand up and sit down on tribunes, creating moving "waves", OK?
Now, such kind of move could have a maximum possible speed... say, exactly about c or so. But let's think: when it meets a place, where there are no benches for fans to stand up and sit down, it might act in many different ways. The move could just disappear, it might be hidden and move on, it might "jump it over" with no delay (because in the other reality, which shows off in this wave, it is permanently there, it just does not need any time to "go there").
Well, this of course is written with these suspicious neutrinos in mind. Could it be, they "jump over" some particles (?or something else)? If so, could it be, they move faster in thicker, denser, heavier matter?
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  • #2
Of course, it is possible to explain the same idea in a less funny way:
there might be on neutrinos track collections of particles which might absorb a neutrino at one side and in the same time emit a similar neutrino on the other side. Thus we get an illusion of a faster-than-light movement...
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  • #3
If so, could this hypothetical material or body of coherent particles (which absorbs neutrinos on one side and with zero delay emits neutrinos on another side) be pulled back toward the source of these neutrinos? Probably not too hard to check out.
Something like that might be the reason, why Voyager is slower than expected.
If this is true, could there be more massive particles, which act the same way (how about WIMP)? If so, there might be some impressive tricks in close reach...
After all, something like that might also explain, how neutrinos are switching from one type to another, OK?
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FAQ: What is a move? (with neutrinos in mind )

What is a move?

A move refers to the change in position or location of an object. In the context of neutrinos, a move refers to the movement or propagation of neutrinos through space.

What are neutrinos?

Neutrinos are tiny, electrically neutral particles that are one of the fundamental building blocks of matter. They are extremely light and can travel at near the speed of light.

How are neutrinos involved in a move?

Neutrinos are involved in a move because they are constantly moving through space, even passing through solid objects. Their movement is affected by gravity and other forces, leading to changes in their direction and speed.

Why are neutrinos important in understanding a move?

Neutrinos are important in understanding a move because they are the most abundant particles in the universe and their movement can provide valuable information about the behavior and properties of matter and energy in the universe.

What implications do neutrinos have in the study of movement?

Neutrinos have significant implications in the study of movement because they can travel long distances without being affected by other particles or forces. This makes them useful for studying movements within and outside of our galaxy, such as the movement of celestial bodies and the expansion of the universe.

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