What is a nonscalar curvature singularity?

In summary, a nonscalar curvature singularity in the context of "the wave of death" refers to a gravitational plane wave with a strong nonscalar null curvature that propagates through an initially flat spacetime. This singularity is defined as a geodesic incompleteness, where the metric is not continuously differentiable and can result in objects experiencing an infinite force. An example of this is the Aichelburg-Sexl ultraboost, which can cause objects to collide after being smacked by the wave.
  • #1
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What is a nonscalar curvature singularity, in the context of "the https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wave_of_death&action=edit&redlink=1 is a gravitational plane wave exhibiting a strong nonscalar null https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Curvature_singularity&action=edit&redlink=1 , which propagates through an initially flat spacetime".

The quote is from wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pp-wave_spacetime&oldid=666287121#Examples. There is a rather old post on the topic of "the wave of death", https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/wave-of-death.93654/, on PF which was quite interesting, but I'm not quite following the details as I'm not sure what a nonscalar curvature singularity is.

My best guess is that because scalar invariants, such as the Ricci scalar, all vanish for the pp wave class of space-times, one looks to higher-order tensors with "strong" components. What qualifies a component as being "strong" or "singular" is unclear to me at this point, I would speculate perhaps a tensor with dirac-delta function comonents would qualify?
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  • #2
pervect said:
My best guess is that because scalar invariants, such as the Ricci scalar, all vanish for the pp wave class of space-times, one looks to higher-order tensors with "strong" components. What qualifies a component as being "strong" or "singular" is unclear to me at this point, I would speculate perhaps a tensor with dirac-delta function comonents would qualify?
My guess is exactly the same as yours. In a local inertial frame I think that you have a curvature tensor with at least two Dirac delta components such that they cancel each other and you wind up with a zero curvature scalar.

I don't know if it is the Riemann or Ricci curvature tensor, but my guess is that either would qualify.
  • #3
The words "nonscalar curvature singularity" appear in Griffiths & Podolsky, but they are not defined. Have you looked in Hawking and Ellis? I don't own a copy.
  • #4
Why shouldn't the singularity mean the usual geodesic (or some variant) incompleteness? And being nonscalar as you said, all scalars are well behaved.
  • #5
I don't have Hawking and Ellis, alas, but it sounds like a good suggestion as to where to look - thanks.

Geodesic incompleteness (of timelike or null curves) makes sense in this context and I suspect it's what is meant. The points on the manifold where the metric isn't continuously differentiable would make the space-time geodesically incomplete if they are removed. Wald, after noting that singularities are hard to define, does mention geodesic incompleteness as the most satisfactory definition, and also the definition used in the various singularity theorems, which is good enough confirmation for me at this point.

Taking this all into account, then, a (relatively) simple example of a "wave of death" should be the aichelburg-sexl ultraboost, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aichelburg–Sexl_ultraboost.

My understanding of the ultraboost as a limiting sequence of a relativistic flyby, though, suggests that any particular test object (say a baseball) wouldn't necessarily be destroyed by the ultraboost - the "wave of death" isn't necessarily deadly. In the case of the ultraboost, for instance, it would be more like the baseball being given an impulse, as if it were hit by a bat. A glass ornament might well shatter under this treatment, the baseball might survive - depending on how hard the hit was. I think this also matches up reasonably well with the old PF post on the "wave of death".

It does seem a bit odd to talk about being able to predict the path (and fate) of the baseball when we just got through saying that the space-time was geodesically incomplete, but from a physical point of view (if not a mathematical one), it seems to make sense.
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  • #6
Very interesting, do you know if any of the references at the end of the wiki page have more details about this spacetime?

pervect said:
It does seem a bit odd to talk about being able to predict the path (and fate) of the baseball when we just got through saying that the space-time was geodesically incomplete, but from a physical point of view (if not a mathematical one), it seems to make sense.

Why would the incompleteness be a problem. The usual cosmological models are geodesically incomplete, but it is not a problem to find the world line of a particle (I assume that's what the path and fate mean), it's just not going to be very long.
  • #7
Ah, ok, this actually does sound familiar. I had a homework problem a few years ago in my GR course based on a plane-wave version of this. A very simple metric is

$$ds^2 = - 2 du \, dv + a(u)^2 \, dx^2 + b(u)^2 \, dy^2.$$
I invite you to work out the Riemann and Ricci tensors for such a simple metric, it took me about half a page. The only nonvanishing component of the Ricci tensor is

$$R_{uu} = - \frac{a''}{a} - \frac{b''}{b},$$
which will impose one constraint on ##a,b## from the Einstein equation (so there is one free function left: an arbitrary wave profile). Both the Ricci scalar and the Kretschmann invariant vanish. Hence "no scalars".

The real fun happens if you set

$$a(u) = 1 + \lambda u \Theta(u), \qquad b(u) = 1 - \lambda u \Theta(u),$$
where ##\lambda## is some constant and ##\Theta(u)## is the Heaviside step function. Then the above metric represents an impulsive plane wave, which smacks every object in its path with a momentary, infinite force as it passes. It also focuses worldlines into caustics, causing objects to collide after they have been smacked.
  • #8
How did you do the calculation on half a page? Are you doing something smart? It took me more than half a page just to find the connection 1-forms and the curvature 2-forms. Anyway I also must have made a mistake because the xx and the yy components of Ricci turned out to be non-zero. The only consolation is that the uu component came right. If I have the time I'll check my work and go to the second (fun) part of this exercise.
  • #9
I did it in a coordinate basis, and the "trick" is predicting in advance which terms have to be zero, and using symmetry under the exchange of x and y along with a(u) and b(u).

"Half a page" might be an exaggeration. I forgot that the Christoffel symbols were done already. Altogether, I think it's 3/4 of a page.

Related to What is a nonscalar curvature singularity?

1. What is a nonscalar curvature singularity?

A nonscalar curvature singularity is a point in spacetime where the curvature is infinite. This means that the laws of physics break down and cannot accurately describe what is happening at that point. This type of singularity is commonly associated with black holes.

2. How is a nonscalar curvature singularity different from a scalar curvature singularity?

A nonscalar curvature singularity is characterized by an infinite curvature, whereas a scalar curvature singularity has a finite curvature but an infinite value for a scalar quantity such as density or pressure. Both types of singularities result in the breakdown of known physical laws.

3. Are nonscalar curvature singularities real or just theoretical?

Nonscalar curvature singularities are predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity and have been observed in certain astrophysical phenomena, such as black holes. However, they are still theoretical in the sense that we do not fully understand them and their implications on the laws of physics.

4. Can a nonscalar curvature singularity be avoided or prevented?

Currently, there is no known way to avoid or prevent a nonscalar curvature singularity. These singularities are a natural consequence of the laws of physics and the properties of matter and energy. However, some theories, such as string theory, propose the existence of extra dimensions that may prevent the formation of singularities.

5. How do nonscalar curvature singularities affect our understanding of the universe?

Nonscalar curvature singularities are important in the study of general relativity and the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions. They also play a role in our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe, as they are predicted to have occurred during the Big Bang. However, their true nature and impact on the laws of physics are still not fully understood.

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