What is a Nuclear Quadrupole Moment?

In summary, a nuclear quadrupole moment is a measure of the distribution of electric charge within an atomic nucleus that influences its interaction with external electric fields. It arises in nuclei that have a non-spherical charge distribution, often found in nuclei with spin greater than 1/2. This moment plays a crucial role in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other spectroscopic techniques, affecting energy levels and transition rates. Understanding the nuclear quadrupole moment is essential for interpreting various physical phenomena and for applications in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science.
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Homework Statement
The Question is as follow:

For an infinite three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential well with oscillator frequency $\omega$, the radial wave functions for the lowest s-state and the lowest d-state are, respectively,

R_{1 s}(r)=2 v^{3 / 4} \pi^{-1 / 4} e^{-\frac{1}{2} v r^{2}} \quad R_{1 d}(r)=\frac{4}{\sqrt{15}} v^{7 / 4} \pi^{-1 / 4} e^{-\frac{1}{2} v r^{2}} r^{2}

Where, the oscillator length parameter $ v=M \omega / \hbar $, and $M$ is the mass of a nucleon. Find the root-mean-square radii in each of these states for $\hbar \omega=15 \mathrm{MeV}$. Compare the values obtained with the measured deuteron radius. For the radial wave function given above, what is the value of the off-diagonal matrix element $\left\langle R_{1 s}\left|r^{2}\right| R_{1 d}\right\rangle$ ? Use this model to calculate the quadrupole moment of the deuteron assuming that the wave function is predominantly made of the ${ }^{3} S_{1}$ - state with a $4 \%$ admixture of the ${ }^{3} D_{1}$ - state.

**In the last step of the problem it is asking to use the model to find quadrupole moment having states with admixture of ${ }^{3} S_{1}$ - state with a $4 \%$ admixture of the ${ }^{3} D_{1}$ - state.**

I cant get any approach how to start with this??
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