What is a separable Hausdorff subspace and how can it be demonstrated?

In summary, a non-separable space is a topological space without a countable dense subset, making it different from a separable space. Non-separable spaces have significance in topology and can be compact. Real-life examples include spaces of continuous functions, square-integrable functions, and bounded sequences of real numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Give an example of a topological space (X,T) that is separable and Hausdorff, with a subspace (A,T_A) that is not separable.

The Attempt at a Solution

Let X = R and T be a topology on X whose basis elements are open intervals intersected with the rationals and individual irrational numbers, essentially the discrete topology on the irrationals. Then T is Hausdorff and separable, and has a subspace (the irrationals) that is not separable.
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  • #2
Why do you think that space is separable? What is the countable dense subset?

FAQ: What is a separable Hausdorff subspace and how can it be demonstrated?

1. What is a non-separable space?

A non-separable space is a topological space in which there does not exist a countable dense subset. In other words, there is no countable set of points that are "close" to every point in the space.

2. How is a non-separable space different from a separable space?

A separable space is a topological space in which there exists a countable dense subset. This means that there is a countable set of points that are "close" to every point in the space. In contrast, a non-separable space does not have this property.

3. What is the significance of non-separable spaces in topology?

Non-separable spaces are important in topology because they provide examples of spaces that have unique properties and cannot be easily studied using methods designed for separable spaces. They also have applications in mathematical analysis and functional analysis.

4. Can a non-separable space be compact?

Yes, a non-separable space can be compact. Compactness is a property of a topological space that is independent of separability.

5. Are there any real-life examples of non-separable spaces?

Yes, there are several real-life examples of non-separable spaces. These include the space of all continuous functions on a given interval, the space of all square-integrable functions on a given interval, and the space of all bounded sequences of real numbers.
