What is a Subgroup? Definition, Equations & Explanation

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary, a subgroup is a set of elements of a group that forms its own group under the group operation, with the identity element of the group also being in the subgroup. A key concept related to subgroups is Lagrange's theorem, which states that the order of a subgroup must evenly divide the order of the larger group. Additionally, a subgroup that is self-conjugate, meaning its left and right cosets are equal, is considered a normal subgroup. The proof for this involves showing that the quotient group formed by the subgroup has a group structure if and only if the subgroup is normal.
  • #1

A subgroup H of a group G is a set of elements of G with G's group operation where H is also a group. The identity of G is also in H. The identity group and G itself are both trivial subgroups of G.

With a subgroup, one can partition a group's elements into left cosets and right cosets, where each side of cosets is disjoint, and where every coset contains the same number of elements as the subgroup. Lagrange's theorem follows:

If G is finite group, then order(H) evenly divides order(G) for every subgroup H.

If a subgroup's left cosets equal its right cosets, then the subgroup is a normal subgroup, and it is self-conjugate.


Left coset: [itex]gH = \{gh : h \in H\}[/itex]
Right coset: [itex]Hg = \{hg : h \in H\}[/itex]

Conjugate of H by g: [itex]H^g = gHg^{-1} = \{ghg^{-1} : h \in H\}[/itex]

Extended explanation

Proof that a normal subgroup is self-conjugate.

For g in G, left coset gH is equal to right coset Hg, from normality and from both cosets containing g. This means that for every h1 in H, there is a h2 in H such that

g*h1 = h2*g

Multiplying the right ends of both terms by g-1 gives

h2 = g*h1*g-1

or H = gHg-1 -- self-conjugacy.

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A good exercise which provides insights is the following:
Prove that a subgroup is normal if and only if its quotient has a group structure.

Given a group ##G## and a subgroup ##U<G##. Then we can always consider the set ##G/U=\{\,gU\,|\,g\in G\,\}## of equivalence classes with respect to ##U##. But ##G/U## is only a group itself, if ##U \triangleleft G## is a normal subgroup.

FAQ: What is a Subgroup? Definition, Equations & Explanation

1. What is a subgroup?

A subgroup is a subset of a larger group that contains elements that satisfy the same properties as the elements in the larger group. In other words, a subgroup is a smaller group that can be formed by selecting certain elements from a larger group and still maintaining the same structure and operations as the larger group.

2. How is a subgroup defined?

A subgroup is defined as a subset of a larger group that is closed under the same operations as the larger group. This means that when the elements of the subgroup are combined using the same operations as the larger group, the result will still be an element of the subgroup.

3. What are some examples of subgroups?

Some examples of subgroups include the set of even integers as a subgroup of the set of integers, the set of positive rational numbers as a subgroup of the set of rational numbers, and the set of rotations of a square as a subgroup of the group of symmetries of a square.

4. What are the equations used to define a subgroup?

The equations used to define a subgroup are the closure property, associativity property, identity element property, and inverse element property. These properties ensure that the elements of the subgroup behave in the same way as the elements of the larger group.

5. Why are subgroups important in mathematics?

Subgroups play an important role in mathematics as they allow for the study and classification of larger groups. They also help to simplify complex structures and operations by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable subsets. Subgroups also have applications in many areas of mathematics, such as group theory, geometry, and number theory.

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