What is best for me, applied physics or pure physics?

In summary, pure physics is the best degree for someone who wants to do research for companies all day.
  • #1
Felix Gonzales
I'm currently finishing up my second year in college and I'm expected to graduate on time (in two years) and I'm majoring in pure physics. I don't really fully understand the difference between applied physics and pure physics because anytime I look into it online there's 10 different answers and opinions. So my question to you all is, which is best for me, in your educated opinion, for someone who wants to be doing research for companies all day? I do plan on going on for a masters and PhD when the time comes and from what I've heard, it's best to be in pure physics if I plan on that, but what about after my education? What would be the best degree for me to graduate from my masters courses with?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
At a given school, the difference usually comes down to required courses. Could you make a list of which courses are required for each degree at your school, and we could explain the practical differences?
  • #3
Two issues to consider.

(1) As Dr. Courtney indicated, one issue is the set of required courses. If you have identified your target career, then it's a matter of comparing the sets of required courses and seeing which set best maps into your target career. For example, I got my PhD in physics many moons ago. Going into grad school, I knew that I wanted to specialize in solid-state physics and then work in industrial R&D, not academia. At my grad school, however, required core grad courses for a physics PhD included topics such as high-energy physics. I had no interest in it, it bored the hell out of me, yet it sucked up a lot of time since I had no intuitive feel for it.

If you haven't identified your target career, though, you obviously can't go through this exercise.

(2) Then there's the matter of perception of prestige. Some physicists consider an applied physics degree to be a lesser degree than a pure physics degree: that, if a university offers both a pure physics degree and an applied physics degree, then getting accepted into the pure physics dept is harder. Whether this is in fact true (and may vary with the university), I don't know. On the other hand, when it comes to competing for a job slot, I think a candidate with a PhD in applied physics from Harvard will beat out a candidate with a PhD in pure physics from Okefenokee Swamp U. So, there's also the issue of the specific university as well as the degree.
  • #4
Dr. Courtney said:
At a given school, the difference usually comes down to required courses. Could you make a list of which courses are required for each degree at your school, and we could explain the practical differences?

I compared them and the only differences are I have to take matrix algebra and a more in depth course in quantum and a couple other physics courses. Though it seems my degree, pure physics, is more of a well rounded type of degree in physics which I don't know if I would benefit from.

CrysPhys said:
Two issues to consider.

(1) As Dr. Courtney indicated, one issue is the set of required courses. If you have identified your target career, then it's a matter of comparing the sets of required courses and seeing which set best maps into your target career. For example, I got my PhD in physics many moons ago. Going into grad school, I knew that I wanted to specialize in solid-state physics and then work in industrial R&D, not academia. At my grad school, however, required core grad courses for a physics PhD included topics such as high-energy physics. I had no interest in it, it bored the hell out of me, yet it sucked up a lot of time since I had no intuitive feel for it.

If you haven't identified your target career, though, you obviously can't go through this exercise.

(2) Then there's the matter of perception of prestige. Some physicists consider an applied physics degree to be a lesser degree than a pure physics degree: that, if a university offers both a pure physics degree and an applied physics degree, then getting accepted into the pure physics dept is harder. Whether this is in fact true (and may vary with the university), I don't know. On the other hand, when it comes to competing for a job slot, I think a candidate with a PhD in applied physics from Harvard will beat out a candidate with a PhD in pure physics from Okefenokee Swamp U. So, there's also the issue of the specific university as well as the degree.

Thanks for the insight, definitely gave me some insight and something to consider when applying for grad schools.
  • #5
It seems the pure physics path will likely prepare you better for most MS and PhD programs, as well as for the Physics GRE and whatever qualifying exams your graduate program may have.
  • #6
If you want to do applied physics research for a company, you generally want to get a PhD in engineering over applied physics or pure physics, because HR will give you fewer problems and you will be paid more (at least initially).

There are ways to get a PhD in engineering with a physics background.
  • #7
Dr. Courtney said:
It seems the pure physics path will likely prepare you better for most MS and PhD programs, as well as for the Physics GRE and whatever qualifying exams your graduate program may have.
Thanks for your advice doctor!

Crass_Oscillator said:
If you want to do applied physics research for a company, you generally want to get a PhD in engineering over applied physics or pure physics, because HR will give you fewer problems and you will be paid more (at least initially).

There are ways to get a PhD in engineering with a physics background.

Hmm that's interesting. Thanks for the advice!
  • #8
Crass_Oscillator said:
If you want to do applied physics research for a company, you generally want to get a PhD in engineering over applied physics or pure physics, because HR will give you fewer problems and you will be paid more (at least initially).

I don't believe this is true in general. Depends on the specific field and the specific company.
  • #9
I think the distinctions between applied physics and physics at least for the schools I know of are mostly in coursework and probably teaching and funding. I say this because I know of a lot of physics students working in applied physics labs and vice versa. I think physics would give you more flexibility at many places since research wise you pretty much have access to the same professors as in applied physics in addition to the people in the physics department. It depends on the institution, but a lot of people who get their PhDs in physics may have worked with someone in a different but related department like materials science, electrical engineering, chemistry etc.
  • #10
CrysPhys said:
I don't believe this is true in general. Depends on the specific field and the specific company.
I don't have the facts on hand, just anecdotes from people with EE PhD's in solid state device physics. They were always paid more, and it was explicitly due to the fact that they could get high paying jobs that a physics PhD could not.

You are correct that there are definitely exceptions.

Related to What is best for me, applied physics or pure physics?

1. What is the difference between applied physics and pure physics?

Applied physics is the study of the practical applications of physics principles, while pure physics is the study of the fundamental laws and theories of physics. In other words, applied physics is focused on using physics to solve real-world problems, while pure physics is focused on understanding the underlying principles of the physical world.

2. Which field of physics has better job prospects?

This ultimately depends on your personal interests and skills. Applied physics may have more direct job opportunities in fields such as engineering, technology, and research and development, while pure physics may have more opportunities in academia and research.

3. Can I switch between applied physics and pure physics later in my career?

Yes, it is possible to switch between the two fields later in your career. Many physicists work in both applied and pure research at different points in their careers. However, it may require additional education and training.

4. Which field of physics is more challenging?

Both applied physics and pure physics have their own unique challenges. Applied physics may involve more hands-on experimentation and problem-solving, while pure physics may involve more theoretical and mathematical concepts. It ultimately depends on your strengths and interests.

5. How can I decide which field of physics is best for me?

The best way to decide is to explore both fields through coursework, internships, and research experiences. This will give you a better understanding of the types of work and skills required in each field. It's also important to consider your personal interests and strengths to determine which field aligns best with your career goals.

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