What is Causing the Mysterious Super-Charged Particles in Italy?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: I say 'integrated' with the Super-charges?In summary, Italy has a mystery surrounding an increase in fires that experts are still stumped on. It is possible that the unusual solar activity from last year is to blame, though there is no clear answer yet.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A very strange situation?

Normally I keep all of this stuff in the S&D Forum but we seem to have an ongoing and genuine mystery in Italy that reportedly has many experts stumped. Since this story has maintained its status as a credible one for some time now I thought that some of you non-S&D types might be interested. :biggrin: Please see the following thread.


I am posting this as an unusual science news story [potentially anyway]. Please ignore any paranormal gibberish.

Near the bottom of the thread, the second one on this subject incidently, you will find the latest news link provided by Zoobyshoe.


Here is the original thread about this which began on Feb 11th, 04.


Note: If Integral, Doc or Chroot happen by, please fix the spelling on this thread's title. I really can spell situation. :rolleyes:
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  • #2
Ivan Seeking said:
Normally I keep all of this stuff in the S&D Forum but we seem to have an ongoing and genuine mystery in Italy that reportedly has many experts stumped. Since this story has maintained its status as a credible one for some time now I thought that some of you might be interested. Please see the following thread.


I am posting this as an unusual science news story [potentially anyway]. Please ignore any paranormal gibberish.

Near the bottom of the thread, the second one on this subject incidently, you will find the latest news link provided by Zoobyshoe.


Here is the original thread about this which began on Feb 11th, 04.


Note: If Integral, Doc or Chroot happen by, please fix the spelling on this thread's title. I really can spell situation. :rolleyes:

Without going into the whole thread, I am going to make a calculated guess here based on Extra-Solar-Activity (just made that word up to give it and edge!)

The Unusual Solar activity from late last year (you can provide the links Ivan if you don't mind you had some really neat ones showing the activity?) placed an excess amount of Super-Charged Particles onto the Earth from the Sun. The Earths Magnetic field has guided the Super Particles deep into the Earths Core, building up some pretty unstable Charge's.

Sicily being where it is, and with an 'open' canopy to the surface via the Volcano, would experience the Particles coming to ground 'Earthing', but from below the Surface (not from the usual above ground direction) and via the Lava reservoirs underground.

A number of other factors have to be considered also, but this is the crux of what is happening there.

You heard it here first, and you can quote me on it anytime :rolleyes:

Actually you can give PF the credit, why not e-mail the mayor of the town and tell them this is the cause-effect?..great publicity for Gregs site?

No Fear is the Key.

Each child is born for Greatness with the force that surrounds them, Jon Anderson-Nine Voices.
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  • #4
The thing that really perplexes me is that individual devices and wires allegely burst into flames but no reports of widespread simultaneous effects are mentioned...as if specific devices are somehow targeted. I was thinking that this must be induced in the power lines feeding the area somehow, but according to the reports this does not seem likely. I also assumed for a long time that these reports must be flawed but similar accounts are still coming.
  • #5

A scientist from the Protezione Civile proposed something much like your suggestion: that there was an excess of charged paticles leaking out of the Earth at this village, but this wouldn't explain how these charged particles are starting the fires. I don't see any obvious solution in the charged particle theory.

You may want to read the original thread where we hashed out a bunch of ideas.
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  • #6
zoobyshoe said:

A scientist from the Protezione Civile proposed something much like your suggestion: that there was an excess of charged paticles leaking out of the Earth at this village, but this wouldn't explain how these charged particles are starting the fires. I don't see any obvious solution in the charged particle theory.

You may want to read the original thread where we hashed out a bunch of ideas.

Many thanks to both of you. I will have more time to go through the whole threads and get a better picture. Before I went off to sleep last night, Iwas thinking back to the recent Sunspot activity, all the auroror's around the Earth, there would be a lot of Electrical items that are plugged into their sockets, even though they are not used regularly, soaking up these 'Pent-up-Charges'.

If the above is close to what is currently happenning, then some Electrical items would be collecting the Super-charges, they would act as drain off points. Then when someone actually switches the item on to use it they would be accelerated around circuits etc..

After use, the Super-Charges 'exotic' particles would react within certain areas of material componants, causing chemical reactions in some locations, especially where finite elements are concerned, magnesium components for instance?
  • #7
Super-Charged Super Particles building up on the Earth? Come on Ivan, you know this doesn't belong here.

- Warren

FAQ: What is Causing the Mysterious Super-Charged Particles in Italy?

1. What is the cause of this strange situation?

The cause of a strange situation can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances. It could be due to a natural phenomenon, human actions, or a combination of both. It is important for scientists to thoroughly investigate and gather evidence in order to determine the cause.

2. How can we solve this strange situation?

Solving a strange situation requires a systematic approach and collaboration among scientists from different fields. It often involves conducting experiments, analyzing data, and developing theories to explain the situation. It may also involve implementing practical solutions to mitigate the effects of the situation.

3. Is this strange situation dangerous?

The level of danger associated with a strange situation depends on its severity and potential impact on living organisms and the environment. Some strange situations may pose immediate threats while others may have long-term consequences. It is important for scientists to assess the level of danger and communicate this information to the public.

4. How long will this strange situation last?

The duration of a strange situation can vary greatly and is often difficult to predict. It may be a temporary event that resolves itself over time, or it could be a long-term issue that requires ongoing attention. Scientists continuously monitor and study the situation to make predictions and inform the public.

5. Can this strange situation happen again in the future?

It is possible for a strange situation to occur again in the future, especially if the underlying cause is not addressed or if similar conditions are present. Scientists aim to understand the underlying mechanisms of a strange situation in order to predict and prevent future occurrences.

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