What is E=mc² What is it used for?

  • Thread starter Jadaav
  • Start date
In summary, E=mc² is an equation that represents the relationship between mass and energy. It is used in nuclear reactions to convert mass into energy or vice versa. More information about it can be found on the topic of special relativity, specifically on the Wikipedia page for E=mc².
  • #1
What is E=mc²

What is it used for?

Where can i find more information about it?

it is related to which topic?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3

Thanks I'll read it:)
  • #4

Energy= Mass x Speed of Light(squared)
Where C represents the speed of light 299,792,458 metres per second (commonly abbreviated 2.99792458 x 108 )
  • #5

It's used in nuclear reactions, as per the conversion of mass into energy or vice versa.

I believe they can use it to find the energy released when two protons and two neutrons bind to form an alpha particle...
  • #6

Basically, the equation E=mc² is a statement of mass-energy equivalence. Mass is energy, and energy is mass.

Here's an example. Let's say you have a helium balloon of volume 12.4L at standard ambient air temperature and pressure. That volume of helium is equivalent to about 0.002kg of gas.

Now, let's assume (rather unrealistically) that you were able to convert all of the helium in your balloon into energy. How much energy would this be?

Using E = mc², we substitute our known values (mass in kg and the speed of light, c, in meters / second) to obtain a result:

E = (0.002kg)(3.00x10^8)² = approx. 180 TJ (terajoules) of energy.

To help visualize, 1T of TNT yields approx. 4.184GJ of energy. Thus, the helium in your balloon would yield about as much energy as 43kT (kilotonnes) of TNT!

Perhaps even more interestingly, the same can happen in reverse. Energy can be used to create a mass (m) of matter. However, as we have seen here, a great deal of energy is required to generate even a small amount of matter!

FAQ: What is E=mc² What is it used for?

What is E=mc² and what does it mean?

E=mc² is a famous equation proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity. It states that the energy (E) of an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared.

What is the significance of E=mc²?

E=mc² is significant because it revolutionized our understanding of the relationship between mass and energy. It showed that mass and energy are interchangeable and can be converted into one another. This equation has had a huge impact on modern physics and has been used in various applications, including nuclear energy and the development of nuclear weapons.

How is E=mc² used in nuclear energy?

In nuclear energy, E=mc² is used to calculate the amount of energy released during a nuclear reaction. When atoms are split or fused, a tiny amount of mass is converted into a tremendous amount of energy, which can be calculated using this equation. This energy is then used to power turbines and generate electricity.

What other applications is E=mc² used for?

E=mc² has also been used in other applications such as medical imaging, where it helps to calculate the energy released during positron emission tomography (PET) scans. It has also been used in space travel, as it explains the relationship between mass and energy in regards to the speed of light, which is crucial in understanding the behavior of objects traveling at high speeds.

Is E=mc² universally accepted by the scientific community?

Yes, E=mc² is a well-established and widely accepted equation in the scientific community. It has been supported by numerous experiments and has been used to make accurate predictions in various fields of physics. However, it is important to note that it is a part of Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is still being studied and refined by scientists.

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