What is a Group Representation and How Does it Act on a Vector Space?

In summary, a group representation is a way of realizing a group using matrices, and it can be decomposed into irreducible representations. These irreps can be transformed and have special properties such as being self-conjugate or real. Linear representations of groups and Lie algebras also involve the action of these elements on a vector space.
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A group representation is a realization of a group in the form of a set of matrices over some algebraic field, usually the complex numbers.

A representation is irreducible if the only sort of matrix that commutes with all its matrices is a sort that is proportional to the identity matrix. An irreducible representation is sometimes called an irrep. The number of irreps of a group is equal to its number of conjugacy classes.

One may decompose a reducible representation into irreps by transforming its matrices into block-diagonal matrices where each block is an irrep matrix:

D(a) -> {D1(a), D2(a), ..., Dn(a)}


Representation matrices D(a) for elements a satisfy

D(a).D(b) = D(a*b)

The identity one is D(e) = I, and the inverse is
[itex]D(a^{-1}) = D^{-1}(a)[/itex]

A representation can be transformed into an equivalent one with
[itex]D(a) \to SD(a)S^{-1}[/itex]
for some matrix S.

However, the traces of the representation matrices, the representation characters, remain unchanged.

Extended explanation

There are some interesting special cases of representations.

Every finite or countably-infinite group has a regular representation. This representation can be constructed as follows. Define an index function for each element i(a) for constructing the indices to the representation matrices. Those matrices are thus

Di(x),i(ax)(a) = 1 for all x in the group, 0 otherwise

An irrep k with dimension nk has nk copies of it in the regular representation, and that gives this interesting expression for the group's order:
[itex]n_G = \sum_k (n_k)^2[/itex]

It can also be shown that nk evenly divides the group's order.

The irreps of abelian groups have dimension 1, and those of finite abelian groups are the products of irreps of their component cyclic groups.

The irreps of cyclic group Z(n) are given as follows for element j and irrep k:
D(k)(aj) = ωjk

where ω is an nth root of unity, a is a generator, and j and k range from 0 to n-1.

An irrep is self-conjugate if there is some matrix S that satisfies
D*(a) = SD(a)S-1
for all a in the group. If an irrep is not self-conjugate, it is complex.

If an irrep has det(S) = +1, then it is real, while if it has det(S) = -1, then it is pseudoreal or quaternionic. Every pseudoreal representation has even dimension.

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See also https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/representations-precision-important/
Important to know is, that the wordings: representation - operates on - acts on are basically the same.

A linear representation of a group ##G## on a vector space ##V## is a group homomorphism ##G \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} GL(V)##. We say that the elements if ##G## act (operate) on ##V\, : \, g.v = \varphi(g)(v)##.

A linear representation of a Lie algebra ##\mathfrak{g}## on a vector space ##V## is a Lie algebra homomorphism ##\mathfrak{g} \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} \mathfrak{gl}(V)##. We say that the elements if ##\mathfrak{g}## act (operate) on ##V\, : \, g.v = \varphi(g)(v)##.

FAQ: What is a Group Representation and How Does it Act on a Vector Space?

What is group representation?

Group representation is a mathematical concept used to describe the relationship between a group and its elements. It involves assigning each element of the group to a matrix or linear transformation, allowing for the group's properties to be studied in a more concrete and manageable way.

What are the types of group representations?

There are two main types of group representations: faithful and non-faithful. A faithful representation preserves all the group's properties, while a non-faithful representation may not preserve all properties. There are also irreducible and reducible representations, which describe the complexity of the representation and its ability to be broken down into smaller representations.

Why is group representation important?

Group representation allows for the study of group theory in a more concrete and visual way. It also has important applications in physics, chemistry, and other fields, where groups are used to describe symmetry and other properties of physical systems.

What is the difference between group representation and group theory?

Group theory is the branch of mathematics that studies groups, their properties, and their applications. Group representation is a tool used in group theory to better understand and visualize the properties of a group. In other words, group representation is a part of group theory.

How is group representation used in real-world applications?

Group representation has many practical applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer science. For example, it is used in quantum mechanics to describe the symmetries of particles and in computer graphics to create 3D models with rotational and reflection symmetries. It also has applications in cryptography, where group representations are used to encrypt and decrypt data.
