What is happening in simple circuits with inductors and capacitors?

In summary, the four circuits described involve a current or voltage source connected in a loop with either an inductor or a capacitor. In each case, the behavior of the circuit is dependent on the properties of the components, such as the constant current in the inductor or the build-up of electrons in the capacitor. However, in practical applications, there may be additional considerations, such as the resistance of real world components or potential issues with infinite voltage or current.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Explain what is happening in the following four circuits:

I don't know how to draw the circuits, but they're really really simple:

(a) Current source connected in a loop with an inductor
(b) Current source connected in a loop with a capacitor
(c) Voltage source connected in a loop with a capacitor
(d) Voltage source connected in a loop with an inductor

Homework Equations

i = C dv/dt (for capacitor)
v = L di/dt (for inductor)

The Attempt at a Solution

I feel like this is so easy but I have no confidence in my answers...

(a) The current source feeds constant current into the inductor. Note: CONSTANT current.

v = l di/dt
constant current ==> v = i * 0 = 0
Therefore there is no voltage drop across the inductor.

The problem is...I thought inductors and capacitors function as resistors in the steady state...which implies that there is a voltage drop across the inductor (since current is flowing through a resistor).

(b) The current source keeps pumping current into the capacitor. This causes electrons to build up on the plate. Thus, the capacitor is charging up. This can't go on forever because at some point the capacitor will fill up and not be able to take in any more electrons on its plate (after it's fully charged).

(c) The voltage source demands a voltage (v1) to go across it. This means there must be a voltage drop of v1 across the capacitor AT ALL TIMES. So, current runs through the capacitor until the capacitor gets charged to the point where the voltage across it is equal to v1. At this point current CEASES TO FLOW. And the capacitor is charged to v1 volts.

But, if that is the case, then what exactly is happening in the intervening time? That is, how is the voltage across the capacitor ALWAYS v1 if the voltage across the capacitor is constantly increasing until it reaches v1? Doesn't this imply that the voltage across the capacitor was BELOW v1 prior to that? Contradiction...

ALTERNATE SOLUTION: The voltage is constant. Therefore, dv/dt is zero.
i = C dv/dt , where dv/dt = 0 ==> i = 0

The voltage source has a drop of v1 across a short circuit. Contradiction...

(d) The voltage is constant.
v(t) = L di/dt

To support the constant voltage, the current must be CONSTANTLY increasing forever and ever. This obviously can't go on forever, but that's what's happening in the circuit.

These are a lot more complicated than I thought...but I think if someone understands this they really have a solid understanding of inductors and capacitors. Please let me know where my logic has gone astray.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
If you don't worry too much about switching on, what you describe under a) is correct. And indeed, a real world inductor has some resistance.

Under b) the capacitor keeps filling (it can store Q = C V) so there's Always room for more charge, but the voltage across the thing increases as a consequence. Real world capacitors will break down with a discharge at some voltage.

Under c) you justifiably worry about what happens in time. Theoretically an infinite current charges the capacitor to V = Q/C in zero time. In reality there is some resistance to make it happen in finite time.

And d) is in the same ball park: if the inductor is ideal, the voltage source will explode, and if the voltage source is ideal, the inductor will have an unpleasant meltdown.

I think you get the picture pretty well. And your logic holds up. :)
  • #3
What BvU said. Looks like you understand it all. Don't worry too much about real world components or potential problems such as "infinite" voltage or current. Best assume they are ideal components. In an exam if you have time you can expand your answer to include real world effects but chances are they just want the basics unless they say otherwise.

FAQ: What is happening in simple circuits with inductors and capacitors?

1. What are inductors and capacitors?

Inductors and capacitors are electronic components used in circuits to store and manipulate electrical energy. Inductors store energy in the form of a magnetic field, while capacitors store energy in the form of an electric field.

2. How do inductors and capacitors work?

Inductors and capacitors work by storing and releasing electrical energy. Inductors use a coil of wire to create a magnetic field, while capacitors have two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material to create an electric field. When connected to a circuit, these components can store and release energy depending on the current and voltage applied.

3. What are the differences between inductors and capacitors?

The main difference between inductors and capacitors is the type of energy they store. Inductors store magnetic energy, while capacitors store electric energy. Additionally, inductors resist changes in current, while capacitors resist changes in voltage. Inductors also have a property called inductance, while capacitors have a property called capacitance.

4. How are inductors and capacitors used in circuits?

Inductors and capacitors are used in circuits for a variety of purposes. Inductors are commonly used in power supplies to filter out unwanted high-frequency signals. They are also used in oscillators and resonant circuits. Capacitors are used for filtering, decoupling, and energy storage in circuits. They are also used in timing circuits and as part of tuning systems.

5. What are some common applications of inductors and capacitors?

Inductors and capacitors have many applications in electronics, including radio frequency (RF) circuits, audio and video equipment, power supplies, and electronic filters. They are also used in motors, transformers, and other electrical equipment. In addition, inductors and capacitors are important components in many electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, and televisions.
