What is life as an Aerospace Engineer like?

In summary: From what you have said, it sounds like a Ph.D. may be a better option. It would definitely make a difference in the job market, and would give you more of a leg up. It is difficult to double major though, as you would have to choose one field of study over the other.
  • #1
QoL,Location,Pay,especially what do you do for work?

I'll listen for now and will chime in later..
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your question is way too general. You should really narrow down what you want to ask.
  • #3
What is your average day like?
You wake up...etc.
  • #4

wake up, drive 1 hr to work, work 4 hours, lunch, 4 more hours, 1.25 hours home, take it easy for 4 hours, back to sleep.

something like that?

im assuming you want to know a little more about the 4 hours on either side of lunch. its difficult to explain, you just work. nothing like school. you don't sit there continuously plugging numbers into cont. eqn, bernoulli, etc... you (or at least i) don't sit there deriving equations all day. there's lots of phone calls and emails with vendors, customers, co-workers etc... lots of walking around looking for people, getting signatures.
  • #5
I imagine you work at a smaller company?
I mean I can't iamgine say Lockheed Martin says their engineers on the phone all day.
Do get a nice office or what?
Is it free structured or is it more bureaucratic like business?
  • #6
Are you currently in high school WhiteKnights?

I'm still having a hard time figuring out the point to your questions.
  • #7
WhiteKnights said:
Do get a nice office or what?

you don't do engineering for a big office or big paycheck.

i live in a 8' x8' cubicle with 5' walls, luckily i can decorate the walls with whatever i choose (tastefully of course)

from what i have come to see, there is no logical reason to be an engineer. there are a lot easier jobs that pay a lot more with a lot less schooling. If you really like airplanes (aerospace engineer) and can't explain why, but you know there is no other job you'd rather do. aerospace engineering is probably a reasonable choice.

i work at a smaller company ~5k people. its not that smaller companies have to talk to other people all the time, where an engineer at one of the big 3 doesn't. its not like that, you do what it takes to get the job done.

as far as structure, it depends on the company and the group in the company you work for. my group is structured, another group just down the hallway is less so
  • #8
I am in high school and I am interested in Aerospace Engineering.

Would there be a way to specialize in the 'space" portion of Aerospace Engineering focusing more on building manned or maybe unmanned spacecraft ?

Or maybe more of an advanced R&D position a la Skunk Works or Phantom Works?
  • #9
WhiteKnights said:
I am in high school and I am interested in Aerospace Engineering.

Would there be a way to specialize in the 'space" portion of Aerospace Engineering focusing more on building manned or maybe unmanned spacecraft ?

Or maybe more of an advanced R&D position a la Skunk Works or Phantom Works?

Yes, there is an aero track, and a space track that splilts after sophmore year. I highly doubt that you would actually work on and build a spacecraft though. The money just isn't there.
  • #10
WhiteKnights said:
I am in high school and I am interested in Aerospace Engineering.

Would there be a way to specialize in the 'space" portion of Aerospace Engineering focusing more on building manned or maybe unmanned spacecraft ?

Or maybe more of an advanced R&D position a la Skunk Works or Phantom Works?

lol, maybe a study on the integration of a RTG on an outer solar system probe that would get canceled after SRR.

as far as getting a job straight away in an advanced development group, there's 2 (equally unlikely) ways. get a job at a small company, or be the smartest in your class. The guy i knew that was offered an AD job had a 4.0 in math and aero graduating in 4 years. was the valedictorian or college of science, engineering and aerospace department
  • #11
mshinavar said:
lol, maybe a study on the integration of a RTG on an outer solar system probe that would get canceled after SRR.

as far as getting a job straight away in an advanced development group, there's 2 (equally unlikely) ways. get a job at a small company, or be the smartest in your class. The guy i knew that was offered an AD job had a 4.0 in math and aero graduating in 4 years. was the valedictorian or college of science, engineering and aerospace department

It is my goal, I never said it would happen right away.Could a M.S or a Ph.D make a difference?

Also is it easy to double major?
Could I like double major in say AE and EE? What about AE and Physics/Math?
I know AE and ME is common because AE is applied ME.

I know JPL or Skunk Works(Dream Jobs) May not happen right away, but have may have a shot at NASA since I have above average connections to them.
Is it job availability is still good? I hear even though funding is getting cut, people are retiring, making a even job market?...Is this true?
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  • #12
WhiteKnights said:
It is my goal, I never said it would happen right away.Could a M.S or a Ph.D make a difference?

Also is it easy to double major?
Could I like double major in say AE and EE? What about AE and Physics/Math?
I know AE and ME is common because AE is applied ME.

I know JPL or Skunk Works(Dream Jobs) May not happen right away, but have may have a shot at NASA since I have above average connections to them.
Is it job availability is still good? I hear even though funding is getting cut, people are retiring, making a even job market?...Is this true?

Sorry, please learn to walk before you try to run. Don't even think about an M.S or PhD at this point. That's like asking me if you would like to be the CEO of boeing or lockheed martin in the next 20 years...

No, it's not easy to major in AE and EE, but its possible and will take more time. AE is NOT applied ME. I don't know where you got that notion from. AE is AE, ME is ME.
  • #13
You have to run to win a marathon.

OK,What would the best course of action be to achieve what I want to achieve?
Nothing is in stone and I just trying to lay my options on the table and do some research.
  • #14
WhiteKnights said:
You have to run to win a marathon.

OK,What would the best course of action be to achieve what I want to achieve?
Nothing is in stone and I just trying to lay my options on the table and do some research.

Ask questions about obtaining an undergrad degree. M.S., P.h.D, Jobs, are NOT options on your table at this point.
  • #15
Cyrus said:
Ask questions about obtaining an undergrad degree. M.S., P.h.D, Jobs, are NOT options on your table at this point.

That is being harsh eh...
I am not setting a course,I am just weighing my options.You will not a see a choice soon.

And to say you can't discuss jobs and degrees in the same sentence is absurd...
People wouldn't get a degree ,if it didn't get them a job and formulate their degree to get a job they want.
  • #16
Sure, it's good to get a bit a of information on what the job prospects are, but until you have completed your undergrad degree, you won't know whether such a career is something you want to do, or even if you will be able to do it.

I'm moving this to academic and career guidance.
  • #17
You're only in high school, you don't know what you want yet. Wait until your junior year in college until you start doing research like this, by then your interests and the industry will have changed. Theres a 70% chance that you will drop out of engineering and go for a business degree anyway.
  • #18
WhiteKnights said:
That is being harsh eh...
I am not setting a course,I am just weighing my options.You will not a see a choice soon.

And to say you can't discuss jobs and degrees in the same sentence is absurd...
People wouldn't get a degree ,if it didn't get them a job and formulate their degree to get a job they want.

Again, you're not 'just weighing my options' you are flat out daydreaming.

People get a degree in an area that interests them. But if you want to sit here and talk about jobs all day long, I'd like to know what kind of a job search you did concerning the aerospace industry lately. What were the types of positions available that you were looking into? How many did you call up and talk to about the pay and type of position?

You're saying phrases like, "I can work at NASA", which is so vague it essentially means nothing. Work at NASA? What location? Doing what? Getting paid how much? Are they even hiring in what you want to do?

Here's what you should be asking:

(a) What classes should I take to obtain a degeree in an area that interests you
(b) Where are good places to look for internships/co-ops that will allow me to see if I like this line of work
(c) What kind of classes outside my major should I take to have a broad knowledge base
(d) How many classes should I take my first semester?
(e) How are you going to pay for college?
(f) If I work while going to school, how many hours should I work?
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  • #19
cristo said:
Sure, it's good to get a bit a of information on what the job prospects are, but until you have completed your undergrad degree, you won't know whether such a career is something you want to do, or even if you will be able to do it.

I'm moving this to academic and career guidance.

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  • #20
Topher925 said:
You're only in high school, you don't know what you want yet. Wait until your junior year in college until you start doing research like this, by then your interests and the industry will have changed. Theres a 70% chance that you will drop out of engineering and go for a business degree anyway.

You guys are much more serious then me.
By no means do I plan on picking something tomorrow.
hell I will probably enter undecided into college.

I don't see what is wrong with writing a list of career choices that interest you. Listing possible jobs, ideal and likely ones along with pay,locations, job availability...etc. And maybe adding or crossing off interests as you develop them.
  • #21
theres absolutely nothing wrong bout thinking about wages, and job demand..

but I am wondering..is there demand for aerospace engineers?? Does america need to make more aircrafts?? i remmeber on the news last month, an aeospace company (name i forgot) was outsourcing its manufacturing process to another country. I wouldn't be suprsed if they employed aerospace engineers from other countries. ppl can learn aerospace engineering anywhere in the world right?
  • #22
Aerospace engineering has a fine future in the US. A huge amount of AE related projects are classified and purely designed in America. From space systems to unmanned vehicles (UAVs), there is plenty of work -- it's very ignorant to say that AE's are in danger of being outsourced (i.e. you must not work in the industry).

I work for a big aerospace company, but I am an EE. I could tell you what my day is like, which is probably pretty standard for an engineer at a large aerospace company.

I get in around 8 or 9 AM. I grab breakfast and read emails at my desk. I usually average about 2 to 3 meetings a day, so I make sure I know when all of those are. Then I start my work. What I'm doing depends on what phase the project is in. I do digital design, and I'm still in the process of writing code. I do that for a few hours, and then I head to meetings. Usually, you have a status meeting to update the project leads on how your design is faring. You have leads in different areas - in your field, program managers who deal with time-lines and planning, an overall project lead, costing people, etc. Everybody loves status meetings. At these meetings, you can see how the other engineers are doing with their respective portions of the project. Engineers from other areas, like mechanical or aerospace design, are typically not involved in daily status meetings. They have their own meetings with their own leads to deal with. However, on overarching project meetings, we are all together.

I usually eat lunch at my desk. During that time I catch up on my emails and fix my schedules and time estimates (generally a spreadsheet where you can detail how long you estimate certain pieces and phases of your project are going to take). I spend a few more hours working on my design and talking with other designers on the same project as me. At around 5 or 6 PM I call it a day. Unless we are behind schedule, in which case I'll stay later or work from home.

I hope that helps a little bit. I imagine most engineering disciplines have a similar structure during their design phase. Not every day is the same, obviously, but that's a pretty typical day for me right now.
  • #23
That is pretty helpful, Thanks.

Is there any R&D sometimes?
How about travel?
  • #24
WhiteKnights said:
That is pretty helpful, Thanks.

Is there any R&D sometimes?
How about travel?

Yes, there is plenty of R&D. There are lots of units devoted to pure R&D within the company. That's where the highest concentration of PhDs are. In fact, that's where I'd like to be in a few years.

By travel, what do you mean? Business related travel? The higher up people do travel, and some engineers get to travel to visit with customers or help get a product set up. You are never forced to travel, though. You sign up for it. And I believe you get a big pay increase while you are away on business.

I'm just starting my career, so I have never traveled for business yet.
  • #25
Can chemical engineers work in the aerospace industry?
  • #26
leumas614 said:
Can chemical engineers work in the aerospace industry?

I'm sure they can, but I have not personally met one yet. I've met a few materials engineering people, though.
  • #27
Maxwell said:
I'm sure they can, but I have not personally met one yet. I've met a few materials engineering people, though.
So you're just starting out your career? Do you enjoy your job? Do you remember being in university and wondering what kind of job you will land, and how everything will work out? And if you don't mind, what is the pay like? What about for people higher up?

I just completed my first year as a physics major.

I think if would be a great idea if we could have a sticky, or a whole sub-forum devoted to people posting all about their jobs. I think it would really help out people like me, and the original poster. I love reading about what people do. I'm always wondering where the hell I could possible end up.
  • #28
Maxwell said:
Aerospace engineering has a fine future in the US. A huge amount of AE related projects are classified and purely designed in America. From space systems to unmanned vehicles (UAVs), there is plenty of work -- it's very ignorant to say that AE's are in danger of being outsourced (i.e. you must not work in the industry).

I work for a big aerospace company, but I am an EE. I could tell you what my day is like, which is probably pretty standard for an engineer at a large aerospace company.

I get in around 8 or 9 AM. I grab breakfast and read emails at my desk. I usually average about 2 to 3 meetings a day, so I make sure I know when all of those are. Then I start my work. What I'm doing depends on what phase the project is in. I do digital design, and I'm still in the process of writing code. I do that for a few hours, and then I head to meetings. Usually, you have a status meeting to update the project leads on how your design is faring. You have leads in different areas - in your field, program managers who deal with time-lines and planning, an overall project lead, costing people, etc. Everybody loves status meetings. At these meetings, you can see how the other engineers are doing with their respective portions of the project. Engineers from other areas, like mechanical or aerospace design, are typically not involved in daily status meetings. They have their own meetings with their own leads to deal with. However, on overarching project meetings, we are all together.

I usually eat lunch at my desk. During that time I catch up on my emails and fix my schedules and time estimates (generally a spreadsheet where you can detail how long you estimate certain pieces and phases of your project are going to take). I spend a few more hours working on my design and talking with other designers on the same project as me. At around 5 or 6 PM I call it a day. Unless we are behind schedule, in which case I'll stay later or work from home.

I hope that helps a little bit. I imagine most engineering disciplines have a similar structure during their design phase. Not every day is the same, obviously, but that's a pretty typical day for me right now.

By digital design, do you mean digital controllers? Z-transforms and the like?
  • #29
Business is for making money. Science/Engineering is because you're too obsessed with finding stuff out and tinkering with things to be happy in a "normal job" and figured out that you can actually get suckers to pay you to do the things you want to do anyway...*cough*...uhh, something like that.

leumas614 said:
Can chemical engineers work in the aerospace industry?

Where do you think new jet fuels come from? :D

Plenty of materials work too, which ChemE is often relevant to.
  • #30
under_par_00 said:
So you're just starting out your career? Do you enjoy your job? Do you remember being in university and wondering what kind of job you will land, and how everything will work out? And if you don't mind, what is the pay like? What about for people higher up?

I just completed my first year as a physics major.

I think if would be a great idea if we could have a sticky, or a whole sub-forum devoted to people posting all about their jobs. I think it would really help out people like me, and the original poster. I love reading about what people do. I'm always wondering where the hell I could possible end up.

Yes, I am just starting. In fact, I just transitioned to part-time while I continue working on my master's degree. I really do enjoy my job, it's not the same type of excitement you get from entertainment - it's more like contentment and a nice challenge. It's cliche, but I sometimes I do say to myself: "I can't believe I get paid to do this."

During the time I was an undergraduate I always wondered and worried about how everything works out. I also remember hearing some really incorrect rumors like: "you don't use anything you learn at school in the real world. All of your learning takes place on the job." This is complete nonsense. Another thing I heard about, and thus worried about, was the job market. People were always saying that engineering jobs were all going over seas, and that EE/CE is on its way out of the country. That is BS, there are plenty of jobs. I get contacted very often, and I see job postings all the time. Obviously outsourcing exists, but the aerospace and defense industry seems pretty safe against that.

As for the pay, it is very good. I make more money than I can use, so I get to save a lot. There are a lot of other nice perks and it's very easy to further your education and career, which is something I like a lot and is very important to me.

As for the people higher up, well, I can see the salary ranges for most positions and job types, and the higher level engineers and managers make a lot of money. There are many tiers of management, and engineering managers across the various levels make a lot of money. More than I had expected and heard about as a student.
  • #31
Cyrus said:
By digital design, do you mean digital controllers? Z-transforms and the like?

Yeah, I do mean something like that. Designing a digital system (to be put into a larger system) to specs and implementing it on a microcontroller, FPGA, etc. So that could involve a Z-Transform, but that would just be a small part in the processing chain. I wouldn't be taking Z-Transforms, I'd be implementing code onto some sort of chip that would calculate the transform.
  • #32
Maxwell said:
Yeah, I do mean something like that. Designing a digital system (to be put into a larger system) to specs and implementing it on a microcontroller, FPGA, etc. So that could involve a Z-Transform, but that would just be a small part in the processing chain. I wouldn't be taking Z-Transforms, I'd be implementing code onto some sort of chip that would calculate the transform.

Well, I mean't the construction of digital controls, i.e. controllers for the plant dynamics.

What exactly do you do? I.e., what are you designing, for which aircraft etc..
  • #33
mshinavar said:
from what i have come to see, there is no logical reason to be an engineer. there are a lot easier jobs that pay a lot more with a lot less schooling.

What jobs do you recommend that are easier/less schooling/pay better than engineering?
  • #34
Its a good idea to have some idea where your headed, but making specific plans before your even in college is a complete waste of time. Pretty much everyone changes their minds a few times about what they want to do after college and i'd say almost half of students change their majors during the first couple years. And really your major isn't all that important during your first two years as most of your classes are going to be general education classes anyway.

FAQ: What is life as an Aerospace Engineer like?

1. What does an Aerospace Engineer do?

An Aerospace Engineer designs, tests, and oversees the production of aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. They use their knowledge of physics, mathematics, and materials science to create and improve these vehicles and systems.

2. What skills are required to become an Aerospace Engineer?

Aerospace Engineers need a strong foundation in math and physics, as well as skills in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software. They also need to be detail-oriented, analytical, and have excellent problem-solving skills.

3. What is a typical day like for an Aerospace Engineer?

A typical day for an Aerospace Engineer may involve analyzing data and test results, designing and modifying prototypes, meeting with team members and clients, and conducting research. They may also spend time in a lab or on a production floor overseeing the manufacturing process.

4. What are the challenges of being an Aerospace Engineer?

Aerospace Engineers face challenges such as tight deadlines, tight budgets, and the need to constantly stay updated on new technologies and regulations. They also have to ensure that their designs are safe, reliable, and efficient.

5. What are the opportunities for career advancement as an Aerospace Engineer?

Aerospace Engineers can advance in their careers by taking on more complex projects, obtaining advanced degrees, and gaining experience in different areas of the field. They may also have opportunities for leadership roles, such as project manager or team leader.

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