What is LQG and which book is better: Parallel Worlds or Fabric?

In summary, The Fabric of the Cosmos is a dense book that requires a lot of concentration, but is interesting and accessible to an educated non-physicist reader. The Elegant Universe is a more popular book that has less information in it and is easier to read.
  • #1
I watched the first half of the TV series a few months ago, and watched the rest just last night. I also asked for the book for Christmas, and am pretty sure I will get it. How does it compare to the TV series? Will it be much more complicated? I've never taken a physics class and right now am only in Chemistry and Calculus.

One last question, what is LQG?
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  • #3
You will be able to understand it, Brian Greene is amazing, however it is VERY different from the movie.
  • #4
The book is much more in depth about topics... they had to adapt the TV program to a much more general audience, I think you be amazed at what you read as you go through the book. I ended up taking about 15 min a page and taking notes and everyonce in awhile just haveing to put it down being overwhelmed with ideas. I loved it.
  • #5
Greene's books

I read Brian Greene's most recent book The Fabric of the Cosmos but not The Elegant Universe. In The Fabric... he refers back frequently to The Elegant Universe, giving me the impression that there's a fair amount of overlap between the two books. The Fabric... has plenty on string theory, the topic of the earlier book. Plus, in The Fabric..., Greene discusses string theory within the context of a larger cosmological framework. I agree with the previous comment that, although lively and accessible to an educated, non-physicist reader, the subject matter in Greene's popular books is still very dense and requires a great deal of concentration (I don't know if I took 15 minutes per page, but I did put in a lot of effort). Thus, for the reasons stated above, it may be a better strategy to just jump ahead to reading The Fabric..., while letting the TV version suffice for your exposure to The Elegant Universe.
  • #6
Have you read Paralell Worlds?

Im starting on it now as I was a huge fan of Hyperspace and read that many times. I've never read anything from Brian Greene, have you read Dr.Kaku's latest book and if so which book did you like better, Paralell or Fabric?

FAQ: What is LQG and which book is better: Parallel Worlds or Fabric?

1. What is "The Elegant Universe" about?

"The Elegant Universe" is a popular science book written by physicist Brian Greene. It explores the fundamental theories of modern physics, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics, and their potential unification through string theory.

2. What makes "The Elegant Universe" unique?

Unlike other books on physics, "The Elegant Universe" presents complex concepts in a more accessible and engaging manner. It uses analogies, illustrations, and real-life examples to make the subject matter easier to understand for non-scientists.

3. Is "The Elegant Universe" suitable for non-scientists?

Yes, while the book covers advanced topics in physics, it is written in a way that is accessible to anyone with an interest in the subject. It does not require extensive knowledge of mathematics or physics to understand the main concepts.

4. Does "The Elegant Universe" present a complete theory of everything?

No, "The Elegant Universe" discusses the potential for a unified theory of physics, but it does not present a definitive answer. The book explores different theories and their implications, but the search for a complete theory of everything is still ongoing in the scientific community.

5. How has "The Elegant Universe" been received by the scientific community?

The book has been well-received by both the general public and the scientific community. It has been praised for its clear explanations and engaging writing style. However, it has also faced some criticism for oversimplifying complex concepts and presenting string theory as a more established theory than it currently is.

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