What is MakerEngineer: A Forum for DIY Mechanical Enthusiasts?

  • Thread starter MakerEngineer
  • Start date
  • #1
Good evening!
I just found out about this forum and decided I should join. I choose the name "MakerEngineer" because I generally build things/fabricate/do mechanical things for fun. While I'm not an actual engineer, I like the math and theory behind how things work. Maybe one day I'll get an engineering degree, I only have two years of school to make it happen. Too bad I'm spending my next two years doing a Master's in Aerospace Management through Embry Riddle Worldwide. Look forward to conversing with you all!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Good evening, MakerEngineer. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5725/red5e5etimes5e5e45e5e25.gif
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