What is meant by compunding in a dc compund generator

In summary, "compounding" in a DC compound generator refers to the design of having part of the field coil in parallel with the rotor coil and part in series, allowing for a more consistent speed under varying loads.
  • #1
What is meant by "compunding" in a dc compund generator

Hi friends, i have a doubt and i hope this would not mind you at all
What is meant by "compunding" in a dc compund generator
I hope someone of you can help me. :cool:
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Must be a typo. Please check the spelling of the word.
  • #3
i am sorry friend... u will have to pardon me its "compounding" but not "compunding"
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  • #4
It means that part of the field coil (stator) is in parallel with the rotor coil and part is in series.

This makes it possible for a motor to have a more even speed with varying loads.

FAQ: What is meant by compunding in a dc compund generator

What is "compounding" in a DC compound generator?

"Compounding" in a DC compound generator refers to the process of connecting a shunt winding in series with the armature winding. This allows for the generator to have both series and shunt characteristics, resulting in a more stable and efficient output.

How does compounding affect the output of a DC compound generator?

Compounding allows for the output voltage of a DC compound generator to remain relatively constant, even when there are fluctuations in the load. This is due to the combined effects of the series and shunt windings, which work together to regulate the voltage.

What are the two types of compounding in a DC compound generator?

The two types of compounding in a DC compound generator are cumulative compound and differential compound. In cumulative compound, the series and shunt windings are connected in the same direction, while in differential compound, they are connected in opposite directions.

What are the advantages of using compounding in a DC compound generator?

Compounding provides several advantages for a DC compound generator, including a more stable output voltage, increased efficiency, and the ability to handle variations in load without significant changes in output. It also allows for a wider range of applications for the generator.

Are there any disadvantages to using compounding in a DC compound generator?

While compounding offers many benefits, there are also a few potential disadvantages. One is that the generator may be more complex and require more maintenance due to the presence of multiple windings. Additionally, if the compounding is not properly adjusted, it can result in overloading of the generator and potential damage.
