What is meant by "electromagnetic energy resolution"?

In summary, "electromagnetic energy resolution" refers to the accuracy achieved when measuring the energy of a particle in a detector, specifically for objects that predominantly deposit energy through electromagnetic processes such as electrons and photons. In the context of liquid argon time projection chambers, this term would refer to the resolution of the energy deposits in the single tank of liquid argon, which includes both electromagnetic and hadronic processes.
  • #1
I'm reading about detectors and seeing the term "electromagnetic energy resolution", but can't find a definition. Is this simply referring to the resolution of the energy of electrically charged particles? Or could it be to do with the resolution achievable through a particular method of detection, for example, measuring ionization charge rather than Cerenkov light (not that photons are any less 'electromagnetic' than electrons really, but whatever) ? Or something else?

And will it typically be referring to the energy that the particle actually has, or the detectable energy that it has deposited?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
First impression for the term "electromagnetic energy resolution" is "the accuracy that is achieved when measuring the energy of a particle". The 'simply' part of your post.

In detectors you want to know as much as possible of the decay products: identity (charge and rest mass), and the velocity vector, and as precise as possible.

What you can measure are things like momentum (ionization tracks in a magnetic field), speed (Cerenkov, time-of-flight scintillation counters), total energy (for particles that give off electromagnetic showers in e.g. NaI or BGO crystals). Particles interact differently with the material they encounter in a detector, so these detectors are designed to allow a maximum of identification and tracking for the specific (or general) purposes of the experiment.

So (a second 'yes') sometimes the energy resolution is a construct from indirect measurements: e.g. we have measured the momentum and assume it is a pi+ from time-of-flight.
  • #3
What is the context?
Many detectors have electromagnetic calorimeters (where photons and electrons/positrons deposit their energy in electromagnetic showers) and hadronic calorimeters (similar but for hadrons and hadronic showers), and "electromagnetic energy resolution" sounds like the energy resolution of an electromagnetic calorimeter.
  • #4
mfb said:
What is the context?
Many detectors have electromagnetic calorimeters (where photons and electrons/positrons deposit their energy in electromagnetic showers) and hadronic calorimeters (similar but for hadrons and hadronic showers), and "electromagnetic energy resolution" sounds like the energy resolution of an electromagnetic calorimeter.

The context is liquid argon time projection chambers. For example the term is used in this paper:

Underground operation of the ICARUS T600 LAr-TPC: first results
C. Rubbia
Journal of Instrumentation 6 07011 (2011)
  • #5
In that paper it means the resolution for objects that predominantly deposit energy by electromagnetic processes.
  • #6
That is the energy resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter.
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
In that paper it means the resolution for objects that predominantly deposit energy by electromagnetic processes.

"objects that predominantly deposit energy by electromagnetic processes."

Does that effectively just mean 'charged objects' then?
  • #8
I think Vanadium meant "electromagnet showers".

Electrons and photons. That is a complete list.

Hadrons deposit their energy later (mainly in the hadronic calorimeter), muons don't lose much energy in either calorimeter, neutrinos don't get detected at all, all other particles don't live long enough to reach the calorimeters.
  • #9
mfb said:
I think Vanadium meant "electromagnet showers".

Electrons and photons. That is a complete list.

Hadrons deposit their energy later (mainly in the hadronic calorimeter), muons don't lose much energy in either calorimeter, neutrinos don't get detected at all, all other particles don't live long enough to reach the calorimeters.

What about when the detector is a time projection chamber though? That isn't separated into EM and hadronic calorimeters, rather just a single tank of liquid argon. In that instance would you just treat the term as meaning 'anything charged'?
  • #10
Answered in post #5.
  • #11
I never saw the term "electromagnetic energy resolution" used for a TPC.
  • #12
It's a liquid argon TPC so photons shower.
  • #13
Ah, right. So we have a calorimeter design.

FAQ: What is meant by "electromagnetic energy resolution"?

1. What is electromagnetic energy resolution?

Electromagnetic energy resolution refers to the ability of a detector to accurately measure the energy of incoming electromagnetic radiation. It is a measure of the detector's ability to distinguish between different energy levels of radiation.

2. How is electromagnetic energy resolution measured?

Electromagnetic energy resolution is typically measured by exposing the detector to a known source of radiation with a specific energy level and then comparing the measured energy level to the known value. The difference between the measured and known energy levels is the resolution.

3. What factors affect electromagnetic energy resolution?

There are several factors that can affect electromagnetic energy resolution, including the type and quality of the detector material, the design of the detector, and the energy of the radiation being measured. Noise and other external factors can also impact resolution.

4. Why is electromagnetic energy resolution important?

Electromagnetic energy resolution is important because it directly impacts the accuracy and precision of measurements made by detectors. A higher resolution means more accurate measurements, which is crucial in many scientific fields such as medical imaging, astronomy, and materials science.

5. How can electromagnetic energy resolution be improved?

There are several ways to improve electromagnetic energy resolution, such as using higher quality detector materials, optimizing the detector design, and reducing external sources of noise. Additionally, advanced signal processing techniques can be used to enhance resolution and improve the accuracy of measurements.

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