What is meant by the completeness of eigenfunctions?

In summary, the completeness of eigenfunctions refers to the ability of a set of eigenfunctions to represent any function within a given space. It is closely related to the eigenvalue equation and is important in quantum mechanics for solving the Schrödinger equation and making predictions about quantum systems. A set of eigenfunctions can be both complete and orthogonal, and this property can be tested or verified through mathematical calculations or experimental results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is meant by the completeness of eigenfunctions?

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand the AX(x)=BX(x) where A is the operator, B is the eigenvalue and X(x) the eigenfunction.

I cannot find anywhere anything on what is meant by the completeness of eigenfunctions. Any idea?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A "complete" set of eigenvectors (called eigenfunctions if you vector space is a space of functions) is a set of eigenvectors that forms a basis for the vector space. In particular, "self adjoint" operators always have a complete set of eigenvectors.

FAQ: What is meant by the completeness of eigenfunctions?

What is the definition of completeness of eigenfunctions?

The completeness of eigenfunctions refers to the property of a set of eigenfunctions that allows them to represent any function within a given space. In other words, it means that any function within that space can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions.

How is the completeness of eigenfunctions related to the eigenvalue equation?

The completeness of eigenfunctions is closely related to the eigenvalue equation, which is a mathematical expression that relates the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a linear operator. The completeness of eigenfunctions is a result of the orthogonality and normalization conditions of the eigenfunctions, which are necessary for the eigenvalue equation to hold.

Why is the completeness of eigenfunctions important in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the completeness of eigenfunctions plays a crucial role in solving the Schrödinger equation and determining the energy levels of a system. It allows for the use of eigenfunctions as a basis for representing wavefunctions and making predictions about the behavior of quantum systems.

Can a set of eigenfunctions be both complete and orthogonal?

Yes, a set of eigenfunctions can be both complete and orthogonal. In fact, these properties are closely related as the completeness of eigenfunctions is a result of the orthogonality conditions between them. Orthogonality means that the inner product between any two eigenfunctions is equal to zero, and this property is necessary for the completeness of eigenfunctions to hold.

How is the completeness of eigenfunctions tested or verified?

The completeness of eigenfunctions can be tested or verified through mathematical calculations and proofs. One way to do this is by using the Gram-Schmidt process to construct an orthonormal basis from the set of eigenfunctions and then showing that any function within that space can be expressed as a linear combination of these basis functions. Additionally, the completeness of eigenfunctions can be verified through experimental results in quantum systems, where the predictions made using eigenfunctions are compared to actual observations.

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