What is meant by winding state of a field?

In summary, the winding number is a number that describes how many times a field or object raps around a compactified dimension. It appears in situations like QCD and relativistic quantum mechanics, where it is used to index states of particles.
  • #1
Can anybody explain what is meant by winding modes of excitation? How do such states contribute to total energy? For example, in the case of a scalar field in 2 dimensional toroidal space, how to calculate these?
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  • #2
the winding number just counts how many times a field or object raps around a compactified dimension (a.k.a a circle). You might have a field or object that goes something like [tex]\phi (x,y)=\phi (x) e^{i2\pi n y/R}[/tex]

Now let's say that y is defined modulo R, y ~ y + R (that is: the compactified dimension has length R). Then you can see that the field above will wind up n times by the time y goes from 0 to R. So n is the winding number. Assuming that a scalar field on a 2D torus is analogous to a closed string then the contribution goes like [tex]\Delta E = n^{2}R^{2}[/tex]
  • #3
Thanks for your response, but I don't fully understand. Why should the energy contribution go like
\Delta E = n^{2}R^{2}
Even dimensionally how is that possible? Can you please elaborate a bit?
  • #4
The winding number is not only defined in situation where you have such a thing as a "compactified dimension". This is a very specific term that people use in string theory, and using it here is confusing, especially if you refer to a circle, which is not what people use in string theory.

Winding numbers appear for instance in QCD (or any Yang-Mills in general). Instantons for instance have a non vanishing Pontryagin index, and are essential in many models of the vacuum and/or bound states. It is a topological number indexing equivalent vacua.

Winding numbers appear in situation as simple as a closed loop in a plane. Suppose such a loop encloses the origin. How do you know ? Draw a line from the origin all the way outside the loop. Choose an orientation of the loop. Count positive every time the crossing is (say) right, negative otherwise. If you get a non-zero number, the origin is on the other side of the outside, that is what you define as inside. If the loop winds 3 times, you'll get 3 (or -3). This is also called the Brouwer degree in that case. No matter how complicated you deform the curve as long as you don't cut it : topological property are (what is) stable against continuous deformation.
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  • #5
arroy_0205 said:
Thanks for your response, but I don't fully understand. Why should the energy contribution go like
\Delta E = n^{2}R^{2}
Even dimensionally how is that possible? Can you please elaborate a bit?

You have to be careful about what units you're working with (what are you setting "equal to 1") - I always thought of winding number along the same lines as a "particle in a box" from ordinary, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. There, you have:

mE ~ n^2/R^2, n = integer

(setting hbar = 1 and ignoring pi's and 2's and whatnot). Generalizing this to a relativistic situation, mE -> E^2, and we have the formula for winding number states.

In the case of a "compactified extra dimension" you can think of this extra dimension as a "box", and the above logic holds, with n now physically representing the quantum of momentum in the extra dimension (this follows directly from solving the schrodinger - or klein gordan if relativistic - equation).

Hope that helps.

FAQ: What is meant by winding state of a field?

1. What is the winding state of a field?

The winding state of a field refers to the direction and strength of the electromagnetic field lines within a given area or space. It is a measure of the magnetic flux density, which determines the strength of the magnetic field.

2. How is the winding state of a field measured?

The winding state of a field is measured using a device called a magnetometer. This device can detect and measure the magnetic flux density, which is used to determine the winding state of the field.

3. Why is the winding state of a field important?

The winding state of a field is important because it affects the behavior of charged particles within the field. It also plays a crucial role in many technological applications such as motors, generators, and transformers.

4. Can the winding state of a field be changed?

Yes, the winding state of a field can be changed by altering the direction and strength of the current flowing through a conductor. This can be done by using devices such as switches, resistors, and capacitors.

5. How does the Earth's magnetic field relate to the winding state of a field?

The Earth's magnetic field is a result of the winding state of the Earth's core. It is constantly changing due to the movement of charged particles within the core, which affects the winding state of the field. This magnetic field is what allows us to use a compass for navigation.

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