What is quantum angular momentum

In summary, angular momentum in quantum mechanics has two main types: orbital and spin, and is restricted to discrete values. It can be described using ladder-operator algebra and can be combined with other angular momenta. The eigenstates of angular momentum are determined using the square of the angular momentum operator, which yields j(j+1) as the eigenvalue. This leads to the interesting result that j can be either an integer or a half-odd number.
  • #1

Angular momentum carries over from classical mechanics into quantum mechanics, but quantum-mechanical angular momentum is restricted to discrete values. There are two main types: orbital or kinematic angular momentum, and spin or intrinsic angular momentum, carried by a field's internal geometry. Spin appears in the classical limit in the circular polarization of electromagnetic waves, which carries angular momentum.

For orbital angular momentum, one can find wavefunctions by turning the angular-momentum operators into differential operators in the angular coordinates, and then finding the solutions of the appropriate differential equations. One finds spherical harmonics, functions that also appear in multipole expansions of fields.

Both orbital angular momentum and spin can be described with an elegant ladder-operator algebraic formulation, the Lie algebra U(1) in the 2D case and the Lie algebra SO(3) ~ SU(2) in the 3D case. This formulation also applies to sums of angular momenta, meaning that its results apply to mixture angular momenta as well as to "pure" ones.

Angular-momentum operators are closely related to rotation generators, and that is why a field's internal geometry can carry angular momentum.

From the ladder-operator formulation, one finds that total angular momentum j can be a half-odd number as well as an integer. Orbital angular momentum can only be an integer, while spin can be any value. The relationship with rotation has an interesting consequence. Rotating by 360 degrees multiplies the wavefunction by (-1)^(2j), meaning that it reverses sign if j is half-odd, but stays the same if j is an integer.

Angular momenta can be combined, with j1 and j2 yielding total angular momenta ranging in integer steps between |j2-j1| and (j1+j2). The eigenstates are sums of products of the original angular-momentum eigenstates and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. One can find combined spin-orbit eigenstates in this way.


Angular momentum: [itex]{\mathbf L} = {\mathbf x} \times {\mathbf p} ,\ L_i = \epsilon_{ijk} x_j p_k[/itex]

Its commutators: [itex][L_i,L_i] = i \hbar \epsilon_{ijk}L_k[/itex]
and [itex][L_i,L^2] = 0[/itex]

Theoretical work often uses the convention hbar = 1, and that convention will be used here. These commutators are also true of spin and combined angular momentum.

2D angular momentum has eigenvalues m, and 2D orbital angular momentum restricts m to integer values. Its orbital wavefunctions are [itex]e^{im\phi}[/itex].

3D angular momentum J has eigenvalues of its square j(j+1), where j is a multiple of 1/2, and eigenvalues of some selected component m, where m goes in integer steps between -j and j. 3D orbital angular momentum restricts j to integer values, and its wavefunctions are spherical harmonics: [itex]Y_{jm}(\theta,\phi)[/itex]

Extended explanation

Here is the ladder-operator derivation of the eigenstates of angular momentum J.

The square, J2 = Jx2 + Jy2 + Jz2, commutes with all its components, and thus has its own eigenvalue. But since angular-momentum components do not commute with each other, the angular-momentum states can be eigenstates of the angular momentum component in only one direction. This is conventionally taken to be the z-direction. Thus,
J2|C,m>= C|C,m>
Jz|C,m> = m|C,m>

We can construct raising and lowering operators
J+ = Jx + i*Jy
J- = Jx - i*Jy

and they have commutators
[Jz,J+] = J+
[Jz,J-] = -J-
[J+,J-] = 2Jz

The square is
J2 = J+J- + Jz(Jz - 1) = J-J+ + Jz(Jz + 1)

The raising and lowering operators relate the eigenstates with
J+|C,m> ~ |C,m+1>
J-|C,m> ~ |C,m-1>

Let the minimum and maximum eigenstates be defined by
J+|C,mmax> = 0
J-|C,mmin> = 0

Plugging into the equation for J2, we get
C = mmax(mmax + 1) = mmin(mmin - 1)

This yields mmin = - mmax, and for convenience, we can rename mmax j, the total angular momentum. Thus
C = j(j+1)
and using j instead of C in the eigenstate designations,
[itex]J_z |j,m> = m |j,m>[/itex]
[itex]J_+ |j,m> = \sqrt{(j-m)(j+m+1)} |j,m+1>[/itex]
[itex]J_- |j,m> = \sqrt{(j+m)(j-m+1)} |j,m-1>[/itex]

Since m changes in integer steps, we find that the difference of its extremes, j - (-j) = 2j, must be an integer. Thus, j is either an integer or half-odd.

* This entry is from our old Library feature. If you know who wrote it, please let us know so we can attribute a writer. Thanks!
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  • #2
In mathematics, square of 2 is 2*2=4, but why in quantum J*J= J*(J+1), that means square of 2 is 2*2 = 2*3 = 6? thanks.

Related to What is quantum angular momentum

1. What is quantum angular momentum?

Quantum angular momentum is a property of a quantum system that describes the rotational motion of particles in that system. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is related to the symmetry of the system.

2. How is quantum angular momentum different from classical angular momentum?

Classical angular momentum is a continuous quantity that can take on any value, while quantum angular momentum is quantized and can only take on certain discrete values. Additionally, quantum angular momentum is associated with the spin of particles, while classical angular momentum is associated with the physical rotation of objects.

3. What are the units of quantum angular momentum?

The units of quantum angular momentum are expressed in terms of the reduced Planck constant, also known as h-bar (ħ), which has units of energy multiplied by time.

4. How is quantum angular momentum measured?

Quantum angular momentum is measured using quantum mechanical operators, such as the spin operator or the orbital angular momentum operator. These operators act on the wavefunction of a quantum system and provide information about the system's angular momentum.

5. What are some real-life applications of quantum angular momentum?

Quantum angular momentum is an important factor in understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other quantum systems. It is also crucial in fields such as quantum computing, where the spin of particles is used to store and manipulate information. Additionally, quantum angular momentum plays a role in modern technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

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