What is relativistic mass and rest mass

In summary, "relativistic mass" is the mass of an object measured by an observer who is moving relative to the object or the mass of an object moving relative to an observer who is measuring the mass entitled to regard himself as stationary. On the other hand, "rest mass" is the mass measured by an observer who is at rest relative to the object. The rest mass can also be measured when the object is traveling at the same velocity as the observer. However, with small particles, their energy can be larger than their rest mass, and therefore their relativistic mass can be measured using momentum effects. The mass can also be calculated using the equation 2E/v^2 = m. Finally, the rest mass can be inferred
  • #1
Rico L
what is "relativistic mass" and "rest mass"..

as far as i know the rest mass is the mass which measured by an observer who is at rest relative to the object (please correct me if this is not right), if this is right... what if when the object is traveling at the exactly same velocity of the observer.. does "rest mass" also applies to this situation?

relativistic mass is the mass of an object measured by an observer who is moving relative to the object or the mass of an object moving relative to an observer who is measuring the mass entitled to regard himself as stationary. i mean if this is right, in which way, how can the mass be measured if the object is moving.. ?

i am so confused...

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  • #2

With small particles where their energy when they are moving is larger than their rest mass we can measure their relativistic mass.

So an electron has a rest mass of 511Kev (we even measure rest mass in units of energy) at high speed we can determine it's mass by the momentum effects when it hits something.

But yes it's diffcult to put an electron moving near the speed of light on a set of scales!
  • #3

Rico L said:
what if when the object is traveling at the exactly same velocity of the observer..

This is the same thing as being at rest relative to the observer.

Rico L said:
relativistic mass is the mass of an object measured by an observer who is moving relative to the object or the mass of an object moving relative to an observer who is measuring the mass entitled to regard himself as stationary. i mean if this is right, in which way, how can the mass be measured if the object is moving.. ?

i am so confused...


It could be measured by applying a small perpendicular force to the object. As it travels by you can measuring by how much it's path changes direction. mass resists force.

It can also be calculated because 2E/v^2 = m so the connections between Velocity and Mass are clear.
  • #4

Rico L said:
as far as i know the rest mass is the mass which measured by an observer who is at rest relative to the object (please correct me if this is not right), if this is right... what if when the object is traveling at the exactly same velocity of the observer.. does "rest mass" also applies to this situation?
Yes, all that counts is the relative velocity between the object and measurer. Either one's relative motion relative to any other reference doesn't matter.
relativistic mass is the mass of an object measured by an observer who is moving relative to the object or the mass of an object moving relative to an observer who is measuring the mass entitled to regard himself as stationary. i mean if this is right, in which way, how can the mass be measured if the object is moving.. ?

By measuring how much effort it takes to change the velocity of the object.
  • #5

thanks a lot guys ! :)
  • #6

LostConjugate said:
It could be measured by applying a small perpendicular force to the object. As it travels by you can measuring by how much it's path changes direction. mass resists force.

Yes, the rest mass can be inferred from deflection experiments :

[tex]m_0=\frac{qB}{\omega \gamma(v_0)}[/tex]

or[tex]m_0=\frac{qBr}{v_0 \gamma(v_0)}[/tex]


B=magnetic induction
q=particle charge
r=radius of the circular trajectory
v_0 = initial speed of the particle when injected in the cyclotron
[tex]\omega=2 \pi/T[/tex]
T=period of particle revolution

Related to What is relativistic mass and rest mass

1. What is relativistic mass?

Relativistic mass is a concept in physics that refers to the mass of an object as it moves at high speeds close to the speed of light. It takes into account the effects of special relativity, which states that the mass of an object is not constant and increases as its velocity increases.

2. How is relativistic mass different from rest mass?

Rest mass, also known as invariant mass, is the mass of an object when it is at rest relative to an observer. It is a constant value for an object, regardless of its state of motion. Relativistic mass, on the other hand, is the mass of an object in motion and takes into account the effects of special relativity.

3. What is the formula for calculating relativistic mass?

The formula for calculating relativistic mass is m = m0/√(1-v2/c2), where m0 is the rest mass of the object, v is its velocity, and c is the speed of light. This formula takes into account the increase in mass as an object's velocity approaches the speed of light.

4. Does the concept of relativistic mass have practical applications?

Yes, the concept of relativistic mass has many practical applications in fields such as particle physics, nuclear energy, and space travel. It helps scientists understand the behavior of objects at high speeds and plays a crucial role in the development of technologies such as particle accelerators and nuclear reactors.

5. Is relativistic mass a fundamental property of matter?

No, relativistic mass is not considered a fundamental property of matter. It is a concept that arises from the theory of special relativity and is used to describe the behavior of objects at high speeds. In contrast, rest mass is considered a fundamental property of matter, as it remains constant regardless of an object's state of motion.

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