What Is Smearing in Crystallography?

  • Thread starter PHY-101
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In summary, smearing is a technique used to integrate the Brillouin Zone (BZ) when determining the total energy of a system. It involves occupying energy bands with electrons at each k-point within the BZ, and the occupancy is determined by the maximum occupancy at each k-point and the symmetry of the k-point mesh. Smearing is used in metals to reduce oscillation of the Fermi Level and total electronic energy.
  • #1
what exactly is a "smearing"

Hi everyone,

I would like to know what exactly is a "smearing" and a "smearing width" and its relationship with the k-point and the brillouin zone.

Could someone help me with that?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Smearing is a technique used to integrate the Brillouin Zone (BZ) when determining the total energy of your system. The best way to illustrate smoothing is to use sodium as an example. So let's say you decided to use a two-atom basis with simple cubic lattice vectors to generate your BCC lattice. Therefore, there are 2, 3s valence electrons per supercell. Your reciprocal lattice is therefore simple cubic and the maximum occupancy at each k-point within the BZ is 4-electrons - as opposed to 2 electrons if the 1-atom basis (just 1, 3s electron per supercell in this case) were used.

So let's say you solved the Hamiltonian and have your set of eigenvalues. Remember, for the given Hamiltonian matrix the number of eigenvalues is usually much larger than actual number of bands - especially for plane-wave basis sets. After solving the Hamiltonian eqn. you need to occupy the energy bands with electrons at each k-point. Let's say you use a Monkhorst Pack k-point grid to integrate your BZ. The grid is reduced down to the symmetrically inequivalent k-points. Now, if the maximum occupancy at each k-point is 4-electrons the BZ (or 3s band) is only half filled. This is because there are 2-electrons per supercell, an infinite number of supercells, which gives an infinite number of k-points within the BZ. To determine the Fermi Level, the BZ is occupied at each irreducible k-point scaled by a weighting factor which takes into account the symmetry of your k-point mesh. Also mind Hunds Rule is obeyed. The occupancy at each k-point is given by (# of electrons) / 4. The total occupancy of a band is given by the summation of the occupancies over all the k-points. The maximum occupancy of a band is given by the summation of the maximum occupancy ( 1 ) at each k-point. The percentage of band filling is given by the total occupancy divided by maximum occupancies. Band filling is stopped when this quantity is 1/2. Since you are using a finite number of k-points, the Fermi Level is going to depend on the spacing of your k-point grid, but will converge to the exact Fermi Level when an infinite number of k-points are used. As the k-point density increases the Fermi Level will oscillate around its exact value until the exact Fermi Level is reached at an infinite number of k-points. Partial k-point occupancies can be used to reduce this Fermi level oscillation and hence the oscillation of the total electronic energy. Partial occupancies are achieved by smearing the occupancies about the calculated Fermi Level. So instead of having occupancies of 1 or 0 at each k-point, now the occupancies near the Fermi Level can be between 0 and 1. Smearing should be used for metal due to their partially filled bands (for insulators, the Fermi Level is already known due to filled bands) I know this was long, but their isn't a short answer to this question.

  • #3
for your question. I can provide some insight into what a "smearing" refers to in the context of materials science and crystallography.

In crystallography, "smearing" refers to the process of broadening the diffraction peaks in a crystal's X-ray diffraction pattern. This can occur due to various factors, such as instrumental limitations, crystal defects, or thermal motion of atoms within the crystal. The "smearing width" is a measure of this broadening and is often used to evaluate the quality of a crystal's diffraction pattern.

The k-point and Brillouin zone are related to this concept because they are both related to the crystal's reciprocal lattice, which is used to describe the diffraction pattern. The k-point is a specific point in reciprocal space, while the Brillouin zone is the entire region in reciprocal space that corresponds to the crystal's unit cell. The smearing width can be influenced by the choice of k-point and the size of the Brillouin zone, as these factors affect the intensity and shape of the diffraction peaks.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of "smearing" in crystallography. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: What Is Smearing in Crystallography?

What exactly is a smearing?

Smearing is a process in which a substance is spread or dispersed over a surface. It can also refer to a technique used in scientific experiments to distribute a sample evenly for analysis.

How is smearing different from staining?

Smearing and staining are often used interchangeably, but they refer to different processes. Staining involves adding a dye or color to a sample, while smearing is the physical act of spreading a substance or sample.

What are some common applications of smearing?

Smearing is commonly used in biology and medicine, such as in preparing samples for microscopy. It is also used in chemistry for thin layer chromatography and in geology for mineral identification.

Can smearing affect the accuracy of scientific results?

Yes, smearing can potentially affect the accuracy of results if not done correctly. It is important to ensure that the sample is evenly distributed and that the smearing process does not alter the properties of the sample being analyzed.

Are there any safety precautions to take when performing a smearing?

Depending on the substance being smeared, there may be safety precautions to consider, such as wearing gloves or a mask to avoid contact with hazardous materials. It is also important to properly clean and dispose of any equipment or materials used in the smearing process.

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