What is so special about 3(mod4)?

  • Thread starter Oxymoron
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In summary, the expert summarizer found that if the Legendre symbol for a number is equal to +1, then the number is a square.
  • #1
I was just solving some congruence problems with prime modulo. Such as this one:

[tex]x^2\equiv 59(\mod 11)[/tex]

I was using Quadratic Residues to determine whether or not my equations had solutions. For example, in the case above, I would write out the quadratic residues of 11:

[tex]QR_{11} = \{1,3,4,5,9\}[/tex]

Here I noted that if my modulo was prime then the number of quadratic residues is always less than half the prime. So in this case, 11/2 = 5.5 and there are 5 QR's.

Then I would use the Legendre symbol:

[tex](59/11) = (4/11) = 1 \quad\quad\mbox{since 4 is a quadratic residue of 11}[/tex]

Which tells me that my equation has a solution. But notice that I needed to calculate all the quadratic residues first.

So then I came across the Quadratic Reciprocity Law which said that if p and q are primes then

[tex](p/q) = -(q/p)[/tex]

if [itex]p,q\equiv 3(\mod 4)[/itex], otherwise [itex](p/q) = (q/p)[/itex].

So, this tells me that solving an equation such as [itex]x^2\equiv p(\mod q)[/itex] is exactly the same as solving [itex]x^2 \equiv q(\mod p)[/itex], UNLESS p or q is congruent to 3 modulo 4.

EX1. In modulo 5, we have 1 and 4 as quadratic residues. Then (5/97) = (97/5) because neither 5 nor 97 are congruent to 3 modulo 4. So then (5/97) = (97/5) = (2/5) = -1 since 2 is not a QR of 5.

EX2. (85/97) = (5/97)(17/97) {by a corollary of the QRL} = (97/5)(97/17) {since neither 5 nor 17 are congruent to 3 modulo 4} = (2/5)(12/17) {simplifying in mod 17} = (-1)(-1) = 1. Since the QR's of 17 are 1,2,4,8,9,13,15,16, and 12 is not a QR of 17.

My question is: why is what I've written in bold true? Why aren't those two equations equivalent if p or q is congruent to 3 modulo 4? What is so special about 3 modulo 4?
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  • #2
Now I've just had a look at Gauss's Lemma. For those who don't recall:

Let p be an odd prime and gcd(a,p) = 1. Let n be the number of residues of the set S = {a,2a,3a,...,(p-1)/2*a} (half the multiples of a) which are greater than p/2. Then (a/p) = (-1)^n.

This lemma tells me that the solvability of a quadratic congruence equation, [itex]x^2\equiv a(\mod p)[/itex] depends upon how many residues of the set S greater than p/2 there are!

For example. Say I pick 13 as my prime p and 7 as my integer a. Then a solution for [itex]x^2\equiv 7(\mod 13)[/itex] exists if the number of residues of S greater than p/2 is even. So

[tex]S = \{7,14,21,28,35,42\}[/tex]

We stop at 42 because (p-1)/2*a = 12/2*7 = 42. Then

[tex]S' = \{1,2,3,7,8,9\}[/tex]

after reducing modulo 17. Then the number of residues greater than p/2 (or 6.5) is 3 (namely 7,8, and 9). Let n = 3. Then (-1)^n = -1 which means that

1) [tex]x^2\equiv 7(\mod 13)[/tex] has no solution. And
2) [tex](7/13) = -1[/tex]
  • #3
Here is something really neat! Pick a prime number p. Then choose any two quadratic non-residues of p. Then multiply them together. What do you get? A quadratic residue of p! Wow. I have no idea how to prove it though.
  • #4
3 mod 4 is special because that's what appears in the quadratic recipricosity theorem! It's also a nonresidue mod 4... but maybe Shmoe can give a deeper reason.

Here I noted that if my modulo was prime then the number of quadratic residues is always less than half the prime. So in this case, 11/2 = 5.5 and there are 5 QR's.
That's easy: squaring is a 2-to-1 function.

Here is something really neat! Pick a prime number p. Then choose any two quadratic non-residues of p. Then multiply them together. What do you get? A quadratic residue of p! Wow. I have no idea how to prove it though.
Very easy if you use the algorithm for computing Legendre symbols. :smile:

I assert that this fact is the same as:
(non-residue) * (residue) = (non-residue)

which is easy to prove by contradiction.
  • #5
3 mod 4 is special because that's what appears in the quadratic recipricosity theorem! It's also a nonresidue mod 4... but maybe Shmoe can give a deeper reason.

Yes, but why is it in the quadratic reciprocity theorem? I mean, if an integer is congruent to 3 modulo 4 then the integers is always odd. But the same could be said for 5 modulo 6, etc... But as you said, 3 is a nonresidue mod 4, so maybe that has something to do with it. I predict there is more to it though.

I was computing a Legendre symbol today: (90/127) to be exact. In my first step I found this equals (90/127) = (2/127)(5/127)(3^2/127). I am pretty sure I can do that. Now a corollary to the QRT says that if, in the numerator of the Legendre symbol, I have a square (such as in this case), then the symbol equals +1. i.e. [itex](a^2/p) = +1[/itex] where p is prime.
So (90/127) = (2/127)(5/127)(+1).

Next I computed (5/127). I swapped the numbers around so I could reduce modulo 5 instead of 127, but before I did, I must check if either 5 or 127 is congruent to 3 modulo 4. It just so happens that 127 is congruent to 3 mod 4, But 5 is not. So, my question is: Must 5 and 127 be both congruent or only either? I think they have to be both.

Anyway, I get (5/127) = (127/5) = (2/5) = -1 since 2 is not a QR of mod 5. And finally (2/127) = (127/2) = (1/2) = +1 since 1 is a QR of mod anything.

Therefore (90/127) = (+1)(-1)(+1) = -1. Implying that 90 is NOT a QR of mod 127, and that [itex]x^2\equiv 90(\mod 127)[/itex] has no solution.

Are all of my statements correct?
  • #6
Oxymoron said:
Yes, but why is it in the quadratic reciprocity theorem? I mean, if an integer is congruent to 3 modulo 4 then the integers is always odd. But the same could be said for 5 modulo 6, etc... But as you said, 3 is a nonresidue mod 4, so maybe that has something to do with it. I predict there is more to it though.

why don't you find a proof of the recitpocity theorem? it might shed some light on the matter for you.

any odd prime is 1 or 3 mod 4. which one it is affects the set of residues exactly because in only one case is -1 a residue mod p (Hint: use the fact that the legendre symbol of -1 is (-1)^{(p-1)/2}

I was computing a Legendre symbol today: (90/127) to be exact. In my first step I found this equals (90/127) = (2/127)(5/127)(3^2/127). I am pretty sure I can do that. Now a corollary to the QRT says that if, in the numerator of the Legendre symbol, I have a square (such as in this case), then the symbol equals +1.

that is not a corollary of the QRT. it is just obvious since a square in the integers is obviously a square modulo anything.
  • #7
An equivalent statement of the Quadratic reciprocity theorem is:


Wherever you found Gauss's lemma probably carries on to a proof of quadratic reciprocity and you can see where these exponents came from (or find any of the many, many other proofs)

Oxymoron said:
Here is something really neat! Pick a prime number p. Then choose any two quadratic non-residues of p. Then multiply them together. What do you get? A quadratic residue of p! Wow. I have no idea how to prove it though.

Have you seen Euler's Criteria? q is a quadratic residue mod p if q^((p-1)/2)=1 mod p and a quadratic non-residue if this is -1. Again, a proof will be enlightening. (Hint-the units mod p form a cyclic group under multiplication)

FAQ: What is so special about 3(mod4)?

What is so special about 3(mod4)?

1. What does "3 mod 4" mean?

"3 mod 4" refers to the remainder when 3 is divided by 4. In this case, the remainder is 3.

2. Why is 3(mod4) significant?

3(mod4) is significant because it is a congruence class, meaning that all numbers in this class have the same remainder when divided by 4. This allows for certain patterns and properties to be observed and studied.

3. How is 3(mod4) used in mathematics?

3(mod4) is used in various mathematical concepts, such as modular arithmetic, number theory, and cryptography. It also plays a role in the study of prime numbers and their distribution.

4. What are some real-world applications of 3(mod4)?

3(mod4) has been used in the creation of computer algorithms, error-correcting codes, and cryptography protocols. It also has applications in fields such as engineering and physics.

5. Is 3(mod4) the only significant congruence class?

No, there are many other significant congruence classes in mathematics, such as 1(mod2), 2(mod3), and 5(mod6). Each of these classes has its own unique properties and applications.

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