What Is the Absorbance of a Diluted Copper Solution?

  • Thread starter hongkong
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In summary, the absorbance of a diluted solution of Solution A can be calculated using the original absorbance and concentration values. Using the equation A = abc, where a is the molar absorptivity, b is the path length, and c is the concentration, we can solve for the new concentration of the diluted solution and then use it to calculate the absorbance.
  • #1
Solution A, while in a 1.0 cm cell, has an absorbance of 0.390 and a [Cu2+] = 0.0283 M. Then, 6.57 mL of solution A is diluted with pure water to 100.0 mL. What is the absorbance of this diluted solution?

The below is what I did. But I am not sure about the answer. Can you please check it? If there is something wrong, please correct! Thanks a lot!

concentration of dilute solution----6.57ml of 0.0283M = 100.0ml x M
Solve for M----( 100 x 0.0283 ) / 6.57 = 0.4307

Solve for absorbance: 0.390/A = 0.0283/0.4307

==> Absorbance (A) = 5.93607
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you really believe that when you dilute something with an original absorbance of about 0.4 you get a solution with an absorbance of about 6?

Remember A = abc where a is molar absorptivity, b is path length and c is concentration. You can solve for 'a' using nothing more than what is originally given to you for Solution A. Use it to solve for the new 'c' in the diluted sample. 'a' will be the same for this compound regardless of its concentration.

FAQ: What Is the Absorbance of a Diluted Copper Solution?

What is absorbance?

Absorbance is a measure of the amount of light that is absorbed by a substance. It is usually expressed as a unitless number between 0 and 1, with higher values indicating a greater amount of light absorbed.

Why is absorbance important in science?

Absorbance is important in science because it can provide valuable information about the concentration of a substance in a solution. By measuring the absorbance of a solution, scientists can determine the amount of light absorbed and use this information to calculate the concentration of a particular substance.

How is absorbance measured?

Absorbance is typically measured using a spectrophotometer, which measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample at a specific wavelength. The instrument compares the intensity of light entering the sample to the intensity of light exiting the sample, and calculates the absorbance based on this measurement.

What is the relationship between absorbance and concentration?

The relationship between absorbance and concentration is linear, meaning that as the concentration of a substance increases, the absorbance also increases. This relationship is described by the Beer-Lambert law, which states that absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of a substance in a solution.

How does dilution affect absorbance?

Dilution decreases the absorbance of a solution. This is because when a solution is diluted, the concentration of the substance decreases, resulting in less light being absorbed. Dilution is often used in scientific experiments to create a series of solutions with varying concentrations in order to determine the relationship between absorbance and concentration.
