What is the acceleration of a buoyant alcohol-filled shell in water?

In summary, the problem involves finding the acceleration of a thin spherical shell filled with alcohol as it rises from the bottom of a pool of water. After setting up the equation FB-(M1+M2)g=(M1+M2)a and plugging in the values for mass, radius, and volume, a value of 1.829711 m/s^2 was obtained. This may differ slightly due to rounding errors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

-A thin spherical shell of mass 0.300 kg and diameter 0.250 m is filled with alcohol ( = 806 kg/m3). It is then released from rest on the bottom of a pool of water. Find the acceleration of the alcohol filled shell as it rises toward the surface of the water.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

M1=0.3kg, r=0.125 m, V= (4*pi*r^3) /3,
M2 = pV = (806*V), FB = pVg = (1000)(V)(9.8)
. After finding FB, I plugged it back into the equation and got 2.211 m/s^2. This answer was wrong, could someone please tell me if I am using the wrong equation, or if I just screwed something up.
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  • #2
AG1189 said:

Homework Statement

-A thin spherical shell of mass 0.300 kg and diameter 0.250 m is filled with alcohol ( = 806 kg/m3). It is then released from rest on the bottom of a pool of water. Find the acceleration of the alcohol filled shell as it rises toward the surface of the water.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

M1=0.3kg, r=0.125 m, V= (4*pi*r^3) /3,
M2 = pV = (806*V), FB = pVg = (1000)(V)(9.8)
. After finding FB, I plugged it back into the equation and got 2.211 m/s^2. This answer was wrong, could someone please tell me if I am using the wrong equation, or if I just screwed something up.

It looks like you might have just done something wrong in your calculations...I set it up like this:

\sum{F} = \rho_{water} V g - \rho_{alcohol} V g - mg = (m + \rho_{alcohol} V) a

a = \frac{g(\frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 (\rho_{water} - \rho_{alcohol}) - m)}{m + \rho_{alcohol} \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3}

and I got a number a little lower than yours. Maybe it was rounding? Generally I like to get everything in one equation and then plug it all in at once to reduce the chance of that sort of mistake.
  • #3

it worked out, thank you very much. I got 1.829711 m/s^2, I think that's what you got. :smile: :smile:

FAQ: What is the acceleration of a buoyant alcohol-filled shell in water?

1. What is buoyant force?

Buoyant force is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object that is partially or fully submerged in the fluid. It is caused by the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the object.

2. How is buoyant force related to acceleration?

According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces. This buoyant force can affect the acceleration of the object, as it can either increase or decrease the object's overall weight.

3. Does the buoyant force always act in the opposite direction of gravity?

No, the buoyant force can act in any direction depending on the density and shape of the object. For example, if the object is less dense than the fluid, the buoyant force will act in the same direction as gravity, causing the object to float.

4. How does the shape of an object affect its buoyant force and acceleration?

The shape of an object can affect both the buoyant force and acceleration. Objects with a larger surface area will experience a greater buoyant force, while objects with a larger volume will have a greater displacement and therefore a larger buoyant force. The shape can also affect the acceleration, as objects with a larger surface area may experience more drag, slowing their acceleration.

5. Can buoyant force and acceleration be manipulated?

Yes, the buoyant force and acceleration of an object can be manipulated by changing the density or shape of the object. For example, a boat can be made to float by increasing its surface area, or it can be made to sink by increasing its density. Additionally, the acceleration of an object can be affected by changing its shape to reduce drag or by adding additional forces such as thrust.
