What is the age of the tree to the nearest year?

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  • Thread starter karush
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In summary, the tree is approximately 3,826 years old based on the given information that the charcoal from a tree killed in a volcanic eruption contained 62.8 percent of the carbon-14 found in living matter, and using 5700 years for the half-life of carbon-14.
  • #1
Gold Member
$\textsf{The charcoal from a tree killed in a volcanic eruption contained 62.8 percent of the carbon-14 found in living matter. }\\$
$\textsf{ How old is the tree to nearest year? Use 5700 years for the half-life of carbon-14}$
1&=2e^k(5700) \therefore k\approx 0.0001 \\
.628\cdot{11400} &= e^{-0.0001(t)}\\
t&=4652 \, \textit{years}
$\textit{no sure about the 62.8% how to implement it}$
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The percentage of $C$ carbon-14 present at time $t$ is:

\(\displaystyle C(t)=100\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{t}{5700}}\)


\(\displaystyle t=\frac{5700\ln\left(\frac{100}{C}\right)}{\ln(2)}\)

Plug in $C=62.8$:

\(\displaystyle t=\frac{5700\ln\left(\frac{100}{62.8}\right)}{\ln(2)}\approx3826\)

Thus, we have found the tree is approximately 3,826 years old.

If we want to actually use calculus, we could set up an IVP from the given information:

\(\displaystyle \d{C}{t}=-kC\) where $C(0)=100$ and $C(5700)=50$

The ODE is separable, and using the boundaries, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle \int_{100}^{C}\frac{du}{u}=-k\int_0^t\,dv\)

\(\displaystyle \ln\left(\frac{100}{C}\right)=kt\)

\(\displaystyle t=\frac{1}{k}\ln\left(\frac{100}{C}\right)\)

Now, we can use the other given point to determine $k$:

\(\displaystyle 5700=\frac{1}{k}\ln\left(\frac{100}{50}\right)\implies k=\frac{\ln(2)}{5700}\)

And so we have:

\(\displaystyle t=\frac{5700\ln\left(\frac{100}{C}\right)}{\ln(2)}\)

As we found above. :D
  • #3
0.5&=e^k(5700) \therefore k\approx 0.0001 \\
1/0.628&= e^{k(t)}\\
t&\approx 3826 \, \textit{years}
$\textit{my jury rigged version}$😰

FAQ: What is the age of the tree to the nearest year?

1. What does "242.7x.14 decay prob" mean?

"242.7x.14 decay prob" is a notation used in nuclear physics to represent the probability of a radioactive nucleus decaying within a certain time period. The first number (242.7) represents the half-life of the nucleus, while the second number (.14) represents the probability of decay within that half-life.

2. How is the decay probability calculated?

The decay probability is calculated using the decay constant, which is equal to ln(2) divided by the half-life of the nucleus. This constant is then multiplied by the time period in question to determine the probability of decay.

3. What factors can affect the decay probability?

The decay probability is affected by several factors, including the type of nucleus, its energy level, and its environment. Higher energy levels and certain types of nuclei may have a higher decay probability, while the presence of other particles or external forces can also impact the probability.

4. How is the half-life related to the decay probability?

The half-life is directly related to the decay probability, as it is used to calculate the decay constant. The longer the half-life, the lower the decay constant and therefore the lower the decay probability.

5. How is the decay probability used in scientific research?

The decay probability is an important factor in nuclear physics research, as it can provide valuable information about the stability and properties of different nuclei. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as PET scans, which utilize radioactive isotopes with known decay probabilities to create images of internal organs and tissues.

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