What is the age of the universe in billions?

In summary, 14 billion years old, 14,000,000,000 as in 1.4x1010 years old or 14 thousand million as in 1.4x101014 billion would be 1.4x1010 and 14,000,000,000zyk 1.4x101014 billion would be 1.4x101014
  • #1

The Universe in 14 billion years old.

Is that then:

14,000,000,000,000 or 14 million million as in 1.4x1013 years old


14,000,000,000 or 14 thousand million as in 1.4x1010 years old

(I know a billionaire has a thousand million 1,000,000,000)

Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
14 billion is 14,000,000,000, IE 1.4x1010
  • #3
14 billion would be 1.4x1010

and 14,000,000,000

in millions that would be 14 thousand millions
  • #4
Part of the confusion from this comes from the fact that Europe used to use Long scale in which every named number (billion, trillion etc) over a million was a million times bigger than the one before. A billion would be a million million, a trillion would be a million billion etc.

In the US they used Short scale where it was 1000 times bigger. At some point in the 20th Europe switched but you still find people in the UK at least who are old and stubborn enough to try and stick to the old system.
  • #5
depends on what country you come from ;)

but generally accepted is 1 billion = 1000 million or 1 x 109

see wiki for this...

long and short scales

scroll down a bit for a good table of valuesDave
  • #6
Great thank you all
  • #7
Ryan_m_b said:
... you still find people in the UK at least who are old and stubborn enough to try and stick to the old system.

That's a funny comment. The old system seems more logical to me. A billion should be a million million. (I'm not from the UK nor the US.)

Then a trillion is a thousand billion, 1,000,000,000,000 = 1.0 x 1012

  • #8
ofeyrpf said:
That's a funny comment.
The UK is a mish-mash of systems in the oddest of ways.

ofeyrpf said:
The old system seems more logical to me. A billion should be a million million. (I'm not from the UK nor the US.)

Then a trillion is a thousand billion, 1,000,000,000,000 = 1.0 x 1012
Not sure I follow, why would a billion be a million million but a trillion a thousand million? The standard 3 orders of magnitude per name seems to make more sense to me.
  • #9
I should not have written "Then..." as I didn't mean for the second statement to follow on from the first. I was just guessing at what a trillion is.

I think the standard 3 orders of magnitude per name is convenient but it doesn't allow for ten thousand million or a one hundred thousand million. Those numbers don't exist like that then I suppose. (Of course those quantities exist)
  • #10
ofeyrpf said:
I should not have written "Then..." as I didn't mean for the second statement to follow on from the first. I was just guessing at what a trillion is.
It's 1 with twelve zeros: 1,000,000,000,000. The link provided above for long and short scale has some tables.
ofeyrpf said:
I think the standard 3 orders of magnitude per name is convenient but it doesn't allow for ten thousand million or a one hundred thousand million. Those numbers don't exist like that then I suppose. (Of course those quantities exist)
You can say it and people will still understand but otherwise you're correct, every time you get to 1000x more you use a different word. It's a bit easier to say one-hundred-trillion than one-hundred-thousand-billion or one-hundred-million-million etc.

FAQ: What is the age of the universe in billions?

1. How old is the universe in billions of years?

The current estimated age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old. This is based on data from the Planck satellite and other measurements of cosmic background radiation.

2. How do scientists determine the age of the universe?

Scientists use a variety of methods to determine the age of the universe, including measuring the expansion rate of the universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the ages of the oldest stars and galaxies.

3. Has the age of the universe changed since it was first estimated?

Yes, the estimated age of the universe has changed over time as new data and technologies have become available. For example, initial estimates in the early 20th century put the age of the universe at around 2 billion years, but with advancements in technology and data collection, we now have a more precise estimate of 13.8 billion years.

4. Can the age of the universe be determined with 100% accuracy?

No, the age of the universe cannot be determined with 100% accuracy. Our current estimates are based on the best available data and technology, but there is always room for error and further refinement as we continue to learn more about the universe.

5. How does the age of the universe relate to the concept of the big bang?

The age of the universe is closely related to the concept of the big bang, which is the prevailing theory for the origin of the universe. According to the big bang theory, the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding and cooling ever since, leading to its current age of 13.8 billion years.

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