What is the Algorithm Behind Candy Machines?

Your Name]In summary, the conversation is about a complex problem of creating an algorithm for a candy machine. The speaker has been trying to find a solution for hours but has not been successful. Suggestions are given to break the problem down into smaller parts, work backwards from the end goal, and use visual aids to identify patterns and rules. The speaker is determined to find a solution and is seeking any help or suggestions.
  • #1
Hi all,

You have probably seen these candy machines before. Tubes
that contain candies of different colors and drop candies into
a receiver once you inserted the coin.

I was watching these more than a quarter of an hour at lunch
time (waiting for someone to buy candy) and thought that I
could come up with a simple algorithm to mimic these candies

Turned out not so.

To simplify things, I started out with just one tube with slots
that can hold one candy at a time. Let say we have a tube of
7 slots and 5 candies filling the top five. Then the candies
are allowed to drop freely. That is each candy can drop 1, 2 or
more slots at a time if there are spaces.

| o | 1
| o | 2
| o | 3
| o | 4
| o | 5
| | 6
| | 7

I figured that the movement of the bottom candy
decides how many step the upper ones can skip/drop.

I calculated that there are 20 possible distributions
and the original one:

12345 <--- starting.
12346 <--- bottom candy drop one slot.
12347 <--- bottom candy drop two slots.
34567 <---- All bottom slots a filled. Stop.

That much I figured out, and there is a clear pattern of the
sequences here, but for the last few hours I couldn't come up
with a general algorithm for a tube with n slots filled and m
slots empties.

My first (cheese eating) surrending act was looking for some
quick answer in stat books. Sure enough, I got the number
of all possible distributions there, but the algorithm has
been giving me the stump since.

I am looking for any excuse not to work this afternoon.

I am sure that once the algorithm is found it will turn
out to be so simple that I should tear off the rest of my
hair in shame.

Any suggestion help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2

Hello Michuco,

It sounds like you have been putting a lot of thought into this candy machine algorithm! As a fellow scientist, I can definitely understand the desire to find a solution to a problem that seems simple on the surface but turns out to be more complex than expected.

One suggestion I have is to break the problem down into smaller parts. Instead of trying to find a general algorithm for a tube with n slots and m empty slots, start with a smaller number of slots and see if you can find a pattern or algorithm for that specific case. Then, you can use that information to build upon and solve for larger numbers of slots.

Another approach could be to think about the end goal - filling all the slots with candies - and work backwards from there. What steps need to be taken in order to reach that end goal? Can you identify any rules or patterns in those steps that could be used to create an algorithm?

It may also be helpful to draw out diagrams or create simulations to visually see the movement of the candies and how they fill the slots. This could provide some insight into the patterns and rules that govern the movement.

I hope these suggestions help and I wish you the best of luck in finding your algorithm! Don't give up, sometimes the most satisfying solutions come after hours of frustration. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll come up with something brilliant.


FAQ: What is the Algorithm Behind Candy Machines?

What is the "Candy Machine Algorithm"?

The "Candy Machine Algorithm" is a mathematical algorithm used to determine the most efficient way to distribute a finite number of items (such as candy) among a group of people.

How does the "Candy Machine Algorithm" work?

The algorithm works by dividing the number of items by the number of people to determine the base distribution. It then iteratively adjusts this distribution by adding or subtracting one from each person until the desired number of items is reached.

What is the purpose of the "Candy Machine Algorithm"?

The purpose of the algorithm is to ensure fairness and efficiency in the distribution of a finite number of items among a group of people.

What factors are taken into account by the "Candy Machine Algorithm"?

The algorithm takes into account the number of items, the number of people, and the desired number of items per person. It also considers the concept of "fairness" in distribution.

Can the "Candy Machine Algorithm" be applied to other scenarios besides distributing candy?

Yes, the algorithm can be applied to any situation where a finite number of items need to be distributed among a group of people in a fair and efficient manner, such as distributing prizes at a carnival or dividing tasks among a team.
