What is the angle between two intersecting lines?

In summary, the student attempted to solve for the angle between two lines using vectors but was confused. They found that neither line could be represented by a plane and that the angle between the lines is 81.87°.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the angle between
a) The line L1 given by the equations y = 2z, x = 0 and
b) The line L2 given by the equations x = 3z, y = 0.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I know that I need to basically have a vector for each line to substitute into the equation above, but I am confused as to which set of the following vectors is correct:

1) L1 can be represented as 0x+1y-2z=0 so the vector/norm of it would be: (0,1,-2) (the tutor in class used norms when someone asked her about the question but I had trouble following what she was doing. :S) L2 would similarly be (1,0,-3). This produces an angle of 31.95°

2) Let z=1 in both cases, such that: L1 = (0,2,1) and L2 = (3,0,1). This when entered into the formula generates an angle of 81.87°.

I can see the justification behind both answers but I don't know which would be correct? Please help! :frown:

Thank you! :smile:
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  • #2
"Norm" is the wrong word here. For vectors, that refers to the length of the vector which is not relevant.

No, the line, L1, cannot be represented by "0x+1y-2z=0"- that's the equation of a plane. It is two dimensional because you could choose values for, say, x and y, and solve for the value of z. The vector <0, 1, -2> is perpendicular to that plane.

As originally given, y= 2z, x= 0 (equivalent to x= 0, y= 2t, z= t) is one-dimensional, a line, because, given a single value of z, we can solve for both x and y. We can write it as a vector equation [itex]\vec{r}(t)= 0\vec{i}+ 0\vec{j}+ 0\vec{k}+ t(0\vec{i}+ 2\vec{j}+ \vec{k})[/itex] showing a little more clearly that the line passes through the point (0, 0, 0) in the direction of the vector [itex]0\vec{i}+ 2\vec{j}+ \vec{k}[/itex] so that vector, or, more simply, <0, 2, 1>, not <0, 2, -1>, points in the direction of the line.

Similarly, we can write "x= 3z, y= 0" as x= 3t, y= 0, z= t or, in vector form, [itex]\vec{r}(t)= 0\vec{i}+ 0\vec{j}+ 0\vec{k}+ t(3\vec{i}+ 0\vec{j}+ \vec{k})[/itex]. Again, that is a line through (0, 0, 0) but now in the direction of [itex]3\vec{i}+ 0\vec{j}+ \vec{k}[/itex] or just <3, 0, 1>.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply, that actually helped quite a bit! :smile:

Just to confirm - there's no way the lines can be represented as a plane, because that would negate the point of the lines intersecting (if that makes sense).

Also I tried graphing the equations in MatLab to see which angle seemed more correct and I got something that looked similar to this. After what you said, it seems the method which netted me 81° seems more correct, it appeared in the graphs i made that the 31° answer seems more correct. Have I missed something else, or do I need to get better at graphing 3D lines?

Thank you!

EDIT: This graph shows another view (ignore the axis names, I just switched y and z around so I could see a different view) - so this angle and the other angle should somehow make up 81°? I feel like that's the more correct method... but I'm not entirely convinced since it's matching the evidence I'm seeing in these graphs...
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FAQ: What is the angle between two intersecting lines?

What is the angle between two lines?

The angle between two lines is the measure of the amount of rotation needed to bring one line into alignment with the other line. It is typically measured in degrees or radians.

How do you find the angle between two lines?

To find the angle between two lines, you can use the formula tan-1((m1 - m2) / (1 + m1m2)), where m1 and m2 are the slopes of the two lines.

What is the difference between acute, obtuse, and right angles?

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees, and a right angle is exactly 90 degrees. The angle between two lines can fall into any of these categories depending on its measure.

Can two lines have a negative angle between them?

No, the angle between two lines is always positive. However, if the lines are extended, the resulting angle may be negative.

What is the relationship between parallel lines and the angle between them?

Parallel lines have the same slope and therefore have no angle between them. The angle between parallel lines is considered to be 0 degrees.
