What is the angular velocity of a rolling disc after displacement?

  • Thread starter Rishavutkarsh
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In summary, the homework statement is saying that a force is acting on the top point of a disc of radius r and mass m, and the disc is rolling without slipping. The angular velocity of the disc after center has been displaced distance x is given by v=rw.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A force(Fi) is acting on the top point of a disc of radius r and mass m. The disc is rolling without slipping. Angular velocity of disc after center has been displaced distance x is?[/B]

Homework Equations

Energy conservation; Moment of inertia of disc (MR^2)/2

The Attempt at a Solution

By energy conservation
also v=rw (Rolling)[/B]
What am I missing? Any help appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It look like you are using work done = mechanical energy gained
That should work. Now go ahead and solve for angular velocity.
  • #3
Beaten to it by NO!
  • #4
Rishavutkarsh said:
also v=rw (Rolling)

What am I missing? Any help appreciated.
For Fx to be the work done, what must the relationship between the force F and the distance x be? Is that their relationship in this question?
  • #5
NascentOxygen said:
It look like you are using work done = mechanical energy gained
That should work. Now go ahead and solve for angular velocity.
Well I thought so too but that didn't really work out, I got the wrong answer. The answer is root 2 times my answer.
haruspex said:
For Fx to be the work done, what must the relationship between the force F and the distance x be? Is that their relationship in this question?
They should be in the same direction and yes they are.
  • #6
Rishavutkarsh said:
Well I thought so too but that didn't really work out, I got the wrong answer. The answer is root 2 times my answer.

They should be in the same direction and yes they are.

Is F the only force acting on the disc?
  • #7
PeroK said:
Is F the only force acting on the disc?
No, friction must be acting too since it's rolling but it won't do any work during rolling.
  • #8
Rishavutkarsh said:
No, friction must be acting too since it's rolling but it won't do any work during rolling.

Even so, you could take a look at the equations of motion involving both F and the frictional force.
  • #9
Using this I got the answer... Hurray! But I am still curious to know why did energy conservation give me wrong answer.
  • #10
Rishavutkarsh said:
Using this I got the answer... Hurray! But I am still curious to know why did energy conservation give me wrong answer.

First, work out over what distance F would have to act to generate the correct KE. Then, see whether you can explain why F does indeed act over that distance.
  • #11
PeroK said:
First, work out over what distance F would have to act to generate the correct KE. Then, see whether you can explain why F does indeed act over that distance.
2x? Well yeah that gives me the answer but how does F 'indeed act over that distance'? A hint would help, I can't think of anything.
  • #12
Rishavutkarsh said:
2x? Well yeah that gives me the answer but how does F 'indeed act over that distance'? A hint would help, I can't think of anything.

Perhaps a couple of ways to look at it:

If you're applying a force to something that's moving, then the work done by the force in time ##dt## is ##Fvdt##. The top of the disk is moving twice as fast as the centre of mass of the disk. So, the work done by a force applied at the top of the disc is ##F2vdt## (where v is the velocity of the centre of mass).

Alternatively, if you think of the force as a continuous series of impulses ##Fdt## (applied at the top of the disk), you see the same result. Each impulse acts over the same time, but twice the distance, that a similar impulse at the centre of the disk would do.

If you redo your problem with the force at the centre of the disc, you can use work-energy directly over the distance x. But, at the top of the disc, the force acts through a distance of 2x.

It's similar to why the friction force does no work, as the bottom of the disc is stationary when in contact with the ground.
  • #13
Rishavutkarsh said:
They should be in the same direction and yes they are.
Yes, but there's a bit more to it than that, as PeroK notes, x must be the distance the force acts over:
PeroK said:
work out over what distance F would have to act to generate the correct KE

Rishavutkarsh said:
how does F 'indeed act over that distance'?
Suppose you push on a lever with force F, and you make the lever (at the point where you push it) move distance x. The work you have done is Fx. Had you applied the force twice as far from the fulcrum point the force needed would only have been F/2, but you would have needed to advance the point of application 2x in order to achieve the same movement of the lever.
  • #14
Thank you both of you for helping me out I was able to think it as the point above moving twice as fast as center but the analogy of lever and the ground being stationary so that friction does no work helped me understand much more clearly.

FAQ: What is the angular velocity of a rolling disc after displacement?

1. What is "A Question of Rolling?"

"A Question of Rolling" is a scientific experiment in which a cylindrical object is rolled down a ramp and the distance it travels is measured. This experiment helps us understand the principles of motion and the effects of gravity and friction.

2. What are the materials needed for "A Question of Rolling?"

The materials needed for this experiment include a ramp (such as a piece of wood or cardboard), a cylindrical object (such as a ball or cylinder), a measuring tape or ruler, and a stopwatch or timer.

3. What is the purpose of "A Question of Rolling?"

The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the relationship between the height of a ramp and the distance a cylindrical object can roll down it. It also allows us to investigate the effects of different variables, such as the surface of the ramp and the mass of the object, on the distance traveled.

4. How do you perform "A Question of Rolling?"

To perform this experiment, set up the ramp at a certain height and place the cylindrical object at the top. Release the object and start the timer as it rolls down the ramp. Measure the distance it travels and record the time it took. Repeat the experiment with different variables and analyze the results.

5. What are the possible sources of error in "A Question of Rolling?"

Possible sources of error in this experiment include variations in the surface of the ramp, air resistance, and human error in measuring the distance and time. It is important to repeat the experiment multiple times and take the average to reduce the impact of these errors on the results.

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