What Is the Argument of j to the Fourth Power?

  • Thread starter aliz_khanz
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In summary, the argument of j^4 represents the angle formed between the positive real axis and the complex number j^4 on the complex plane. It is calculated using the inverse tangent function and is significant in representing the complete information about j^4. The argument cannot be negative and differs from the argument of other complex numbers in terms of its value.
  • #1
okie ... one attempt as i see it ...

argument of j is pie/2 ... so argument of j^2 will be pie square/ 4 and so on ...

is it right?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No. Here's a hint: what is j4 equivalent to?

For some number [itex]z=x+y\mathrm{j} \in \mathbb{C}[/itex], [itex]\mathrm{arg}(z) \equiv \arctan(\frac{y}{x})[/itex].
  • #3
Dear Jhae2.718 ... can you please explain it in polar form?

for example...

z= 1(cos pie/2 +jsinpie/2) is the argument of j ...i don't know what to do for j^4
  • #4
For polar form, the argument is just [itex]\theta[/itex].

Keep in mind that we're using [itex]z = r\cos(\theta)+\mathrm{j}r\sin(\theta)[/itex].

For jn, you'll want to simplify a bit. Recall:
n      j[sup]n[/sup] 
1      j
2     j*j = - 1
3     j*j[sup]2[/sup] = -j
4     j*j[sup]3[/sup] = 1
  • #5
so i take from your explanation that ...

z= rcos (theta) + rsin (theta) *since j^4=1
  • #6
j4 =1, which means that the imaginary part of z is zero. What value of [itex]\theta[/itex] makes [itex]\sin(\theta) \to 0[/itex]?
  • #7
sin 0 = 0

can you please provide me the final answer of this bro? :)
  • #8
arg(j^4) = 0, since j^4 is on the positive real axis and the argument is the angle between the complex no. and the positive real axis.
  • #9
shouldnt it be 1? because sin theta goes to zero , but cos theta goes to 1 !
  • #10
j^4 is 1, but the argument of j^4 is zero. As a general rule, positive values on the real axis have an arg of 0 and positive imaginary values have an arg of pi/2.

Remember, in polar coordinates the argument is just the angle theta!
  • #11
Thankyou so so so so so so times infinity much ! Really ... ! May God Bless You with A billion dollar or equivalent ! :)
  • #12
No problem :wink:

If you want to read more about complex arguments, you can look at the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_(complex_analysis)" . It gets a bit technical, but the graphs should help.
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  • #13
aliz_khanz said:
okie ... one attempt as i see it ...

argument of j is pie/2 ... so argument of j^2 will be pie square/ 4 and so on ...

is it right?
No, squaring a number multiplies the argument by 2- it does not square it! The argument of j^4 is 4(\pi/2)= 2\pi (or 0 since adding or subtracting any multiple of 2pi won't change the answer.)

Of, same same thing, j^2= -1 so j^4= (j^2)(j^2)= (-1)(-1)= 1 which has argument 0.

FAQ: What Is the Argument of j to the Fourth Power?

1. What does the argument of j^4 represent?

The argument of j^4 is the angle formed between the positive real axis and the complex number j^4 on the complex plane. It is also known as the phase angle or argument angle.

2. How is the argument of j^4 calculated?

The argument of j^4 can be calculated using the inverse tangent function, tan^-1, by dividing the imaginary part (4i) by the real part (0) of the complex number j^4. This results in an argument of 90 degrees or π/2 radians.

3. What is the significance of the argument of j^4?

The argument of j^4, along with the magnitude, represents the complete information about the complex number j^4. It is used to graphically represent the number on the complex plane and can also be used to perform operations such as multiplication and division.

4. Can the argument of j^4 be negative?

No, the argument of j^4 cannot be negative as it is always measured in a counterclockwise direction from the positive real axis. The range of the argument is from -π to π or -180 degrees to 180 degrees.

5. How does the argument of j^4 differ from the argument of other complex numbers?

The argument of j^4 differs from the argument of other complex numbers in terms of the value itself. While j^4 has an argument of 90 degrees or π/2 radians, other complex numbers will have different arguments depending on their values on the complex plane.

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