What is the Artificial Kingdom and how does it impact our lives?

  • Thread starter coberst
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In summary, humans have evolved from being rugged individuals to living in an artificial kingdom where they have become ciphers and chess pieces in a market-driven society. This transformation can be traced back to the shift from an agricultural to an industrial economy, where individuals were forced to specialize and become dependent on others for their survival. This has led to a detachment from our natural roots and a commodification of labor, where individuals are now seen as a means to an end rather than an end in themselves. This shift has also resulted in a neurological and psychological disorder that permeates modern society.
  • #1
Rugged individualism might be an appropriate expression for all the creatures in the world, with one exception. Humans have, in the last few hundred years, moved from being rugged individuals to our present state in which we have fashioned an alien environment in which we have become chess pieces or ciphers. We have invented the Artificial Kingdom where as Simone Weil once noted “it is the thing that thinks, and the man who is reduced to the state of the thing”.

I think that we, women and men, have become chess pieces. We have become objects to be manipulated by the market and the corporation. We spend our days like the chess piece; we have a quantified value and are placed on the board and used as desired by some one who may be a real person. The real person has still the human characteristics of creativity, spontaneity, improvisation, spontaneously reactive, discontinuous, a mosaic more than syntax or cipher. Just what we find is missing when using the telephone to contact someone out there.

In an effort to understand where we are now it might help to start back in time and move forward. In frontier days each person was very much an individual. Rugged individualism was a popular expression. Each man and woman was a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. Each husband and wife was a team that together could and had to do everything that was needed.

In early America we were an agricultural economy. Most families were farm families we were all rugged individualist. The farmer was very much the jack-of-all-trades and the master of his or her domain.

As we move forward in time we see this team become a man working in a factory or office and the woman was at home raising the children and maintaining the day to day necessities for all family members. She washed, cleaned, shopped, sewed, and was still much of a rugged individual. Slowly the man became a specialized worker in a clockwork factory or office.

Moving forward in history we arrive at the present moment where not only is the man working in the factory or office but the woman joins him there also.

When we examine the factory or office workspace we find a very different occupation for the man and woman than the rugged individualism of emerging history of human evolution. We no longer are masters of our own domain but are ciphers in a clockwork that functions upon modern economic principles.

A pertinent example of this mode of commodification is how we have converted what was political economics into the modern economics. Political economy is the study of social relations. It is the study of culture. Political economy focuses upon the problem of how to regulate industrialization within the context of a healthy society, it worries about the problems of labor within a context of the laborer as an end and not a commodity—an object of commerce.

Economics, however, in its modern form, has replaced political economics. Economics has removed the pesky concern about labor as being human and has replaced labor as being a commodity—an object of commerce. Modern economics is now the study of scarcity, prices, and resource allocation. Economics has legislated that labor as an end is no longer a legitimate domain of knowledge for economic consideration. In doing so, over time, society has become ignorant of such concerns. Our culture has replaced concern about humans as ends with humans as means to some other end.

In the rugged individualist mode of living the individual was creative and master even though the domain of mastery was small. An individual’s personality is dramatically effected. Labor has become an abstract quantity and calculated into the commodity produced. We are the only creatures who have completely removed ourself from what we were evolved to be. We are the only creatures removed from our grounding in an organic world. We came from a long ancestry of rugged individualist and now reside in the Artificial Kingdom. To what end only time will tell.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
the owner of "Scotts Lawn Care Corporation" product line, lives in New Jersey. His front lawn is cement, painted green.

this is a neurological/psychological disorder, that permeates all of Modern humanity, in varying forms and degrees.

Nature, it seems, is "The Enemy", nowadays. Such is this "Brave New World".

thanks, coberst.
  • #3
I don t think there was a time when the individual is not a chess piece( if you want to use such analogy). Human is an social creature from the very beginning. Individual cannot survive without other people, because no one is the the jack of all trade. We are constantly depended on the output of others when we were hunting large animals in prehistory. Our survival is depend on our ability to function which a group, and perhaps evolution even favors individual that function well within a group. The farmer needs the market to sell his product, and use their earned money to but clothers, and meat.
  • #4

It seems to me that because we have evolved by adaptation our ancesters and ourself have always up until the last few hundred years had to be very independent. We are of course social animals like the wolf but we evolved from such similar background.

Related to What is the Artificial Kingdom and how does it impact our lives?

1. What is "The Artificial Kingdom"?

"The Artificial Kingdom" refers to a concept in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, where simulated or artificially created systems exhibit behaviors and characteristics similar to those found in living organisms or ecosystems.

2. How is "The Artificial Kingdom" created?

"The Artificial Kingdom" can be created through various methods, such as programming and designing algorithms, using machine learning techniques, or through the development of physical robots and their environments.

3. What are the potential applications of "The Artificial Kingdom"?

There are many potential applications for "The Artificial Kingdom", including improving our understanding of biological systems, developing more advanced artificial intelligence and robotics, and creating virtual ecosystems for entertainment or educational purposes.

4. What are the ethical implications of "The Artificial Kingdom"?

The development of "The Artificial Kingdom" raises ethical concerns, such as the potential for creating artificial life forms and the impact on our society and environment. It is important for scientists and researchers to consider these implications and address them responsibly.

5. How does "The Artificial Kingdom" contribute to scientific advancements?

"The Artificial Kingdom" allows scientists to study complex systems and behaviors in a controlled environment, providing insights and advancements in fields such as biology, computer science, and engineering. It also opens up new possibilities for innovation and discovery in various industries.

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