What is the average E(rms) and radiation pressure above the atmosphere in space?

In summary, the average E(rms) is 2.914*10^6 V/m^2, the radiation pressure "P" exerted on a mirror above the atmosphere is 0.067 N/m^2, and it takes light 5 seconds to travel from the sun, which is 150 million kilometers away, to this point. The equations used are S=(epsilon-naught)(c)(E^2), P=[2(S)]/c, and V=x/t.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Above the atmospere the average intensity of sunlight is about 1000(W/m^2)
1. what is the average E(rms)
2. what would be the radiation pressure "P" exerted on a mirror there?
3. the sun is 150 million kilometers away from this point, how long does it take light to get here?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I took the equation S=(epsilon-naught)(c)(E^2); i rearranged the equation to solve for E= sqrt(S/(epsilon-naught(c))) I assumed that gave me E-max so I then divided E buy sqrt(2) to go to rms. questions 2 and 3 i think i was able to solve on my own.

I think I have attached the homework itself in the case that I've said something that doesn't make sense


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  • #2
or someone else wants to take a look at it. 1. E(rms)= sqrt(1000/(8.85*10^-12 *3*10^8))= 2.914*10^6 V/m2. P=[2(1000)]/3*10^8=0.067 N/m^23. x=150*10^6 km; t=x/c=150*10^6 km/(3*10^8 m/s)= 5s

FAQ: What is the average E(rms) and radiation pressure above the atmosphere in space?

What is the energy rms of light in space?

The energy rms of light in space refers to the root mean square energy of electromagnetic radiation in the vacuum of outer space. It is a measure of the average energy carried by each photon in a given area of space.

How is the energy rms of light in space calculated?

The energy rms of light in space is calculated using the formula E = hf, where E is the energy of a photon, h is the Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation.

What is the significance of the energy rms of light in space?

The energy rms of light in space is significant because it helps us understand the amount of energy present in the vacuum of outer space. It also plays a crucial role in various astrophysical phenomena, such as star formation and the behavior of black holes.

How does the energy rms of light in space differ from other forms of energy?

The energy rms of light in space is a specific type of energy that is unique to electromagnetic radiation. It differs from other forms of energy, such as kinetic or potential energy, which are associated with the movement or position of objects.

Can the energy rms of light in space be measured?

Yes, the energy rms of light in space can be measured using specialized instruments, such as telescopes or spectrometers. These instruments can detect and measure the electromagnetic radiation present in space and calculate its energy rms.
