What Is the Average Force Exerted by a Ball on a Plate During Impact?

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about basic physics involving a crane dropping a steel ball onto a steel plate. The question asks for the magnitude of the average force exerted by the ball on the plate during impact. The conversation includes equations and different approaches to solving the problem, with the correct answer being 3 Newtons. However, there is also a discussion about how the answer could be 87 Newtons depending on the interpretation of the situation.
  • #1
Andrew Muir
Question 1 (All basic physics).
A crane drops a 0.3 kg steel ball onto a steel plate. The ball's speeds just before impact and after are 4.5 m/s and 4.2 m/s, respectively.If the ball is in contact with the plate for 0.03 s, what is the magnitude of the average force that the ball exerts on the plate during impact.

Equations I thought would be useful (Basic Physics):

My ATTEMPT at the question:
Well first i took my givens which were:
Mass of Ball: 0.3 kg
Velocity Before impact: 4.5 m/s
Velocity After impact: 4.2 m/s
Accelration of gravity constant: 9.8 m/s^2 (^2=squared[Exponential value as it is written on a calculator)

So my thinking is that we should find the easiest force equation there, being the first one (before impact):
F1=2.94N (Newtons)
Then the second one (after impact):
(Finding acceleration)a=v/t
(Back to Force of second equation)
So now i assume that force is a scalar quantity and thus negatives don't really apply, only the value so i use:
ƩF=Average Force=(F1+F2)/2
ƩF=2.97N and the multiple choice answers are:
(b) 87N
(c) 3.5N
(d) 30N
(e) 133N

So I ask is how my answer (which was wrong) is not correct, where i messed up, what formulas i should have used, and what the correct answer is. (Note: This isn't homework it is a quiz question that i took and i never understood how it was wrong.)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Before I confuse you with a possibly incorrect explanation, the correct answer was A right?
  • #3
The ball's velocity changes from -4.5 m/s to 4.2 m/s in a time of 0.03 s . What is the average acceleration of the ball during this time?
  • #4
@ Vorde No i do not know the correct answer

@SammyS I also don't know but i would assume that it is around 9.8m/s^2

I already attempted this question and i don't mind getting confused a bit since i have more help than just the website (actually people help).
  • #5
Well, the way I did this was using the equation:

(Which can be acquired by multiplying F=MA by ΔT)

Then plug in (.03s) for ΔT, and for ΔMV I put in the difference between the before-collision momentum, and the after-collision momentum. Dividing both sides by ΔT yields a force of exactly 3 Newtons, no rounding required.
  • #6
I showed that answer to my physics teacher and he says the answer is BOTH (a) and (b) and it just depends on what you perceive what happends after. If it bounces back the answer is 87N, however, if you thought like the way I did where it breaks through (since it is not specified in the question whether it bounces or not) then the answer is 3N. I like that equation set up vorde and i'll use that on any other situations like that. So he was also wrong but he was right too.

FAQ: What Is the Average Force Exerted by a Ball on a Plate During Impact?

1. What is the difference between energy and momentum in physics?

Energy is the ability to do work while momentum is the measure of an object's motion. Energy can exist in different forms such as kinetic, potential, thermal, and chemical, while momentum is always associated with an object's mass and velocity.

2. How is energy conserved in a closed system?

In a closed system, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy remains constant. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

3. What is the relationship between force and momentum?

Force is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum. This means that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the change in its momentum will be. This relationship is described by Newton's second law of motion, F=ma.

4. How does kinetic energy differ from potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion, while potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or configuration. Kinetic energy can be converted into potential energy and vice versa, but they are fundamentally different forms of energy.

5. Can an object have momentum without having energy?

Yes, an object can have momentum without having energy. This can occur if the object has zero velocity, meaning it is at rest. In this case, the object still has a mass and therefore has momentum, but it does not have any kinetic energy since it is not in motion.
