What is the Best Brand of Cigarettes for Smokers?

  • Thread starter rudinreader
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In summary, Moe was talking about how it is hard to quit smoking and how it is a lot harder than quitting drugs or not getting drunk. She also mentioned that she has been trying to quit for a few weeks and that she has been using Camel Lights to avoid getting a large dose of nicotine. She also mentioned that she is going to try to quit every month for a week this time and that it has only killed a few small furry animals in the process.
  • #36
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Ephratah7 said:


Off to have a smoke right now. :smile:
  • #38
Quincy said:
...wtf? Why the hell do you guys smoke? All those years, they tell you not to smoke/say no to drugs, etc... why would you still do it?... I thought everyone here was smart, but apparently not...

Well, Quincy, avoid saying "wtf". and anyway, they smoke ,not because they are "moron" ,but because of "BAD INFLUENCE"! Be a "good Influence" please...o:)
  • #39
arildno said:

Off to have a smoke right now. :smile:

haha... :smile:... Be a "good Influence to us KIDS>>>LOL
  • #40
I have been a teacher, so yes, I AM a good influence on kids. :smile:
  • #41
arildno said:
I have been a teacher, so yes, I AM a good influence on kids. :smile:

oh...Well, some of my teachers are smokers... They are not gooodddd Influenceeeee to us...
  • #42
Ephratah7 said:
...to us KIDS>>>LOL

Indeed, "kids", you are just a kid. So, YOU don't know what you are talking about. Again, the content of your childish message has nothing, NOTHING, to do with the topic being discussed in this thread. Please, when attempting to join a discussion, do try to find out what people are talking about. This is, generally, what adults do. Don't just bumb in by regurgitating what everybody already knows. It makes you look, err, childish

Now, off to bed, bye bye

  • #43
marlon said:
Indeed, "kids", you are just a kid. So, YOU don't know what you are talking about. Again, the content of your childish message has nothing, NOTHING, to do with the topic being discussed in this thread. Please, when attempting to join a discussion, do try to find out what people are talking about. This is, generally, what adults do. Don't just bumb in by regurgitating what everybody already knows. It makes you look, err, childish

Now, off to bed, bye bye


hmm... Well, I am a kid. ^_^. "off to bed" you say. Yes, Teacher! I will! ^_^.. you said, "You are just a kid. So, YOU don't know what you are talking about. Again, the content of your childish message has nothing, NOTHING, to do with the topic being discussed in this thread. Please, when attempting to join a discussion, do try to find out what people are talking about. This is, generally, what adults do."... I may be a kid, But I know what i am saying, teacher. What i just post (Cigarette is bad to ur health, etc." ) is not childish. You said , you're a teacher, so be a good example,
  • #44
Ephratah7 said:
hmm... Well, I am a kid. ^_^. "off to bed" you say. Yes, Teacher! I will! ^_^.. you said, "You are just a kid. So, YOU don't know what you are talking about. Again, the content of your childish message has nothing, NOTHING, to do with the topic being discussed in this thread. Please, when attempting to join a discussion, do try to find out what people are talking about. This is, generally, what adults do."... I may be a kid, But I know what i am saying, teacher. What i just post (Cigarette is bad to ur health, etc." ) is not childish. You said , you're a teacher, so be a good example,

Again you missed the point, my dear juvenile friend :

1) i never said that the content of your message is incorrect
2) i said you should READ what people are talking about before stepping in...

  • #45
marlon said:
Again you missed the point, my dear juvenile friend :

1) i never said that the content of your message is incorrect
2) i said you should READ what people are talking about before stepping in...


ohhhhh... sorry. ^_^. Ok, Good night Sensei-Marlon. ^_^. I'll go to bed now. LOL.
Cigarette is bad to our teacher's health!
  • #46
Ephratah7 said:
ohhhhh... sorry. ^_^. Ok, Good night Sensei-Marlon. ^_^. I'll go to bed now. LOL.
Cigarette is bad to our teacher's health!

Hey, whassup dude, when are you, like, going to start, like, talking about content in stead of, like, repeating the same thing over and over again ?

  • #47
marlon said:
Hey, whassup dude, when are you, like, going to start, like, talking about content in stead of, like, repeating the same thing over and over again ?


haha. lol. I will respect and follow what my teacher says! So, off to bed now! ^__^
  • #48
Ephratah7 said:
haha. lol. I will respect and follow what my teacher says! So, off to bed now! ^__^

Well, than you are not doing what your teacher is telling you to do.

Not too bright, huh ?

  • #49
marlon said:
Well, than you are not doing what your teacher is telling you to do.

Not too bright, huh ?


>_>... oppsss... sorry , sensei-Marlon!
  • #50
marlon said:
OOHH Boy, being smart has nothing to do with it.

Doing something when you know it's bad for you and can potentially kill you -- yes, that is stupid. Someone smart would never do that.
  • #51
If this were a thread about the stupidity of smoking then I would agree with you. This is a thread about what brand people prefer to smoke. Let's attempt to keep the discussion to its original intent. We all know smoking is unhealthy and are reminded of that fact every day. Rather than barging into the smoker's club and putting up anti-smoking signs on the walls, start your own thread. We've made our decision and we are entitled to it.
  • #52
Marlon, just put him on ignore. Its in the CP next to buddy list. He is being annoying, especially with his use of slang and smilies.
  • #53
Quincy said:
Doing something when you know it's bad for you and can potentially kill you -- yes, that is stupid. Someone smart would never do that.

Einstein smoked a pipe, musta been one dumb guy huh.



Man, what idiots.

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  • #54
Can't you put some kind of age limit on this board-- like the completion of puberty.
  • #55
Hey, don't pull that age crap, its maturity that matters. I would give a huge amount to be able to go back and meet Einstein as well as all the other great scientists/artists/writers/musicians of the past centuries.
  • #56
binzing said:
Marlon, just put him on ignore. Its in the CP next to buddy list. He is being annoying, especially with his use of slang and smilies.

Sensei-Marlon is not annoying! I guess...

Cigarette is Bad to our sensei-marlon's health!
  • #57
Preferably Bali Hai, getting hard to find tho.
And to all you preachers about not smoking: I smoke because I want to. I do not drink... smoking may be dangerous to my health, but... as far as I know, no one has yet been killed by smoking and driving. Better odds here than driving and drinking, driving and texting, driving and yakking on a cell phone. Anyone checked lately what they put in their system by the simple act of breathing? I know it is not just oxygen. Anyway, I do not tell anyone to smoke, or not to smoke, or how to live their life. Frankly I do not care. If you are an adult you can do whatever pleases you, as long as you do not break any laws or infringe on the rights of others to do as they please.
If you want, put that in your pipe...
  • #58
I can't understand smoking cigarettes. I understand smoking crack more than I do smoking cigarettes. They don't even make you feel good, at least crack does that. Cigarettes just take the bad feeling away that you get when you're not smoking cigarettes; a feeling that you wouldn't have if you never started in the first place.

But just to clarify, I think smoking crack is one of the worst things you can do. It seems to me anyone who starts smoking crack is just someone who has given up on life.
What I'm saying is I understand the reason for smoking crack more so than I do the reason for smoking cigarettes.
  • #59
leroy, it is irrelevant wether you understand it or not. People will make decisions you do not understand. It is my choice! And if anyone decides to use illegal narcotics, that is their choice, and they have to deal with the consquences. If my smoking has consequences, I will deal with it.
  • #60
leroyjenkens said:
I can't understand smoking cigarettes. I understand smoking crack more than I do smoking cigarettes. They don't even make you feel good, at least crack does that. Cigarettes just take the bad feeling away that you get when you're not smoking cigarettes; a feeling that you wouldn't have if you never started in the first place.

This is factually incorrect:


The effects of nicotine, like those of other drugs with potential for abuse and dependence, are centrally mediated. The impact of nicotine on the central nervous system is neuroregulatory in nature, affecting biochemical and physiological functions in a manner that reinforces drug-taking behavior. Dose-dependent neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine effects occur as plasma nicotine levels rise when a cigarette is smoked. Circulating levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine increase, and the bioavailability of dopamine is altered as well. Among the neuroendocrine effects are release of arginine vasopressin, beta-endorphin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol. Notably, several of these neurochemicals are psychoactive and/or known to modulate behavior. Thus, affective states or cognitive demands may be favorably modified (at least temporarily) by nicotine intake. When nicotine is inhaled, the neuroregulatory effects just described are immediately available and the reinforcing effects of the drug are maximized.
  • #61
I don't smoke but if I did I would smoke a pipe like this one,

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