What is the best method for projecting 3D graphics?

In summary: Thank you for this explanation.In summary, the video buffer is a two dimensional image that is manipulated to create a three dimensional image on the screen.
  • #1
When it comes to graphics (what I have learned) is that what you see on the screen is data placed in a memory (video buffer) and then the data or pixel is then plotted onto the screen. So when you manipulate the data in the video buffer you will also manipulate the pixels on the screen.

Then it crosses my mind that when you want to plot 3D images on the screen, you can see the video buffer as a 2D plane which you can project 3D object onto.

I guess this is how it's done, but I wonder which of these two is the most common or the best way to implement this method when you want to turn and rotate an object in space?

Having the 3D object fixed in space and rotate the surface which will become the video buffer.

Having the surface (video buffer) fixed and rotate the object.

What I am guessing is if you use method 1) you don't need to transform as many vectors but then you cannot use more than one object which you can in method 2).
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  • #2
I did an OpenGL course last semester, but I'm no pro.

When you require a rotation, you can either rotate the object OR rotate the "camera" around the object. Both methods only require you to transform the vectors for the "thing" you are rotating (be it a modeled sphere, or the "camera"). When I say camera, I mean the viewpoint of the user, but I think the analogy is natural.

The video buffer does indeed contain a 2d projection of the 3d scene, but you don't rotate it per se, it just contains the flattened 2d image of all of your rotations and transforms, lighting, etc as seen via the "camera".

Personally, I found it easier (conceptually) to rotate things in my scene, controlling the camera was quite a bit harder, although sometimes you need to do both.
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  • #3
Ok thanx. Yes that sounds reasoneble. If you want to move the whole sceene you should move the camera.
  • #4
It's usually broken up like this:
Model Space -> World Space -> View (Camera) Space -> Projection Space -> Screen Space
  • #5
What does world space means? Is it just an empy space or could is also contain fixed stuff such as llandscape etc? And why does the camera need its own space? Couldnt it be chared with world space?
  • #6
Jaynte said:
What does world space means? Is it just an empy space or could is also contain fixed stuff such as llandscape etc? And why does the camera need its own space? Couldnt it be chared with world space?

World space is when all the objects go from their own local space to the global coordinate system.

Say if you were doing a model of the solar system. The world space is a coordinate system with the sun at the origin. Each planet is centered at some point and has its own rotation properties.

Let's assume that the orbits around the sun are circular (and not elliptic like they really are). You combine translation and rotation matrices in a composition with the world matrix to get all of the coordinates in terms of the world matrix.

Basically the whole process is just a composition of matrices. The order depends on what you are trying to calculate, but like the above poster said you start by calculating local transformations and then compose these results with higher level transformations (world, camera, and so on).
  • #7
Thanx, now i get it.

Related to What is the best method for projecting 3D graphics?

What is projection in 3D graphics?

Projection in 3D graphics is the process of converting 3-dimensional objects into 2-dimensional images. This is necessary for displaying 3D objects on a 2D surface, such as a computer screen or paper.

What are the two types of projection in 3D graphics?

The two types of projection in 3D graphics are perspective projection and orthographic projection. Perspective projection mimics how our eyes see objects in the real world, while orthographic projection creates a more geometrically accurate representation of the 3D object.

What is the purpose of projection in 3D graphics?

The purpose of projection in 3D graphics is to create a realistic and accurate representation of a 3D object on a 2D surface. This allows for easier visualization and understanding of complex 3D objects.

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The main difference between parallel and converging projections is the angle at which the lines of the 3D object are projected onto the 2D surface. In parallel projection, the lines remain parallel, while in converging projection, the lines converge towards a vanishing point.

How is projection used in video games and movies?

In video games and movies, projection is used to create the illusion of 3D objects and environments on a 2D screen. It allows for realistic and immersive experiences for the viewer or player. Projection is also used in the pre-production stage to plan out camera angles and shots for filming or gameplay.

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