What Is the Best PICBasic IDE/Compiler for PIC Programming?

  • Thread starter Jdo300
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a person wanting to upgrade their programming skills from Basic STAMPs to pure PIC programming. They are looking for suggestions on the best development environment, preferably one that is full-featured like Visual Basic. Some options mentioned are the Proton Development Suite, mikroBASIC, PICBasic, and freeware CGBasic compilers. The person ultimately decides to go with MPLAB and mentions using a dsPIC30F2020 for a three-phase controller project.
  • #1
Hello All,

I am ready to graduate from programming Basic STAMPs to pure PIC programming. I want to go ahead and purchase a nice PIC Development environment to program in. I know there are lots of free C and Asm dev apps but I really like Basic (Visual Basic is my native language). Would anyone have any suggestions for what they believe is the all around best development environment? Ideally, I'm looking for something that would be full-featured like Visual Basic but of course for PICs :smile:. From looking around, I've seen things like the Proton Development Suite, mikroBASIC, PICBasic and the freeware CGBasic compilers.

Which ones do you all prefer to use?

Jason O
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
Hi Berkaman, thanks for the link. Looks like I'll go with MPLAB for this one. I looked into the basic compilers but none of them support the PIC that I am interested in using (dsPIC30F2020). IN case you're wondering, I found a better way to make my three-phase controller using the high-speed PWMs on this PIC. Now I just have to figure out how to program and wire it up right

- Jason O

FAQ: What Is the Best PICBasic IDE/Compiler for PIC Programming?

1. What is PICBasic and why is it important?

PICBasic is a high-level programming language used for developing applications on PIC microcontrollers. It is important because it allows for easier and faster development of projects, especially for those without extensive programming experience.

2. What are some popular PICBasic IDE/Compiler options?

Some popular options include MicroCode Studio, PICBASIC PRO, and Swordfish Basic. These IDEs provide a user-friendly interface and advanced features to make programming with PICBasic more efficient.

3. How do I choose the best PICBasic IDE/Compiler for my project?

It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and the specific needs of your project. Consider factors such as cost, compatibility with your PIC microcontroller, and available features to determine which IDE/Compiler will work best for you.

4. Are there any free PICBasic IDE/Compiler options available?

Yes, there are some free options available such as PICBASIC PRO Compiler Lite and Swordfish IDE. These may have limited features compared to their paid counterparts, but can still be useful for basic projects.

5. Can I use a different IDE/Compiler with PICBasic?

PICBasic is a specific programming language designed for use with PIC microcontrollers, so it is best to use an IDE/Compiler specifically designed for it. However, some other compilers may have compatibility with PICBasic code.
