What is the best possible way to get into quant as EE

In summary, there is no one definitive path to becoming a quant. Some people have found success with an MBA from a top school, while others have pursued advanced degrees in fields such as electrical engineering, statistics, or math. Ultimately, it may be more important to have strong technical skills and a passion for the field rather than a specific degree. However, an MBA may offer networking and prestige opportunities, and may be more helpful for those interested in management roles.
  • #1
Hello everyone. I searched this forum but couldn't get a good answer! In my country there are few jobs available as quant but one of the companys that hires them went to my university 5 months ago in a carrer fair. They were looking for a engineer graduate to apply and train as quant.

I finished my EE masters with focus on automation and would like to have a shot because that's my goal right now.

Ive been doing research at my university (the best in engineering in my country) and I might make my PhD there, altough I wouldn't want that.

Right now I am studying several quant themes and will try to go further and play with real money if I have to build a portfolio (so to say).

My question is, what is the possible best way to get into the field? My research right now in University involves applying and thinking in a lot of algorithms.

Is it better for me to get a IT or programming job and applying when I have curriculum enought or is it better to go PhD?
Sorry for the english!
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  • #2
I know two people that have become quants who were prior to that either co-workers or grad school classmates.

One of them got an MBA from Stanford (focused on financial engineering). Now she works for one of the big-name banks and has a big place with her husband in Manhattan.

The other got an MBA from Columbia. He spent some time at a hedge fund, made a bundle, and now is an angel tech investor.

I stayed technical, designing circuits, and I still rent a two-bedroom apartment. Maybe there is a lesson in there...

My advice is if you know you want to be a quant get an MBA . I don't think a PhD in EE is going to help you achieve your goals.
  • #3
analogdesign said:
I know two people that have become quants who were prior to that either co-workers or grad school classmates.

One of them got an MBA from Stanford (focused on financial engineering). Now she works for one of the big-name banks and has a big place with her husband in Manhattan.

The other got an MBA from Columbia. He spent some time at a hedge fund, made a bundle, and now is an angel tech investor.

I stayed technical, designing circuits, and I still rent a two-bedroom apartment. Maybe there is a lesson in there...

My advice is if you know you want to be a quant get an MBA . I don't think a PhD in EE is going to help you achieve your goals.

Maybe tyou stayed there cause you like what you do ;)

But really, I have no money neither work experience to get me a MBA. In my country the best way to do that is going to consulting and after that the company send you to the MBA.

When I was kid I wanted a work related to stock market, and after going to the carrer fair I learn I could have that.

Right now I am doing a online course on quant trading, but will try to get into a post grad (i think its called this way in the USA) into a field which has a lot to do with it. Buut right now in my prospects of a future job in the sotck market, is it better to work in a EE related field until I get that job or is it better to go into a more software related field or even staying at research in University?
  • #4
analogdesign said:
I know two people that have become quants who were prior to that either co-workers or grad school classmates.

One of them got an MBA from Stanford (focused on financial engineering). Now she works for one of the big-name banks and has a big place with her husband in Manhattan.

The other got an MBA from Columbia. He spent some time at a hedge fund, made a bundle, and now is an angel tech investor.

I stayed technical, designing circuits, and I still rent a two-bedroom apartment. Maybe there is a lesson in there...

My advice is if you know you want to be a quant get an MBA . I don't think a PhD in EE is going to help you achieve your goals.

It's interesting that the two people you know who went on to become quants pursued their MBA to enter that path, because of all of the people I know who became quants (I know of 6 people), none of them have their MBA (2 of them have a MS in statistics, 1 has a Masters in applied math, 1 has a PhD in math, and 2 have PhDs in physics). I was even told that some firms will actually reject those with MBAs for quant roles.
  • #5
You don't learn anything useful technical-wise doing an MBA. You do it because it is so expensive and it shows that some business thought you had enough talent for them to pay you to do an MBA. You do it for the networking and the prestige. An MBA that's not at a top school is useless btw. If the MBA is affordable, it doesn't show your employer was grooming you for management.

Also quantitative economics and MBA don't really line up if you ask me. Two different things.
  • #6
Statguy2000: That is interesting. In the case of my former colleagues they both have PhDs in Electrical Engineering, maybe that is why it worked out for them? I'm not close enough to ask them about it. If nothing else, I've got two data points where people were not rejected due to MBAs (assuming I'm correct they were doing quant roles and not investment banking type stuff... I'm pretty sure the Hedge Fund guy was doing programming).

Asteropaeus: Do you have an MBA? My best childhood friend retired from the military a few years ago and got an MBA (from a top school). He shared some of his assignments with me. They were extremely technical. This guy (my friend) has an MS in EE from Stanford and he was quite challenged. Perhaps it depends on the school and/or the emphasis of the program?
  • #7
Im kind of still in the same place. Have no idea what to do next? Should I go for what in order to pursue a quant carreer?

Related to What is the best possible way to get into quant as EE

What is the best possible way to get into quant as EE?

The best way to get into quant as an EE (electrical engineer) is to gain a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, and programming. These skills are essential for understanding and implementing quantitative strategies. Additionally, networking with professionals in the field, obtaining relevant certifications, and gaining hands-on experience through internships or research can also greatly improve your chances of breaking into the quant industry.

What types of skills are needed for a career in quant as an EE?

Quantitative analysis, programming, and problem-solving skills are crucial for a career in quant as an EE. Strong mathematical and statistical knowledge, as well as proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, or MATLAB, are essential for developing and implementing quantitative strategies. Additionally, having a good understanding of financial markets and economics can also be beneficial.

Do I need a degree in finance or economics to work in quant as an EE?

No, a degree in finance or economics is not a requirement for a career in quant as an EE. However, having a strong foundation in these fields can be advantageous, as quantitative strategies often involve analyzing financial data and understanding market trends. It is also important to have a basic understanding of financial concepts and terminology.

What are some common career paths in quant for EEs?

Some common career paths in quant for EEs include quantitative analyst, financial engineer, and data scientist. These roles involve using quantitative methods to analyze and solve complex problems in finance and other industries. Additionally, EEs with a background in signal processing or control systems may also find opportunities in algorithmic trading or high-frequency trading.

Are there any specific certifications or courses that can help in pursuing a career in quant as an EE?

There are several certifications and courses that can help in pursuing a career in quant as an EE. Some popular options include the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation, the FRM (Financial Risk Manager) certification, and courses in financial mathematics, econometrics, and machine learning. These certifications and courses can help develop the necessary skills and knowledge for a career in quant as an EE, and can also make your resume stand out to potential employers.

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