What is the Best Template for Using RevTex in Physics Review B Assignments?

In summary: You can also specify the width and height of the figure, using\begin{figure}[width]{width of the figure}\begin{figure}[height]{height of the figure}You can also specify the placement by using\begin{figure}[left]{left margin}\begin{figure}[right]{right margin}\end{figure}or\begin{figure}[top]{top margin}\begin{figure}[bottom]{bottom margin}However, you will need to use the \includegraphics command to include the image
  • #1
Hi - doing a physics honors degree by distance learning, and will need to submit some assignments in the reference style used by the journal Physics review B (PRB). I have looked into this and have downloaded MikTex (which includes RevTex that PRB specifies), plus Winedt 9. So far so good. What I am looking for is a basic template that I can use for my first effort at putting an assignment into RevTex - I have most of the assignment material ready, but that is hard enough without muddying the actual assignment with trying to learn RevTex and winedt. The template can be empty or have info in it already that I would need to overwrite with mine - so if you can give me a link to such a template(s) it would make it easier for me to start using RevTex (which is not part of the assignment - I could submit the assignment using Word and Mathtype which I already know, but I think it is better with an eye on the future, to make this an opportunity to learn RevTex). Sorry this is a bit long winded, and tThanks :-)
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  • #2
http://arxiv.org/e-print/1301.0184v1 is a randomly selected eprint that uses the prb option for RevTeX4. It is a gzipped, tar file, so you might need something like WinRAR to open it.
  • #3
Thanks (used 7-zip). Just to clarify, I found a bunch of eps files and 'paper.tex' which must be the template, the eps files I assume are inclusions?
However when I run PDFTexify from Winedt, I get 2 errors which stop the compilation at that point - "! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .eps." Sorry to be a nuisance, but any idea what I'm missing in my installation?
  • #4
ognik said:
Thanks (used 7-zip). Just to clarify, I found a bunch of eps files and 'paper.tex' which must be the template, the eps files I assume are inclusions?
However when I run PDFTexify from Winedt, I get 2 errors which stop the compilation at that point - "! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .eps." Sorry to be a nuisance, but any idea what I'm missing in my installation?

Try adding \usepackage{epstopdf} before \begin{document}.
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  • #5
Thanks fzero, got the pdf compiled :-) I know you haven't signed up to be revtex support, but please correct me if I'm wrong - once I have edited my content in, running PDFtexify is adequate and such a pdf could be submitted to prb?
  • #6
ognik said:
Thanks fzero, got the pdf compiled :-) I know you haven't signed up to be revtex support, but please correct me if I'm wrong - once I have edited my content in, running PDFtexify is adequate and such a pdf could be submitted to prb?

For submission to a journal, it's best to submit the source tex file, along with any figures, exactly the way that bundle was submitted to the arxiv. Once a paper is accepted, they have some assistant editor that will go through the file looking to correct typos and other things, so they will want the source file. I think PRB would also wave page charges if they get the REVTeX file, but not for a PDF.
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  • #7
Thanks fzero. I have found this guide - http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/370/papers/Journal_Style_Manuals/auguide4-1.pdf for helping me through the syntax etc., do you know of anything better?
... because I have a couple of questions I couldn't figure out (see below). After the \usepackages I have:
\title{HMPHY80: Assignment task 02. Case study on research methods}
\author{Alan Smith (465-884-1) }
\affiliation{Department of Physics, UNISA,ZA}

\pacs{not used}


Literature search and evaluation assignment, using the Physics Review B journal reference style


Blah, blah ...

Blah, blah ...

\includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{Table of Database Findings.png}
\caption[system]{\label{fig1} Very basic table, merely to illustrate the thinking that preceded the actual search }
How can I have (465-884-1) in \author - without it being highlighted as a reference?
Ditto Department of Physics in next line?
I wanted the png I included to be in \section{Method}, but it insists on putting it bottom of column? Also it leaves out the word'Table'?

Thanks again
  • #8
ognik said:
How can I have (465-884-1) in \author - without it being highlighted as a reference?
Ditto Department of Physics in next line?

This behavior is caused by the superscriptaddress option to REVTeX, i.e., change



I wanted the png I included to be in \section{Method}, but it insists on putting it bottom of column? Also it leaves out the word'Table'?

The LaTeX figure object floats, that is, it by default left to TeX to figure out where in the document to make room for the figure. However, you can specify a placement option by using

\begin{figure}[placement specifier]

where typical values are

(put the figure as close as possible to here)
(put the figure at the top of this page)
(put the figure at the bottom of this page)

I am not getting good results with the twocolumn REVTeX option, so you might want to remove it:


If you want the object to be labeled as a table, maybe you can use the "table" object:

\includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{Table of Database Findings.png} 
\caption[system]{\label{fig1} Very basic table, merely to illustrate the thinking that preceded the actual search } 

BTW, if you're not using the PACS codes, you can cut showpacs, so

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  • #9
Awesome thanks, everything immediately useful. I did find the object placement, but the guides seem a little cryptic to me, so I was trying {figure[h]} - real nice to have a little help :-)
  • #10
Nearly forgot - for an object I have: \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{Table of Database Findings.png} , but it puts the text "of Database Findings.png" above the object, is there a way to leave out that text? (and why does it drop the "Table" part?).

Finally for today, Thanks again is there a way to \cite in [prb] so that there is an anchor link to the reference in the bibliography? Thanks again.
Last edited:
  • #11
ognik said:
Nearly forgot - for an object I have: \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{Table of Database Findings.png} , but it puts the text "of Database Findings.png" above the object, is there a way to leave out that text? (and why does it drop the "Table" part?).

TeX was originally developed on Unix systems when spaces in filenames were forbidden, so I'd assume that this behavior is related to those spaces. Change the name to something without spaces (or replace with _) and I would guess the problem will go away.

Finally for today, Thanks again is there a way to \cite in [prb] so that there is an anchor link to the reference in the bibliography? Thanks again.

I don't know if this is possible in REVTeX alone. I would try including the hyperref package, which I think does what you want.
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Likes ognik
  • #12
Again spot on, thanks - you have saved me a heap of time :-)

FAQ: What is the Best Template for Using RevTex in Physics Review B Assignments?

1. What is a Template for Physics review B?

A Template for Physics review B is a standardized format for organizing and presenting information about a particular topic in the field of Physics. It typically includes sections such as introduction, background, methodology, results, and conclusion.

2. How can a Template for Physics review B be useful for a scientist?

A Template for Physics review B can be useful for a scientist as it provides a structure for organizing their research and presenting it in a clear and concise manner. It also ensures that all important aspects of the topic are covered and makes it easier for readers to understand the information presented.

3. Is a Template for Physics review B applicable to all types of research in Physics?

Yes, a Template for Physics review B can be applied to various types of research in Physics, including theoretical, experimental, and computational studies. However, it may need to be modified slightly depending on the specific research being conducted.

4. Can a Template for Physics review B be customized to fit the needs of a specific research project?

Yes, a Template for Physics review B can be customized to suit the needs of a particular research project. Scientists can add or remove sections, adjust the length and detail of each section, and include any other relevant information that may not be covered in the standard template.

5. Are there any guidelines for using a Template for Physics review B?

While there are no strict rules for using a Template for Physics review B, it is generally recommended to follow the suggested structure and include all necessary information. Additionally, scientists should ensure that the language used is clear and concise, and that all sources are properly cited.

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