What is the best way to draw Lewis structures for transition metals?

They tend to make lots of bonds, to lots of different things, and often have lots of lone pairs too. So you can't really do a Lewis dot structure for them.In summary, Lewis dot structures are a way to represent the valence electrons and their bonding in a molecule or ion. However, they do not work well for transition metals due to their unique bonding patterns and electron configurations. Instead, for ions with positive oxidation states, you subtract electrons from the neutral element and represent them with dots or other symbols. For example, Fe^{3+} would have five dots around the Fe symbol, representing its 5 valence electrons. For ions with negative oxidation states, you add electrons to the neutral element and represent them
  • #1
if i am told to draw a lewis diagram for
does this mean a melocule of 1P atom and 4 Cl atoms, the whole molecule with a charge of +1 or is it 1 P atom and 4 Cl[tex]^{+}[/tex] ions, giving the molecule a charge of +4

what does the lewis structure look like, is it P in the middle with Cl on each of its 4 sides, all in square brackets with a + sign after the brackets.

does anyone know of a site that has a tool where i can plug in the molecule and get the structure?
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  • #2
devanlevin said:
1P atom and 4 Cl atoms, the whole molecule with a charge of +1

That's it.

what does the lewis structure look like, is it P in the middle with Cl on each of its 4 sides, all in square brackets with a + sign after the brackets.

Sounds OK.
  • #3
what are the lewis structure for these ions?

is it [F][tex]^{-}[/tex]

is it [Fe][tex]^{3+}[/tex] with 5 dots around the Fe, (5 valence electrons) Fe[tex]^{3+}[/tex] : [Ar]4s[tex]^{2}[/tex]3d[tex]^{3}[/tex]

is it [Co][tex]^{3+}[/tex] with 6 dots around Co

generally how are the transition metals displayed in lewis structure since they arent in any of the 7 colums of valance electrons
  • #4

Write P in the center. Draw a single bond to each of four Cl atoms.

P normally has five electrons. With only four bonds, it has a formal charge of +1. Good thing that fifth electron took a hike, huh?

Each of the four chlorines is stuck at the end of a single bond, with three lone pairs. The formal charge is zero for each.

Therefore, the entire molecule has a charge of +1.


Draw F in the center. Surround it with 4 lone pairs. The formal charge is now -1. Done.

Iron, Cobalt:

Applying the rules for lewis dot structures to transition metals really isn't the best idea. Even atoms in the non-metals get sort of snarky as you go further down. Nitrogen has to stop at four bonds, but phosphorous can have five (using not just its s and p orbitals, but its brand new d-orbitals as well). Carbon is stable in methane with CH4, but Silicon in silane (SiH4) burns immediately on contact with air -- the extra d orbitals again. Sort of like extra parking spaces for reaction intermediates.

And the transition metals? Worst of all. They mostly ignore the octet rule (though some do kind of like the 18 electron rule, which you may hear about later). So trying to make them follow Lewis structure rules is kind of like tying a knot in water -- it's too easy to break the rules for the rules to make much sense.
  • #5
devanlevin said:
what are the lewis structure for these ions?

is it [F][tex]^{-}[/tex]

is it [Fe][tex]^{3+}[/tex] with 5 dots around the Fe, (5 valence electrons) Fe[tex]^{3+}[/tex] : [Ar]4s[tex]^{2}[/tex]3d[tex]^{3}[/tex]

is it [Co][tex]^{3+}[/tex] with 6 dots around Co

generally how are the transition metals displayed in lewis structure since they arent in any of the 7 colums of valance electrons

Why are you using brackets in a Lewis dot structure? Don't!

In your examples, first you determine the oxidation state of the element(s). If the oxidation state is positive, you subtract electrons (or dots, 'x's', o's, etc...) from the neutral element. For example, NCl3 would have an oxidation number of +3 for nitrogen and -1 for each chlorine. The lewis dot structures for those would be an 'N' with two dots (5-3=2) and three 'Cl' with eight 'o's'(7+1=8). Together it would be a central 'N' surrounded by with two 'dots' and 6 'o's'; three sides would have a chlorine with 8 'o's', two of those being shared with the nitrogen.

Transition metals follow the 18 electron rule, not the 8 electron rule.
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FAQ: What is the best way to draw Lewis structures for transition metals?

1. What is a Lewis Structure?

A Lewis Structure is a diagram that represents the arrangement of atoms and electrons in a molecule. It shows the number of valence electrons in each atom and how they are bonded to each other.

2. How do you draw a Lewis Structure?

To draw a Lewis Structure, you first need to determine the total number of valence electrons in the molecule. Then, arrange the atoms in the molecule and connect them with single bonds. Finally, distribute the remaining electrons to fulfill the octet rule for each atom.

3. What is the octet rule?

The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a stable configuration with 8 valence electrons. This applies to most elements, except for hydrogen which only needs 2 valence electrons to be stable.

4. Can there be exceptions to the octet rule?

Yes, there are some molecules called expanded octets that have more than 8 electrons around the central atom. This usually occurs with elements in period 3 or higher on the periodic table.

5. How do you determine the molecular geometry from a Lewis Structure?

The molecular geometry is determined by the arrangement of atoms and lone pairs of electrons around the central atom in a molecule. To determine this, you can use the VSEPR theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) which states that electron pairs will arrange themselves as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion.

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