What is the Biological Purpose of Female Orgasms?

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In summary: that orgasms help with conception by increasing the chances of semen moving up to the uterus due to uterine contractions, and that it also helps to keep hormone levels in check.
  • #36
So it is just because women have a clitoral (a mini-penis) that is stimulated in the same way as men. That is fair enough. Just women don't need to be stimulated as much as they only need to reset and men try to be dominant. Makes sense.

Gale17 said:
i don't want to be graphic or anything, but even with just umm... intercourse... there's still umm, rubbing as two bodies er... interact. Plus just like guys have um other ways of er... pleasure without direct um rubbing... so have we. Hope that's an ok answer.
I think one of the words you are looking for is masturbation (with a u or an e?). :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #37
The Bob said:
I think one of the words you are looking for is masturbation (with a u or an e?). :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)

its with a U. and i didn't mean just that... there's pleanty of other weird ways to umm... orgasm...
  • #38
Gale17 said:
its with a U. and i didn't mean just that... there's pleanty of other weird ways to umm... orgasm...
This the point where I stop asking questions and keep my ignorance clean. I am glad I am an innocent guy.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #39
I can quickly sum up the science side of it...there aren't very many credible studies directly addressing the question. The reason has a lot to do with who's in charge of providing the funding for research: 1) panels reviewing grants are dominated by older males (this is changing, but only recently) who really haven't cared much about female orgasm as a high priority for funding; 2) Congress allocates funding, and every year or two someone tries to cut funding to anything that includes the words "sexual behavior" so funding agencies also tend to shy away from funding such work to avoid losing Congressional appropriations. These trends are shifting a bit now that men have their Viagra, and women are starting to demand drugs for them too. So someone's got to start doing the research into mechanisms if they want to create a drug that takes advantage of those mechanisms, but there is a real paucity of research on the topic beyond that of very general anatomy of nerve branches carrying the sensory information.

So, everything that people have suggested here remain speculative, although the speculation I've seen here all seems pretty well grounded in general biological principles. In other words, we don't know which is the right answer, but there are multiple possibilities here that could each be systematically tested if someone was so inclined.
  • #40
Gale said:
The answer, as far as I'm aware is thus. The penis obviously orgasms and ejactulates in order for reproduction. The clitoris is basically a females underdeveloped "penis." Hence, why it becomes pronounced when stimulated and why it cause pleasure. So the reproductive reason we have orgasms is because males do, and our bodies aren't so dissimilar. Nature would have to go through a lot more do do away completely with our "penis," so instead, She leaves it there, in its minisculized form, and it allows us orgasm. She may leave us with a clitoris so that our orgasm helps with fertilization, i don't know. I only know that it is there and so we orgasm just like males.

get it?

The clitoris isn't an underdeveloped penis, rather the penis is an overdeveloped clitoris. The male must have an X chromosome and females always have two X's. Therefore men start out as it were as something of a female (which is why they have nipples and mammary glands) before the Y chromosome kicks in and they begin to change into the male sex. Men always need an X to survive, but women never need a Y. Nature did not give women a "penis", nature gave us a template and the Y chromosome simply mutated what could have been a female into a male.

It was also shown in a video documentary once that when a female has an orgasm, the cervix "dips" down into the pool of sperm. I think this is a possibility for female orgasm. Again it could also be that as someone else said, if it feels good you will want to do it many times. I think the female orgasm also may be harder to obtain but superior to the male orgasm, which shows possibly why men feel they NEED to orgasm many many times where women are not as frenzied. Men can have 5 or 6 orgasms that will equal the satisfaction of one female orgasm. Men do not seem to have orgasms last very long at all, a few seconds at best.

Also, the penis itself doesn't orgasm, it is just a route by which sperm can be introduced to the female. Though with a female, orgasm occurs in the vagina, the clitoris, the cervix and the uterus.

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