What is the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck bed?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the coefficient of static friction between a crate and a pickup truck. The crate is traveling horizontally at 15.0 m/s and the truck applies the brakes for 28.7 m with uniform acceleration. The person is unsure how to begin solving for the coefficient of static friction without knowing the mass, normal force, or other required components. They are advised to find the acceleration first and draw a Free Body Diagram to understand the relationship between friction and other forces. The term "FBD" stands for Free Body Diagram.
  • #1
A crate is in a pickup truck traveling horizontally at 15.0 m/s. The trucks apply the brakes for
28.7 m while stopping with uniform acceleration. What is the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck bed if the crate does not slide?

I know how to solve for the coefficient of static friction, but what I'm given in the problem doesn't make since with me to find the mass, normal force, or any of the other required components to find the coefficient of static friction. I'm completely at a loss as to where to begin, can anybody help me out?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Find the acceleration first. Draw a FBD on the block while moving on the truck, how is friction related to any of the forces you will have drawn?
  • #3
What's a FBD?
  • #4
Free Body Diagram
  • #5
Thanks, that helped.

FAQ: What is the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the truck bed?

What is the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of static friction is a dimensionless quantity that represents the amount of force required to overcome the static friction between two surfaces. It is denoted by the symbol μs and is dependent on the nature of the two surfaces in contact.

How is the coefficient of static friction measured?

The coefficient of static friction can be measured experimentally by gradually increasing the force applied to an object until it starts to slide on a surface. The value of μs is then calculated by dividing the maximum force applied by the weight of the object.

What factors affect the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of static friction is affected by several factors, including the nature of the surfaces in contact, the roughness of the surfaces, and the amount of force applied to the object. It is also influenced by the presence of any lubricants or adhesives between the surfaces.

What is the significance of the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of static friction is an important parameter in determining whether an object will remain at rest or start moving on a surface. It is used in engineering and physics to calculate the necessary force to overcome static friction and in designing structures and machines.

How does the coefficient of static friction differ from the coefficient of kinetic friction?

The coefficient of static friction represents the resistance to motion between two stationary surfaces, while the coefficient of kinetic friction represents the resistance to motion between two surfaces in relative motion. The coefficient of kinetic friction is generally lower than the coefficient of static friction for the same two surfaces.
