What Is the Collapse Load P in Transverse Beam Loading?

In summary, the collapse load, also known as ultimate load, is the maximum load that a structure or material can withstand before it fails or collapses. It is calculated using mathematical equations and models that take into account physical properties, dimensions, and external factors. The factors that affect the collapse load include material type, strength, size, and environmental conditions. Determining the collapse load is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of a structure, and it can be improved or increased through the use of stronger materials, alterations to the structural design, or reinforcement techniques. Consulting with a structural engineer is important to ensure the safety of any modifications.
  • #1
finding the collapse load "P"

i am taking a course on solid mechanics, and we are learning plastic deformations in transverse loading, in this question i am asked to find an expression for the "collapse load P" as a function of its placement on the beam "x"


i do not remember learning the term "collapse load" but from what i could assume, i would say that this means the the force P is enough to cause a collapse in the beam no matter where it is placed, - P will be a function of X, at X=0 P will be 0, then it will get larger and then smaller again till X=L, P=0 again,

first of all is this a correct assumption??

now to solving the problem:

using castiglianos 2nd theorem i found
(A is the leftmost point)



now as far as i can tell the maximum moment, which will be equal to the plastic moment, will either be felt at point A and will be equal to MA, or will be found at point X and will be equal to Ay*x-MA
--how do i know which is the correct one?

P can be minimum when the moment found is maximum.

i found both of these functions' maximums

for MA i get maximum when X=0.4040L
for Ay*x-Ma i get X=0.6364L

neither of these is correct, what am i doing wrong??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Dear fellow scientist,

Thank you for your question. Your assumption about the meaning of "collapse load" is correct. It refers to the maximum load that can cause the beam to fail or collapse, regardless of its placement on the beam.

To solve this problem, you will need to use the plastic moment equation, which is given by Mp = σy * Z, where σy is the yield strength of the material and Z is the plastic section modulus. The plastic section modulus is a measure of a beam's resistance to bending and is calculated by integrating the cross-sectional area of the beam.

To determine the collapse load, you will need to find the point on the beam where the plastic moment is equal to the moment at that point. This will give you the maximum load that the beam can withstand without collapsing.

To find this point, you can use the principle of superposition. This means that the total moment at a point is equal to the sum of the moments caused by each individual load acting on the beam. So, you can calculate the moment at a point using the equation you found for Ay and MA, and then add them together to get the total moment.

Once you have the total moment, you can set it equal to the plastic moment equation and solve for P. This will give you the collapse load as a function of x.

I hope this helps and good luck with your course!


FAQ: What Is the Collapse Load P in Transverse Beam Loading?

What is the definition of collapse load?

The collapse load, also known as ultimate load, is the maximum load that a structure or material can withstand before it fails or collapses. It is an important factor in determining the strength and stability of a structure.

How is the collapse load calculated?

The collapse load is calculated using mathematical equations and models that take into account the physical properties, dimensions, and structural elements of the material or structure in question. It also considers external factors such as environmental conditions and applied loads.

What are the factors that affect the collapse load?

The factors that affect the collapse load include the type of material, its strength and stiffness properties, the size and geometry of the structure, the direction and magnitude of loads applied, and the boundary conditions. Other factors such as temperature, corrosion, and fatigue can also contribute to the collapse load.

Why is it important to determine the collapse load?

Determining the collapse load is crucial in ensuring the safety and reliability of a structure. It helps engineers and designers in making informed decisions about the design, materials, and construction techniques to use. It also aids in identifying potential failure points and implementing necessary measures to prevent collapse.

Can the collapse load be improved or increased?

Yes, the collapse load can be improved or increased by using stronger or more durable materials, altering the structural design, or implementing reinforcement techniques such as adding support beams or braces. However, it is important to consult with a structural engineer to ensure that these modifications are appropriate and safe.
