What is the comet's speed at its perihelion

  • Thread starter SABRINA
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In summary, the comet has a speed of 13.0 km/s at its perihelion, where its distance from the Sun is 8.4 10^10 m.
  • #1
The orbit of Halley's Comet around the Sun is a long thin ellipse. At its aphelion (point farthest from the Sun), the comet is 5.6 10^12 m from the Sun and moves with a speed of 13.0 km/s. What is the comet's speed at its perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) where its distance from the Sun is 8.4 10^10 m?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
i think i would look up the three laws governing this movement, what are they called?
  • #3
The orbit of Halley's Comet around the Sun is a long thin ellipse. At its aphelion (point farthest from the Sun), the comet is 5.6 10^12 m from the Sun and moves with a speed of 13.0 km/s. What is the comet's speed at its perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) where its distance from the Sun is 8.4 10^10 m?
There's a couple of ways to figure this out: Conservation of energy and conservation of momentum.

Because the comet's velocity is perpendicular to the radius at perigee and apogee, using the angular momentum is the easiest way. Specific angular momentum is equal to the radius times the speed times the sine of the angle between the two vectors (so is angular momentum, but just looking at the specific angular momentum per unit of mass is good enough for this).

[tex]h=r v sin \theta[/tex]

Or, since the angle at both apogee and perigee are 90 degress,:

[tex]r_a v_a = r_p v_p[/tex]

You can also find this based on conservation of energy. Total energy equals kinetic plus potential energy. Total energy stays constant - while kinetic energy and potential energy change depending where in the orbit that the comet is. Once again, you could use specific energy per unit of mass.

[tex]\frac{1}{2} v_a^2 - \frac{GM}{r_a}=\frac{1}{2} v_p^2 - \frac{GM}{r_p}[/tex]
(Gravity pulls 'down' towards the center of the Sun, hence the negative sign in front of potential energy.)

You should get the same answer both ways.
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FAQ: What is the comet's speed at its perihelion

What is the perihelion of a comet?

The perihelion is the point in a comet's orbit where it is closest to the sun.

Why is the comet's speed at its perihelion important?

The comet's speed at its perihelion is important because it can affect the amount of heat and pressure the comet experiences from the sun, potentially causing changes in its composition and behavior.

How is the comet's speed at its perihelion calculated?

The comet's speed at its perihelion is calculated using the equation v = √(GM(2/r - 1/a)), where v is the speed at perihelion, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the sun, r is the distance between the comet and the sun at perihelion, and a is the semi-major axis of the comet's orbit.

Can the comet's speed at its perihelion change over time?

Yes, the comet's speed at its perihelion can change over time due to factors such as interactions with other objects in the solar system or outgassing of material from the comet's surface.

How does the comet's speed at its perihelion compare to its speed at other points in its orbit?

The comet's speed at its perihelion is typically the fastest point in its orbit, as it is closer to the sun and therefore experiences a stronger gravitational pull.
