What is the Complex Exponential Form of a Trigonometric Function?

In summary, the conversation is discussing how to express the equation z=sin(wt)+cos(wt) in the form of Z=Re[Aej(wt+\alpha)]. The person is struggling to find the amplitude and \alpha and asks for help. They are advised to use Euler's formula to get the inside of the equation in the form x+iy. The purpose of taking the real part is to discard the imaginary part and simplify the equation.
  • #1
Hi this isn't homework, just a practice problem I already have the answer too for my waves class:
Express this in the from Z=Re[Aej(wt+[tex]\alpha[/tex])]

I know how to express sine in the form of cosine, and cosine in the from of a complex exponential, but I don't know how to do this...I need to find the amplitude and [tex]\alpha[/tex]. Can someone help?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Expand [itex]Re[Ae^{j(\omega t+\alpha)}][/itex] in terms of sin(ωt) and cos(ωt) and compare it to z.
  • #3
Well for [itex]Re[Ae^{j(\omega t+\alpha)}][/itex]...the inside equals[itex]Ae^{j(\omega t)}e^{j\alpha}[/tex] and [itex]e^{j\omega t}[/itex]=cos(wt)...I'm not really sure where to go from there.
  • #4
You need to get the inside into the form x+iy so you can just pick off the x when you take the real part. Don't break the exponential up. Just use Euler's formula on it.
  • #5
Ok so cos(wt)+sin(wt)=Re[Acos(wt+a)]+Re(Ajsin(wt+a)...and now..I don't really get what the Re does, I know that means real, but what is the significance of it here? Am I suppose to take out the j or something?
  • #6
You throw away the imaginary part: Re[x+iy]=x.
  • #7
Oh I got it thanks!

FAQ: What is the Complex Exponential Form of a Trigonometric Function?

1. What are complex numbers and why are they important in science?

Complex numbers are numbers that consist of a real part and an imaginary part, expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (√-1). They are important in science because they allow us to represent and work with quantities that have both a magnitude and a direction, such as in electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and signal processing.

2. What is the amplitude of a complex number?

The amplitude of a complex number is the distance of the number from the origin on the complex plane. It represents the magnitude of the complex number and is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, taking into account both the real and imaginary parts.

3. How do you represent complex numbers graphically?

Complex numbers are represented graphically on a complex plane, which has a horizontal axis for the real numbers and a vertical axis for the imaginary numbers. The complex number a + bi is represented by the point (a,b) on the complex plane.

4. What is the difference between amplitude and phase in complex numbers?

The amplitude of a complex number represents its magnitude, or how far it is from the origin on the complex plane. The phase of a complex number represents its direction, or the angle it makes with the positive real axis on the complex plane. In other words, the amplitude and phase together determine the position of a complex number on the complex plane.

5. How are complex numbers used in engineering and physics?

Complex numbers are used in engineering and physics to represent and analyze alternating current (AC) circuits, quantum mechanical systems, and signals in communication systems. They also have applications in fluid dynamics, control theory, and many other areas of science and engineering.
