What is the connection between ideals and fields in Z[x]?

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In summary, for part b and c of the problem, the student considers using the isomorphism theorems to show that Z[x]/I is isomorphic to Z/2Z, which has two elements. They also suggest considering a map from Z[x]/I to Z/2Z, where each element is mapped to its constant term mod 2, and checking that the kernel is I. This also leads to the conclusion that Z[x]/I is a field with two elements.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

Part b and c.


Homework Equations

Z[x]/I is a field ⇔ I is maximal.

The Attempt at a Solution

b. So do I need to show Z[x]/<x,2> = { f(x) + <x,2> | f(x) in Z[x] } is a field? That would show that I is maximal and hence it is also prime. Is there an easier way to do this?

c. Two elements I'm pretty sure, but I'll be concerned with this one after I get through b.
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  • #2
If I recall correctly, the following result holds:

Let R be a ring and [itex] a,b \in R [/itex]. If [itex] \bar b [/itex] is the equivalence class of b in R/(a), then
[tex] R/(a,b) = [R/(a)]/(\bar b).[/tex]

This essentially just says that if you are careful about the book keeping, you can quotient by (2,x) by first quotienting by (x), then quotienting by (2) [or vice versa if you prefer].
  • #3
For (b), use the isomorphism theorems to show that ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}##.
  • #4
micromass said:
For (b), use the isomorphism theorems to show that ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}##.

Would it not be better to consider the map going to ##\mathbb{Z_2}##?

Consider the map ##\phi : \mathbb{Z}[X]/I → \mathbb{Z_2} \space | \space \phi(f(x)+I) = n, n \in \mathbb{Z_2}##

I need to show this is surjective so I need to find elements in ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I## which map to either 0 or 1. Having some trouble seeing this.

After that I would claim that ##ker(\phi) = I## since ideals are kernels so that ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I \cong \mathbb{Z_2}## by the first isomorphism theorem.

Since ##\mathbb{Z_2}## is a field, we know that ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I## is a field which implies that I is maximal which implies that it is also prime.
  • #5
If you take the isomorphism route, I think it would be better to define the map [itex] \phi: \mathbb Z[x] \to \mathbb Z_2 [/itex] by [itex] p(x) \mapsto [p(0)] [/itex]. Namely, each element is mapped to its constant term mod 2. Your map is certainly surjective, so just check that the kernel is I, which isn't too bad.

Alternatively, my statement is just the third isomorphism theorem. If you are familiar with the fact that [itex] R[x]/(x) \cong R [/itex] then you get that [itex] \mathbb Z[x]/(x,2) \cong [\mathbb Z[x]/(x)]/(\bar 2) \cong \mathbb Z/(2) \cong \mathbb Z_2 [/itex] pretty quickly.
  • #6
Kreizhn said:
If you take the isomorphism route, I think it would be better to define the map [itex] \phi: \mathbb Z[x] \to \mathbb Z_2 [/itex] by [itex] p(x) \mapsto [p(0)] [/itex]. Namely, each element is mapped to its constant term mod 2. Your map is certainly surjective, so just check that the kernel is I, which isn't too bad.

Alternatively, my statement is just the third isomorphism theorem. If you are familiar with the fact that [itex] R[x]/(x) \cong R [/itex] then you get that [itex] \mathbb Z[x]/(x,2) \cong [\mathbb Z[x]/(x)]/(\bar 2) \cong \mathbb Z/(2) \cong \mathbb Z_2 [/itex] pretty quickly.

We aren't allowed to use the T.I.T, only the F.I.T. I took the isomorphism route and it cleaned up quite nicely.

Now as for part (c) which is the number of elements.

Either we have ##f \in I## when ##f(0)## is even or ##f \in 1+I## if ##f(0)## is odd
which implies ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I## is a field with two elements.
  • #7
Zondrina said:
Either we have ##f \in I## when ##f(0)## is even or ##f \in 1+I## if ##f(0)## is odd
which implies ##\mathbb{Z}[X]/I## is a field with two elements.

Sure. Alternatively, isomorphisms preserve cardinality, so as ## \mathbb Z[x]/(x,2) \cong \mathbb Z_2 ## and the right-hand-side has two elements, you get the same answer.

FAQ: What is the connection between ideals and fields in Z[x]?

What are ideals in mathematics?

Ideals are a fundamental concept in abstract algebra, specifically in the field of ring theory. In simple terms, an ideal is a subset of a ring that is closed under addition and multiplication by elements of the ring. It can be thought of as a generalization of the notion of a normal subgroup in group theory.

What is a prime ideal?

A prime ideal is an ideal in a ring that has the property that if the product of two elements of the ring belongs to the ideal, then at least one of the elements must also belong to the ideal. In other words, the quotient ring formed by dividing the ring by a prime ideal is an integral domain (a ring in which there are no zero divisors).

What is a maximal ideal?

A maximal ideal is an ideal in a ring that is not a subset of any other proper ideal. In other words, there is no ideal in the ring that is strictly larger than the maximal ideal. Maximal ideals are important in the study of fields, as the quotient ring formed by dividing by a maximal ideal is always a field.

How are prime and maximal ideals related?

Every maximal ideal is a prime ideal, but the converse is not necessarily true. This means that every maximal ideal is a special type of prime ideal, but not every prime ideal is maximal. In other words, maximal ideals are the largest possible prime ideals in a ring.

What is the significance of ideals, prime, and maximal in mathematics?

Ideals, prime, and maximal are important concepts in abstract algebra as they allow for the study of more general structures than just groups, which was the focus of early algebra. They also have applications in other areas of mathematics such as number theory and geometry.
