What is the Connection Between Physics and IT?

  • Thread starter olek
  • Start date
In summary, there is a strong connection between physics and IT. Both fields involve the study and use of fundamental principles and theories to understand and manipulate the world around us. Physics provides the foundation for many technological advancements in IT, such as the development of semiconductors and transistors for electronic devices. Conversely, IT has greatly aided the study of physics through advanced computational tools and simulations. As technology continues to advance, the relationship between physics and IT will only become more intertwined and essential in shaping our modern world.
  • #1
I'm new here (obviously) although I'm not new to the subject at hand. I got my MSc in physics in 2007 and I work in IT now (IT being Informational Technology BTW). As an introduction goes this'll be a short one. Oh, and I'm single - if anyone cares ;-)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF!