What is the Connection Between Rank and Free Modules?

  • Thread starter arthurhenry
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    Basis rank
In summary, an R-module has a rank of the maximal number of R-linearly independent elements. There are counterexamples for this, such as Z_2 being a Z-module of rank 0 and Q not being free.
  • #1
I am trying to understand the notions of rank of an R-Module, free-module, basis, etc.
I would like to understand this line (expand on it, find some critical examples/counterexamples ,etc) that I am quoting from Dummit & Foote:

"If the ring R=F is a field, then any maximal set of F-linearly independent elements is a basis for M (the module) . For a general integral domain, however, an R-Module M of rank n need not have a basis, i.e., need not be a free R-Module even if M is torsion free, so some care is necessary..."

Before this came the definition: For an integral domain R, the rank of an R-module is the maximal number of R-linearly independent elements of M.

Thank you
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  • #2
Hi arthurhenry! :smile:

Here are some counterexamples that you could ponder on:

- [itex]\mathbb{Z}_2[/itex] is a Z-module of rank 0, but not free.
- [itex]\mathbb{Q}[/itex] is a non-free Z-module
- The k[X,Y]-module (X,Y) of k[X,Y] is of rank 2, is torsion-free, but is not free.
  • #3
Thank you Micromass, this is great...

I think I understand and I am trying to clarify; so response warranted if correct:

1) Z_2 is a Z-Module of rank 0, because not even one element of Z_2 is R-indepenedent. That is, take the element 1 in Z_2, there exists a non-zero integer m in Z (for example 2) such that m.1=0
So the rank is zero.
Also, the element 1 in Z_2 can be expressed in more than (not unique) way. For example, 3.1 is the same as 5.1, where 5 and 3 are in the ring Z. So it is not free. Page 354 Dummit & Foote says that not only the module elements need to be unique, but also the ring elements.

3) Here I am assuming you are referring to the ideal generated by (X,Y)...
If so, then, an ideal is a subring and is an abelian group, so the ring acts on it and we get a module (I understand)
It is rank 2 because rX+sY is not zero for any nonzero elements r and s in k[X,Y]. It is torsion free (i understand this part).
It is not free, though, because X.X+Y.Y=1.(X^2)+1.(Y^2), so the uniqueness fails I believe.

3) Q again fails to be free because of uniqueness I believe.
  • #4
There is yet another comment on

which says that two different basis sets for an R-Module may have different cardinality.
This one I cannot produce an example for (I am trying two finite cases for example)
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  • #5
arthurhenry said:
Thank you Micromass, this is great...

I think I understand and I am trying to clarify; so response warranted if correct:

1) Z_2 is a Z-Module of rank 0, because not even one element of Z_2 is R-indepenedent. That is, take the element 1 in Z_2, there exists a non-zero integer m in Z (for example 2) such that m.1=0
So the rank is zero.
Also, the element 1 in Z_2 can be expressed in more than (not unique) way. For example, 3.1 is the same as 5.1, where 5 and 3 are in the ring Z. So it is not free. Page 354 Dummit & Foote says that not only the module elements need to be unique, but also the ring elements.

3) Here I am assuming you are referring to the ideal generated by (X,Y)...
If so, then, an ideal is a subring and is an abelian group, so the ring acts on it and we get a module (I understand)
It is rank 2 because rX+sY is not zero for any nonzero elements r and s in k[X,Y]. It is torsion free (i understand this part).
It is not free, though, because X.X+Y.Y=1.(X^2)+1.(Y^2), so the uniqueness fails I believe.

3) Q again fails to be free because of uniqueness I believe.

Looks good!
That Q is not free is maybe a bit more difficult to see, but it follows from a very important theorem: the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups. You'll see this in Dummit & Foote sooner or later (section 5.2 page 158).
I just wanted to put Q here because it's such a beautiful example!

arthurhenry said:
There is yet another comment on

which says that two different basis sets for an R-Module may have different cardinality.
This one I cannot produce an example for (I am trying two finite cases for example)

See http://planetmath.org/?op=getobj&from=objects&id=10670 :smile:
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  • #6
Okay, perhaps I rushed in saying that I see why Q is not a free Z-Module.

I am not able to see it. I am also not seeing how I can apply Fund. Theroem. of Fin. Gen. Abelian groups.
Are you suggesting Micromass that "use it to get a contadiction"...I guess I am not sure if I see what is fin. generated.
Thank you

p.s. don't want to give up thinking, but I was not able to see the connection
  • #7
arthurhenry said:
Okay, perhaps I rushed in saying that I see why Q is not a free Z-Module.

I am not able to see it. I am also not seeing how I can apply Fund. Theroem. of Fin. Gen. Abelian groups.
Are you suggesting Micromass that "use it to get a contadiction"...I guess I am not sure if I see what is fin. generated.
Thank you

p.s. don't want to give up thinking, but I was not able to see the connection

OK, you don't really need it, what was I saying? :frown:

Anyway, if Q were free, then it would be isomorphic to ZI for a set I. But a cardinality-argument show that ZI is only countable if I is finite. So Q has to be isomorphic to a certain Zn, but this is impossible: take any finite set in Q, you can always find a number not generated by that set.

Related to What is the Connection Between Rank and Free Modules?

What is a free-module?

A free-module is a type of module in abstract algebra which has a basis. This means that the module can be expressed as a linear combination of a set of independent elements, similar to how a vector space can be expressed as a linear combination of basis vectors.

What is a basis in a free-module?

A basis in a free-module is a set of independent elements that can be used to express any element in the module as a linear combination. These elements are chosen in such a way that they cannot be reduced or simplified any further.

What does the rank of a free-module refer to?

The rank of a free-module refers to the number of elements in its basis. It is a measure of the "size" of the module and can be used to determine its properties and relationships with other modules.

How is the rank of a free-module determined?

The rank of a free-module is determined by counting the number of elements in its basis. Alternatively, it can also be determined by finding the maximum number of linearly independent elements in the module.

Can a free-module have multiple bases?

Yes, a free-module can have multiple bases. This is because there can be multiple sets of independent elements that can be used to express any element in the module as a linear combination. However, all bases for a given free-module will have the same number of elements, or the same rank.
