What is the coordinate of a point on a circle from a different perspective?

In summary, the conversation discusses the coordinates of a point on a circle with its center at (h,k) and radius R, and how it differs when viewed from the perspective of (h,k) or (x,y). The code written in Delphi provides the answer to this query and also mentions solving a bug in an Astrology program. One person expresses surprise and disapproval at the idea of an Astrology program.
  • #1
I've a small Query.
Suppose a circle is plotted with its center at distance h,k (from x=0, y=0) with radius R. If theta is an angle from h,k to any point over the circle, we know that the co-ordinate of that point, from (h,k) perspective, will be Rcos(theta),Rsin(theta). In such a case, what shall be the co-ordinate of the SAME POINT, if it is taken from x,y.

Kindly see Attached code written in Delphi.


  • Circle_Code-Delphi.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 460
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  • #2
Well naturally it would be ( h + R cos(theta), k + R sin(theta) ).
  • #3
Thanks Pal, that solved the Astrology program bug.
  • #4
OMG! An Astrology program? uart, what have you done?
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
OMG! An Astrology program? uart, what have you done?

He looked God in the face, spit into his divine beard and then laughed.

FAQ: What is the coordinate of a point on a circle from a different perspective?

1. What is the "Circle Programming problem"?

The Circle Programming problem is a common coding challenge that involves creating a program to calculate various properties of a circle, such as its circumference, area, and diameter.

2. What are the key steps in solving the Circle Programming problem?

To solve the Circle Programming problem, you will need to understand the necessary formulas for calculating the circumference, area, and diameter of a circle. You will also need to define the variables and inputs for your program and use appropriate coding techniques to perform the calculations.

3. What programming language is typically used for solving the Circle Programming problem?

The Circle Programming problem can be solved using any programming language. However, some popular languages for solving this problem include Java, Python, and C++. Ultimately, the best language to use will depend on your personal preferences and the requirements of the specific project.

4. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when working on the Circle Programming problem?

Some common mistakes to avoid when working on the Circle Programming problem include using incorrect formulas or variable names, not properly defining the inputs and outputs of your program, and not handling potential errors or edge cases. It is important to carefully test and debug your code to ensure accurate results.

5. Is the Circle Programming problem useful for real-world applications?

Yes, the Circle Programming problem has many real-world applications, such as in geometry and engineering. Being able to accurately calculate properties of circles is important in fields such as architecture, physics, and design. Additionally, understanding how to approach and solve this type of problem can help improve problem-solving skills in general.

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